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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. Did you guys watch this game? They had lots of coverage of this incident on the network broadcast. It was definitely not assault, the Giants fan has no case. What actually happened is the Giants fan muscled Fireman Ed off of his little perch where he was leading the cheer, and stood there for a moment before Fireman Ed reclaimed his ground. Neither one of them went to the ground. No one even pushed hard.


    If Fireman Ed had pushed him to the ground, that's one thing. But in this case, it seemed to me that the Giants fan actually got the better of their minor exchange.


    The guy is more into himself than he is the game.


    This is true, the guy has gotten too big for his britches and cares too much about being the center of attention. He's annoying know, and has kind of turned himself into a clown :(

  2. We DID do a flush of who's running things. Sure there are some holdovers, their always are. If they can't fit in with the new regime, they'll leave too.


    I don't know that there is anyone of note in the front office that hasn't been here for a while. It's all the same people at the top(Modrak/Brandon/Nix).

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