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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. From his Twitter:




    He really should accept the responsibility solely on his shoulders, and not blame God. Also, he should probably leave God out of this entirely. Some religious people may find that Tweet offensive.



    Mods I know there is another thread about this but it has a subject line that is kinda misleading

  2. I can't tell if Philster is trolling or not.


    That's the sign of an A+ troll or a completely laughable human being. I kinda suspect it's just trolling. Do you guys remember that avatar he used to use of a doofy guy that was overjoyed he was able to convince a couple good looking girls to stand near him long enough to snap a photo? C'mon, that can't be real. I'm pretty sure it's all just an act.

  3. KD, I don't think NaPolian is wrong...why is he an idiot? Well, at least in reference to this comment? I think most people here woudl accept a black head coach or QB for the Bills, but I think there is still a sizeable group of folks that wouldn't. Not just Bills fans, but NFL fans in general, as it relates to their team. Nobody posts it here, because they know they would get asmonshed profusely by other TBD'ers...but I am sure there are those who would have been petrified if the Bills had signed Michael Vick or hired Perry Fewell as their HC. And I don't think the crime Vick committed, or the "inexperience" of Fewell would have been the driving factors behind their objections.


    I have a relative, who is white, who grew up loving the NBA, but now has no problem hating it, because it is a "n***er sport"...this same person swore he would never watch another Bills game if they signed Vick (and this is no dog lover) or hired Perry Fewell. It sounds vile, or crazy, but I don't think those sentiments are all that uncommon...the world of the internet, and the real world are two different things...I think it is pretty sad, and I would love to think it isn't true, but I think it is very true.



    Well played. :)


    Thanks for the support, though. It's almost as if these posters didn't grow up in Western New York. To completely deny that racism still exists strongly amongst many in the area is a bit silly.


    I've offered WAY more juicy fodder in the past than my posts in this this thread to get called an idiot over.

  4. Ah, screw it. I'm tired of veiled accusations thrown at me, as a white boy, of racism.


    So you know what? I finally admit it. I'm keeping the black QB down. I am personally responsible for benching not only Jason Campbell, but Donovan McNabb in the final 2 minutes of the Lions game - I personally called Shanny and told him "Coloreds can't run a two minute drill, since they've got their mind focused on the fried chicken and watermelon waiting for them after the game. So sit his lazy black ass." Hell, I'm the one who sent Warren Moon to the CFL. I am the very reason blacks can't catch a break at the QB position. I am The Man keeping them down.


    Now that I've confessed, can we stop writing the stupid "Is there racism in the NFL" articles?


    The fact that you threw in a little fried chicken and watermelon jab is quite telling as to the actual truth about your situation.

  5. You never know, they might hit free agency.


    Vernon Davis and Antonio Gates were supposed to be free agents, but each already got new contracts this year. The fact that they are not yet resigned suggests it's not a lock they will stay put.


    But yes, there is a fair chance they will resign.

  6. Here's what it boils down to:


    Racism is still alive. It's not like it used to be, but it's still there in America. There are many Bills fans who wouldn't really support a black quarterback and/or coach. It's one thing to have black receivers/running backs, but it's another thing to put a black man in charge. Some view black people as not intelligent enough to play QB. Also, some view black people as too lazy to put in the extra effort required to be a top QB.


    Personally, I don't think it is a big problem these days. You see lots of black QB prospects in college these days, as well.


    Conversely, I will go ahead and say that I feel blacks tend to make better running backs than whites. I don't believe this is a harmful racial stereotype, I just think it is a reality of life.

  7. I haven't agreed with a lot of things this regime has done.


    I will say, though, I strongly applaud their efforts to quickly shed dead weight. They are not afraid to release players that can not help the team going forward, and I really appreciate that as a fan.

  8. C'mon guys, let's be real.


    He just never was that good to begin with. A lot of those interceptions were flukey tipped balls or terrible overthrows. He got named to the Pro Bowl on the back of misrepresentative statistics.


    He's having a terrible season. Perhaps it's the scheme. Perhaps it's a health issue.


    It's probably a combination of these things coupled with the fact he was overhyped.


    Hopefully he is able to just find a productive middle ground and become a reliable starter for this team.


    Right now it seems like it could go either way.

  9. That was great for Stevie Johnson. They replayed his awesome celebration against the Patriots where he mocked their rifleman, show his 'Why So Serious?' celebration, and also showed a clip of his press conference.


    Even though they were ripping on him in a way, the whole thing just served to greatly build his brand awareness around the country.


    I was happy to see him highlighted.

  10. Gus Johnson is awesome. If you are a fan, do a youtube search for "Rise and Fire" sometimes to see some compilations of Gus's greatest hits.


    Let's not forget he's a college basketball legend.


    Steve is just "OK". He's a lot better than when he first started, but still is not my favorite.

  11. Disclaimer: I'm not saying Fitzpatrick played bad or got lucky.


    I just didn't see any threads about this, and thought I'd go ahead and start one.


    Yesterday the Bengals secondary was perhaps the most injury depleted secondary that's ever taken an NFL field.


    Their best corner Jonathan Joseph, who was intercepting Fitzpatrick left and right, was lost to injury.


    Then they lost their starting safety. And then their other starting safety. And then another corner.


    The Bills did a good job exploiting this by rolling out lots of five-wide formations. It's hard for a third string safety to match up at corner.


    Injuries happen to every team and that's life in the NFL, but they undoubtedly played an integral part in the game.

  12. Lee Evans is what he is. We all know what to expect from him. He is good at catching the deep ball. For everything else, you might as well just throw it to Stevie instead.


    Lee would have had another touchdown if he didn't get blatantly interfered with in the endzone on that one play btw (no idea how the refs didn't call that one).

  13. Zulu -


    I'm glad you such a fan of mine that you knew this thread was coming. It's all really quite flattering.


    You are making yourself look a bit silly by carrying the cut-Kelsay torch this week, but thats' okay - I can understand the trolling mindset.


    I'd advise you to start your own thread on the topic, but we all know that no one would care. :)

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