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Posts posted by Jauronimo

  1. I tuned in to WGR for the ride home last night. They talked Bills, mentioned the Vegas line for W-L this season and took a few phone calls. This much is certain, the regular callers on GR are the dumbest, drunkest and least informed football fans in the Western New York region. I turned it off after two callers predicted 11 wins on the basis that predicting any less isn't being a true fan. Incredible insight. They need better screening techniques, maybe a few questions covering the sciences, history, math, current events, get those right and then you get to offer an opinion on the air.

  2. i'm going under.....i just don't see 6 wins.

    I caught that tidbit on WGR. Not surprised by the line set for Buff, I think its a fair assessment. I've got them at 6 wins so choosing the over.


    I am surprised, however, that at 5.5 wins, Vegas has pegged Buffalo as the second worst team in the NFL behind only Carolina. Vegas must be real high on Andy Dalton and the Bungles, or the Grossmen led Skins.

  3. I think comparing him to James Harrison may be a reach, but it at least proves that a guy his size can in fact play OLB. I can understand why height should play a role in the decision between OLB and ILB, but weight is so much more important. I'd much rather have 6'0 250 then 6'4 228 (aka Aaron Maybin).

    Maybin is just playing out of position.

    Randy Moss - 6'4" 210

    Plaxico - 6'5" 232

    Maybin - 6'4" 228

  4. So how is it that James Harrison is not too small to play rolb and Moats is. Harrison 5-11 242. Arthur Moats 6-0 250. I say a pass rusher ,is a pass rusher no matter what height. This is a god given skill ,few have. Oh yeah Freeney is 6-0 at DE. Leave Moatsie alone. Lets go BUUffaloooo.

    I haven't seen that criticism of Moats. I thought they moved Moats inside because of his size and ability to take on runners. With Barnett and Merriman able to man the outside, need some beef next to Davis to stop the run and deliver some blows. I could be wrong, though.

  5. The kind that wants an excuse to screw his older girlfriend at home while Mom is out getting trashed at the local bars.

    Was he an only child? Perhaps there were younger siblings which would require professional supervision.


    The line between prostitute and babysitter was always blurry to me anyways. There's a lot of gray area. Should this girl really be punished for going the extra mile? Can you really do too good of a job?

  6. The trade is an unprecedented gamble with little to lose and huge upside.

    Unprecedented gamble, little to lose? I'm not sure how you reconcile the two ideas, but there's plenty to lose. What if Cincinatti is bested by Denver or Carolina or any other team out there? If Peyton goes down in week 1, how do you like the Colts odds with Painter on deck? Has Cleveland gotten that much better? Feeling warm and fuzzy about Cam Newton? Should Denver part with Orton and promote Tebow they could be favorites to tank. And the Lions are still out there? How can you sleep on the Lions? I haven't even mentioned the NFC West yet. This is only one side of the gamble with little to lose.


    Luck has yet to play his senior year and his draft status could certainly change. What if Luck pulls a Jake Locker or Brian Brohm and fails to impress in his senior year? What if Luck gets hurt? What if another player outperforms Luck and he slides back a few slots? Ridiculous.

  7. I'm disappointed in Lee's lack of production last season too, but there are not 3 better receivers on the roster. There aren't 2 better receivers, and whether there is 1 better receiver on the roster is very debatable. Darrel Revis has been on record that Lee is the toughest assignment he has had in the NFL. Revis has lined up against some big names too. I think that compliment speaks volumes. I do wonder if Lee hasn't subconsciously lost his edge after years of playing on less than inspiring offensive units. Trent may have taken the wind out of Lee's sails. Try lining up for 3 years in the most predictable offense in the NFL, knowing your QB can't see anything more than 3 yards downfield.


    Fitz has stated a few times that his chemistry with Stevie is largely a product of the time they spent running the second team and preseason offense together. Hopefully, now that Fitz is getting all the first team reps he can develop similar chemistry with Evans. If we can get Lee engaged again, and with Johnson continuing to develop, our WRs could pose some serious matchup problems to opposing secondaries.

  8. I think pass on Crowder and I've prepared a few highlights to show you why:



    First, Crowder eats spit, and thats weird. The last thing we need is Channing sucking on other players mouth guards causing all kinds of distractions on the side lines.


    Second, he has no pass rushing moves. Look at how upright he is when he tries to turn the corner to get to McLain and gets stood up by McGahee. How is he going to get through O-Linemen and to the QB if he can't get by a RB?


    Third, he's lost a step, by his own admission:


    "Who was that? Is that the blind girl? Helen Keller ... I don't know who the [expletive] Anne Frank is. I'm mad right now. [Expletive] it. I'm not as swift as I usually am."


    I would be mad too if lost a step in a contract year.


    For these reasons, I would pass on Channing Crowder.

  9. http://espn.go.com/espn/thelife/videogames/madden12ratings/_/team/buf/id/2/buffalo-bills



    If you're not into video games, just move on and spare us your "who cares about video games" rant. Click the back button and forget this page exists.


    The roster is obviously old, but the roster update comes out days after the game is released.


    Fitzpatrick is 81 OVR

    Have you simulated the season yet? How did we do?

  10. I think the comparison is more to fans over-hyping a developmental guy. Lonnie Harvey also comes to mind from last offseason.


    I hope for the best with Jasper.

    I half expected Jasper to immediately prove why he played D-III ball at Bethel and look totally out of place. So I was nothing short of excited to see that the kid cleared the first hurdle and at least looked like he was worthy to stick around for another day of camp.

  11. I was very encouraged by the reports on Jasper's camp performance so far. I was reasonably sure the kid was coachable given he played several line positions in college on both sides of the ball, and his coach loved him, but I was really curious about how that size and weight room strength would translate to the field. The guy is so much bigger than the opponents he faced in college, yet nothing indicated he was really dominant at that level. Makes you wonder what the problem was? Was it really just the extra 5 or 10 or 100lbs, or is there more to it?


    I think with the preliminary reports we can add 1 point to the "it was just too much weight holding him back" argument. So he was able to knock an UDFA off the line per the Training Camp thread, can't wait to see how he matches up against a starter or 2nd stringer.


    I would not have been surprised had he been knocked on his A matching up against NFL caliber players, so like I said can't help but be encouraged.

  12. He got manhandled by Wang in 1on1 drills as per Sal Maiorana

    Not exactly bragging rights for Wang and more of the same from Maybin.


    Anything Sal Maiorana says should be taken with the whole salt shaker. Never been too impressed with his insight. Even more concerning is his twitter pic. He's got a look on his face like someone just walked in on him raping the family dog.

  13. You guys want to make dog out to be the bad guy for being a normal fan. Ever stop to think that maybe its a little weird/nuts not backing your own teams players. Maybe our better players like Poz or Jason Peters would still be here if half the Bills fan base wasn't delusional like Alphadawg here is

    There was nothing normal about dog14787. Did you see those pictures? I'm sure Poz and Peters would have both taken 50% pay cuts had they known a creepy middle aged dude with a single white female like attraction to Trent Edwards was supporting the team. That type of fan support is worth millions.

  14. I've been saying it for years, Mei can't get the job done. The GM of that zoo should be canned for that move. Everyone knew Mei was washed up and barren, but Buff still brought her in and paid way too much. Why you ask, to sell tickets of course. She couldn't get pregnant in a 3 way with Travis Henry and Cromartie! But its OK cause if she can't get the job done next year, we'll over pay for another non-producing panda to do nothing but eat bamboo and be fat for 5 years. Un-friggin-believable! I'm done with this zoo. SHOW ME THE BABY!!

  15. Does this mean that we'll start seeing new versions of the game where one fleet in the Navy and the other is all alien ships? Wait, why am I asking this? Of course that will happen.

    Coming this summer, to theaters near you... Connect Four, the movie. Action packed, suspense thriller, you'll be on the edge of your seat! Shocking twists: Gotcha sis, DIAGONALLY! Critics are saying: HOLY S#$^! ; THE BIGGEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR, IT WILL PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE AND F*%& YOUR GRANDMA!!!! ; AHHHHHH!!!!


    Sorry. But I would pay serious money to see that movie trailer. Are any of you guys agents or film execs? I've got a lot of sound ideas.

  16. Nice article. Although I didn't have the numbers to support, I wondered if bringing in Nnamdi would create cap hell in the near future. Their spending spree has seemed pretty short sighted and unsustainable for 2 years. The Jets are a decent team, but no one seems to mention that they nearly missed the playoffs the last 2 years and the focus is shifted instead to the improbable runs they made after. If Curtis Painter doesn't get on the field, or if they don't get to play an imploding Bengals team twice, all their spending might be viewed very differently today.

  17. Did you really think he would leave a winning organization with super bowl aspirations to come and play for the bills? Dream on! No one except overpaid 2nd tier free agents want to play in Buffalo. Cold, hard truth.

    Is it possible that clabo had no intention of leaving Atlanta and wouldn't have signed with any other team either? Or could it only be that buffalo is awful. It seems a lot is being read into this situation.

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