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Homey D. Clown

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Posts posted by Homey D. Clown

  1. 3 hours ago, BigDingus said:

    After today's dramatic win, I was quite excited. But within a minute or so, I mentally hit a wall. We know what this team is, and we know how this team plays...so looking ahead at the schedule, thinking about the Patriots in week 16, made me remember we're still probably not making the playoffs yet again.

    Mathematically we're still in it, but the Ravens edge us out for the 6th seed (although CBS Sports says WE are the 6th seed - https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/standings/playoffrace). In reality, our only real chance at beating the Pats would've been playing them in week 17 & them resting their starters. 

    Beating the Dolphins twice is doable, but far from guaranteed. But beating the Patriots in Foxborough isn't happening when they still have a reason to play their starters. 

    Contenders for the Wildcard Spot:

    1. Ravens (7-6) - They play a cakewalk schedule for their last 3 games. Browns, Cots & Bengals. They could easily finish 10-6. If they go 9-7, we MIGHT win those tiebreakers, but according to most projections at the moment, they're ahead. At 9-7 they'd have a 7-5 conference record, just as we would, so there may be a chance somewhere in there, but I'm not certain. However, given their schedule we need someone to pull off an upset for us to even have a shot.


    2. Chargers (7-6) - They play the Chiefs, Jets & Raiders, and will likely beat all of them given how well they're playing. They've gone 7-2 in the last 9 weeks, only losing by 8 to the Pats in Foxborough & losing by 3 to Jaguars in Jacksonville. If they lose a game & go 9-7, they'll have a 6-6 Conference record & we'd have a 7-5 Conference record (assuming we only lose to the Pats). They may outright win the West though and leapfrog us entirely.


    3. Chiefs (7-6) - They have the lead in the West right now, but that could quickly flip with the Chargers. They play the Chargers, Dolphins & Broncos. It really depends on what Chiefs team shows up, but assuming they go 2-1 during that stretch, they'd have a 7-5 Conference record (tied with us), and have a loss to us head to head. One of them has to win the division, so I'm not sure which would be better for us, assuming one goes 2-1 & the other goes 3-0 to close out the season. 


    4. Titans (8-4) - They play the 49ers, Rams & Jaguars. They currently hold the 5th seed, as the Jags lead the division at 9-4. Their final game of the season against the Jags could be very important for them, and the Rams are a good team this year. There's a chance they go 1-2 during this stretch, finishing 9-7 with a 7-5 Conference record too. If the Ravens win out, this may be our only other shot at getting in based on tie-breakers, but it's still slim.


    I'm not even including the Raiders, as even if they win out & go 9-7 they'd still only have a 3-3 division record, and a 6-6 conference record.

    Thinking about all that needs to go right in order for the Bills to even have a shot hurts my head. Granted the Bills could just end the conversation before it even happens by scrubbing out against Miami next week (which would be predictable given this team's history), but let's assume we don't. With that said, does anyone HONESTLY feel we're making the playoffs this year? And if not, do you guys feel there's something to be said for going 9-7? Or are you in the "no moral victories" camp, and would rather us not win anymore games? I'm genuinely curious as to how this board feels given where we stand.



    Seriously, no.  Forget what other teams need to do in order to make the playoffs.  This team has 3 division games to play, one of those against the patriots.  I have very little confidence they even win one against Miami, so no.  Playoffs aren't possible.  Until this team gets depth at key positions, and a real QB, they aren't going anywhere, just like the last 2 decades.

  2. 10 hours ago, Punt75 said:

    What NFL team comes out with the same less than average QB and a 66% roster CHANGE from the previous year after 17 seasons of not making the play-offs and expects to win??? 



    ANSWER:  NO TEAM !!!



    The 34% who still remain as of Sunday (18 players) are: Groy, Henderson, Mills, Wood, Incognito, Glenn, Tyrod, Miller, Clay, O’Leary, Schmidt, Williams, Alexander, Brown, Hughes, McCoy, Tate, Washington.



    How many are valuable assets for trades?



    The Bills of 2017 were expected to lose.  This was to be the cleansing, flush the toilet and start over season.  Too many 7-9, 8-8 finishes didn’t make us close to being a real Super Bowl contender and we all knew that.  A lucky win here, a missed penalty there and we might have grabbed a play-off spot one of those last 17 years.  Did it really matter?  We didn’t have the talent to be a big winner.



    Somehow, with less talent, the Bills have done the unexpected.  Put us back in that traditional “close to the play-offs” picture.  I look forward to 2018 and beyond.  We’re on the right track.  Enjoy it and don’t complain!   


    Everyone who has endured this garbage for the last 2 decades has every right to complain.  This franchise has crammed shitsandwiches down its fans throats for 40 of the 50 plus years of it's existence.  

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Tatonka68 said:

    This is what a FRANCHISE QB looks like. A QB that will lead our team that we ALL love to greatness. One that will not just help OUR team into the playoffs, but to lead the Bills to division titles, playoff victories and Super bowls. Some say we should settle for another teams QB they toss aside and draft other players. I say onto you, lets build a "Champion", not just a quick playoff appearance. Let's take a chance and BILLIEVE! lets take down the Patriots and win Super bowls.




    I have nothing to add that's not really snarky or downright insulting to your intelligence......


    So I'll say thanks for posting a pic of Jim Kelly in a game I really wish I could un-remember(yes, I know it's not a word).

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. 3 hours ago, ScottLaw said:

    You are easily impressed huh?


    I don't understand the question in it's current context, but if you're asking me that this team full of gutless talent is at .500 and I am impressed that McD has gotten that much juice from a turd, then yes.  But I thought I made that clear.  Were you trying to be clever on the internet?  

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    While the Bills work to remake this roster we rarely see people talk about it. Before anyone says, you can’t do anything with TT, Marquise Goodwin has more yards this year than Matthews, Jones and Benjamin combined for the Bills. He played primarily with Hoyer and Beathard. Romo talked about it during the game on Sunday; the guys don’t get open. As we bring in a rookie QB it would be wise to give him weapons.


    Personally I think Matthews stinks, he’s never open and is a limited athlete. Benjamin is a good, not great WR. Zay has been a big disappointment to me because I had high expectations. He just always seems to be off balance. I like Thompson and think that he fills a role. The Bills still need a #1/2 depending on how you define Benjamin. 


    Would you rather sign someone like Davante Adams, Jarvis Landry, Allen Robinson, Terrelle Pryor, Paul Richardson or Donte Moncrief or draft a guy in the first couple of rounds? 


    Funny you mentioned Zay Jones always looking off balance... I would probably attest that to ball placement most of the time, I was more surprised this year over his drops.


  6. 3 hours ago, Dorkington said:

    An excellent coach wouldn't be .500 on the outside looking in at the playoffs. 


    Not saying he won't get there, but he's not there yet. 


    Ohh, make no mistake, I am not crowning him coach of the year either...  just kind of impressed that he's got this group of gutless pansies led by arguably the most inaccurate QB in modern NFL history at .500 so far.  I'll also add that if he finishes at 6-10, which was my prediction when they were 5-2, I'd still be impressed.  never have I witnessed such a collection of incapable players, not since, well... yesterday when I caught the Brownies get de-trousered by an average chargers team.

    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 22 hours ago, BillsEnthusiast said:

    Watching the Jets/Chiefs game, I realize that with this offense, we will never be able to hold a shootout with any team. 


    Its sad, but I've lost all desire for wins this season. I want to see more Peterman and some other border players. I want to see Dennision and TT gone somehow, via trade or otherwise. 


    With KC's incredible demise, we might be able to get two solid picks, anywhere from 10-15. Plenty to move up and grab a QB, which we desperately need. 


    It's just strange to feel numb like this. 


    I'm going to go put some Christmas lights up.


    I've been numb to this team's gutless play for close to a decade now.  I knew with dead certainty when this turd of a team was 5-2 that they'd collapse in gut wrenching fashion, so I told most of my friends at work that very thing. see, I live and work 700 miles from Buffalo, and they thought I was out of my mind.  I simply told them that unless you followed this wretched team for as long as I have, you'd know it's coming.  They still tell me "hey, your team still has a chance" and I always reply with....  "Give it a minute, you'll see how bad it's about to get..."


    My complete gutting really happened when the Trent Edwards led collapse occurred.  Everything since then has by and large been completely expected.  Too bad Bon Jovi wasn't such a cheap dick, I'm ready to see a half century of misery put to pasture.

  8. 6 hours ago, T-Bomb said:

    After watching the Gronk incident a few more times, I have lost all remaining respect I had for Kyle Williams, this player is going to retire with his tail between his legs. His will be a Schobel-like retirement, he'll go away and no one will care.


    I didn't need him to take Gronk's head off, but at least get in his face and friggin say something!


    Not only are Pegula's teams a disgrace to the region, the players themselves are a disgrace to their respective sports as well.  It's interesting that new veteran players from other teams on both the Sabres and the Bills act and say things differently than players who have been here a while, they can see the lack of pride in One Buffalo.  It's such a disgrace to see sports teams with no heart, It's just so "Buffalo"


    This rust belt region could really use their sports teams to help lift the veil of dreariness, but said teams are failing on an epic scale.


    I couldn't disagree more.  It was those idiotic responses that got this team in repeated trouble.  He's not a 10 year old with a low IQ, we's a paid pro.  Where in any normal society is it ok to stoop to the brainless sack-of-**** level that useless douche bag Gronkowski exists at?  I;ll answer for you:  "it's not ok"  it's moronic.  Let his act of shitforbrains, 37 IQ, douche baggery stand alone.  I saw nothing wrong with this team's response. 

    • Like (+1) 3
    • Haha (+1) 1
  9. 1 hour ago, YoloinOhio said:

    Most of us thought these next two home games were tasty on the schedule ... a dome team and warm weather team, two of the worst in the league with backup level QBs coming to Buffalo in December while Bills still in playoff race. Well, now Bills will likely be without their starting QB and CB1. They have very little CB depth and we’ve seen the Peterman show once... are these games more likely losses now in your opinion?


    Not since the savage beating these hapless clowns took from the NJ Jets have I even remotely thought they could beat Miami.  I didn't vote simply because it didn't take the loss of these two players for me to come to this conclusion.  After that loss I posted on facebook they would be lucky to finish 6-10.  the KC game was counted as a loss, leaving only the Dolts as the last remaining win on the schedule, but even now, if they beat Indy, it'll be a "claw and scratch" type of victory.  This team is just not good, and really I don't know anymore what can be done to fix it.


  10. 1 hour ago, JMF2006 said:



    I hope he makes an appearance as a QB this year ;)


    no.  He's a great person, has solid work ethic, but cannot throw a pass to save his life.  That ship has sailed.  I can't remember very many(If any) passes he's thrown this year that weren't off target completely, or grossly missed altogether.


    Ride Peterson, see what he may/may not have, then look to the draft.

  11. 11 minutes ago, 87168 said:

    haha this thread is absurd. comparing the benching of a QB on a team that was 5-4 at the time versus a team that is currently 2-9.


    to the op: you should channel that inane hatred you hold for a person that doesn't even know you exist, and do something positive.


    lol... hatred.  And... bravo to you for calling someone else's viewpoint inane(Stupid).  That shows how cool you are...  my hero.

  12. 14 hours ago, MAJBobby said:

    Would you want the Bills to claim him?


    he would carry this year and next two under contract but would be able to move on from him at really any time. 




    I only say no due to his age and best years more than likely behind him.  If he was 7 years younger, then yes.  I still contend that overall, his body of work really hasn't been elite, but he sure did perform well when it mattered most.

  13. Eli Manning was unceremoniously benched this past sunday, and I thought for sure that loud mouthed Douche Bag Richard Sherman would be up in arms!  It seems he is very concerned about quarterbacks getting benched when they under-perform.


    This is a shocker for sure...  I have been searching social media for days just waiting for him to cry "Outrage!"  So I am writing him this letter:


    Dearest Richard,


    Why have you gone silent Richard?  Is this not your fight to fight as well?  It baffles me why you would for one, but not another?  Is this silence a new, cool way of protest?  Please help me understand, you leave us little people so confused, and poor Eli to face this travesty all alone, when his heart could be warmed in the cockles of your tweets.  


    Warmly yours,


    Homey D. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Steptide said:

    Let's play a little game. You're the coach and you come up with the game plan. What do you do? 


    Here's what I'd do. On defense, I would blitz every single snap for the first 4 or 5 drives. While blitzing doesn't slow Brady down (usually), I think if you were to Blitz him on every down this would eventually throw off his game. If the blitzing continues to work, stick with it. If not, do a 3 man rush and drop everyone else in coverage.


    On offense, I would game plan to throw dump off passes for 5 yards all game long. Create short gains that wear down the clock and make long extended drives for the bills. If we score, onside kick on every kick off. Yes, every kick off. That sounds ridiculous, but at some point you're going to baffle the Pats and throw them off. 


    I cannot see any scenario where we win this game playing the way the bills have played in these 12 weeks. I know that none of what I mentioned will happen. I'm just a fan that has watched the Patriots obliterate the bills the last 17 years 


    I'll play along....


    It's no secret Brady will pick you apart when blitzed, if anything, that's his #1 strength.  They have more weapons in the passing game than they do in the running game, so I would do the following with the above statements in mind.


    1.  utilize 2 down linemen on every series outside of the 30 yard line, rushing Hughes as the third DE.

    2.  Deploy 2 linebackers and 6 defensive backs with a 1Rb, 1TE set

    2.a Deploy 3 LBs and 5 DBs when the Patriots have a 1RB, 2TE set


    Now, run a trap zone(cover 2) where the defense bates Gronkowski to appear open, and tight man press when they line up with the quick slant/pick play formation to the slot receiver.  get a body on that man as soon as the ball gets there.  If you watch any of the games where their offense was completely shut down, this is your key right here.  go back and watch the 2007/2008 superbowl when the Giants Neutered Tom Brady and his high flying trapeze acrobats, they had a body on his little cheater/pick play almost before the ball got there.


    Can't say this would work or not, but certainly seems plausible, and if that 2 Down Linemen formation sounds familiar, it should.  It's what Bellicheat used against the Bills in SB25.

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