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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. I want Demarcus Love. He is an O-lineman from Arkansas. Versatile guy, liked watching him play. Might be a very slight reach at most.


    Maybe Hairston will fall (he's an OT).


    I don't think you will see a tight end, it doesn't seem like Chan really wants a tight end centric offense.


    If they take defense with every single pick I won't mind, though, to be honest. At least collectively there will be some IMPACT.

  2. Ralph is not cheap. The Bills spend money, they just overpay for mediocre players because both and Ralph and his front office are inept.


    Very rarely does a first post just completely take care of a thread so well. Nice.


    Anyone who thinks Ralph is cheap on players should just do a quick Google on NFL Payrolls. The Bills don't spend the most, but they do spend more than average.


    One could more successfully argue that Ralph is cheap on coaching and management, though - perhaps partly because he has wrongly believed that he is personally adept at player evaluation and team management.


    It's just a poorly run franchise in an unattractive city. You can't be both of those things. People don't want to come here for both reasons.

  3. Haha, yeah, you're so smart and knowledgeable about football dude. Yeah, you the man.


    Maybe it's people like you that is the main reason the Bills have sucked for so long?


    If all you want out of a franchise QB is what you say, then you must be a fan of Fitz?


    And I olny came here, because the ESPN Bills message board has all but dried up.


    You were doing some good trolling at first, but now you've kind of let it slide and are resorting to personal insults to create bickering.


    The best trolling is done when the troll (you) doesn't come across as mad (which you do). That means you are losing. You want to make OTHER people resort to childish behavior, that's how you win as a troll.



  4. Well, I guess part of the problem is that ETD doesn't know what the term "franchise" quarterback means.


    A franchise QB is one that can be counted on to give you a high level of play for the next 5+ seasons. When this position is solidified, you can then build a franchise around this player. I guess that is not obvious to everyone.


    Also, if you think the reason the Chargers haven't had more postseason success is due to some sort of problem with Rivers, it just further illustrates the lack of understanding you have about football.


    Philip Rivers "cuts it" and the Bills would be very lucky to get a QB of his caliber to build around.


    That's okay though - I know it's fun to register a new account and create drama on the message boards. I've done it plenty of times myself. :)

  5. As of right now, Black QB's can't cut it... Period.


    What does "cut it" mean? Does winning the Heisman and a national title cut it?


    If you are referring to the NFL, McNabb's career doesn't cut it? Vick and his Pro Bowls don't cut it? Did Moon/Cunningham cut it?


    Philip Rivers hasn't won anything meaningful. However, in my mind, he very much "cuts it" as a QB.

  6. There is no denying, not many black QB's if any have proven themselves in the NFL as legitimate franchise SB winning QB's. And it's not due to lack of athletic ability, usually they can run faster, throw farther than their white counterparts.


    What's the problem then?


    I assume it's the white coaches & owners' faults?


    You were making some fair arguments until you got to the bolded part. Saying that makes you come across as a hateful white person. I don't know if this was your intention, but you should know how it sounds to others.


    If you want a real answer, first of all black QBs are only recently on a fairly level playing field. In past generations, blacks were dissuaded from playing QB at all levels of football. Even today, although the NFL is forward thinking, there is still quite of backwards thinking in the collegiate and high school ranks. I don't think this is relevant to Cam Newton, as he has every opportunity, I'm just saying that prior to 2000 that data is pretty skewed.


    Doug Williams won a SB btw, but was not a franchise QB. I'd say McNabb and Vick are/were franchise QBs, but no SBs obviously. Warren Moon and Randall Cunningham were franchise QBs, also.


    Whites have clearly had more success at QB than blacks. Vice versa for many other positions. Howerver, don't try to act like there have never been good black QBs or there never will again, because that's just not the case.


    Jim Kelly never won a SB either, but he was still a great QB!



    edit: as far as the throw farther thing, it's not really that correct. I'm not sure if you realize this but throwing it farther is not that important, anyways. It's throwing it ACCURATELY. White people are good at this - look at baseball. There are still lots of white pitchers dominating despite the influx of many different ethnicities. There are pitchers of other ethnicities dominating too, but white people are not at some genetic disadvantage there.

  7. This is a really simple debate.


    It is NOT racist to say there are more white quarterbacks. That is a simple fact.


    it is NOT racist to say that genetics play a part. Ethopians are good marathoners and Jamaicans are good sprinters, the Olympics show that over long periods of time.


    In the same vein, it is not racist to say black people are more likely to have curly hair, or white people are more likely to have blue eyes. That's just reality.


    However, what IS racist is to imply that a black guy is NOT CAPABLE of being a quarterback, or that a white guy is NOT CAPABLE of playing RB. Vick is a good player, and so is Woodhead/Hillis.


    What IS racist is to lump black people all together and say they are too dumb. There are plenty of blacks out there with world-class minds that are leading researchers and such. There are a lot of socio-economic issues that lead to many blacks having low education levels, which fuels this perception.


    ( Reading defenses is not even directly equated with deep thinking capability or eloquence at a press conference, either, btw. I mean, look at Breet Favre. He's not an idiot, but he's no rocket scientist. Dan Marino had a horribly low Wonderlic score. It's more about quick recognition - which is still a brain related issue, it's just not the same as the ability to do algebra. )


    What IS racist is to say that all black people are too lazy to work hard enough to be a QB. There are some lazy black people, and some hard working black people. Same goes for every ethnicity.


    On the whole I think we will continue to see more white QBs than black, and more black RBs than white in the NFL - but that doesn't mean there won't be many many successful players that deviate from traditional racial assumptions.

  8. Haters gonna hate.




    I mean, he is watching the Super Bowl from a nice luxury booth. Already he is ballin harder than like 99% of the world. Now, he steps it up a notch by having a hot movie star date on his arm.


    On top of that, he can't even be bothered to feed himself his own popcorn - he just has his ultra-rich hottie do it for him!


    That's one sick life.

  9. Don't draft AJ Green. The team needs to build from the inside out, and strengthen the lines. The Bills have adequate talent at WR with some young guys developing. AJ Green would play out his initial 3-year deal and be out of town on the free agent market in a heartbeat, anyways.

  10. I find it interesting how you you biult in out in your stance should Spiller drastically improve in his second year.....


    It's not an out, it's just a statement that 1000 yard rushers are a dime a dozen in today's NFL.


    edit: I still think he has potential btw. I think he would do better as a slot receiver hybrid type - working him in with short passes and WR screens and end arounds and other plays that give him a chance to get the ball in space. When it comes to playing RB, it seems like Jackson is head and shoulders better than Spiller, and Jackson isn't even elite.

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