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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. God you are horrible. I knew this was coming from you too because yes, kelsay played servicable today - pretty much how a DE making his kind of money should play every week. But he doesn't, admit it - kelsay disappears for SEASONS at a time, then shows up with a decent game against a two win team. Congrats.


    And what is that, an Avatar reference? So Lame you should be banned for life.


    Relax man, don't be such a hater. He's a Bill and he wants to be here and they want him here so just find room in your heart to root for the guy.


    What do you mean by avatar reference?

  2. It's the parents fault for putting him in a bad situation.




    Maybe for their next trick, they can dress him up as a KKK member and drop him off in the ghetto and see what happens.


    To be clear I'm not saying the kid deserved it.


    I am saying it is so 100% completely predictable that he would get harassed that the parents should never have dressed him up as a Jet and taken him there in the first place.


    What terrible parents. Worst parents ever. You've got a crybaby mom who makes a huge deal out of it and writes a letter to the paper just so she can get a moment in the spotlight. Now all the other kids at school know he is a crybaby and his mom is a crybaby and his dad is a wuss and he will get ridiculed badly over this. That is certain. His dad is a spineless wimp who lets strangers physically abuse his son right in front of him in the parking lot and doesn't do anything about it.


    This poor kid has no chance.

  3. so let me get this straight, Kelly calls him soft, guy gets angry, guy punches Kelly in the head defending his toughness, guy breaks his own hand


    scoring here at home, i'd say game, set, match Kelly...this fool would have been better off not doing anything


    This is exactly why he still holds the grudge!


    It wasn't some little thing, Kelly basically called him a coward and a wimp and the guy tried to defend his honor and HURT HIMSELF TRYING TO PUNCH JIM.


    That is total humiliation, and was about the last notable thing Harbaugh did in the NFL.


    For some people, being publicly stripped of your manhood like that is enough to hold a grudge to the grave.

  4. And what if instead of chicken fighting it was cockroach righting. No one likes cockroaches.


    And what if instead of cockroach fighting, it was pillow fighting. Everyone loves pillow fights.


    And what if instead of Michael Vick pillow fighting, it was Swedish Bikini Team.


    And what if instead of pillows, they used Jello-shooting Super Soakers 3000! Everyone loves the Swedish Bikini Team in a Jello-drenched t-shirt!


    Y'see, with just a little sliding and imagination, you go from crime and imprisonment to a Coors Lite Silver Bullet I Need Blue Mountains Because I'm Too Stupid To Know When My Beer Is Cold Pay-Per-View Smackdown Extravaganza.




    You are twisting my argument, and you are doing it on purpose because you do not want to confront the morality of this head on.


    Why is it that you value the life of a dog so much more than you value the life of a chicken? People eat dogs in a lot of countries. There are people out there that have eaten literally hundreds of dogs. Should we then condemn entire nations?


    Here is another side to the argument:


    I get the sense that most posters on this board are white. I would say that eight out of ten black people I know really do not like dogs one little bit, and therefore don't care as much about the whole dogfighting thing.


    Clinton Portis summed up the views of much of the black community when this first broke when he said "what's the big deal? they just dogs."


    I'm not saying all black people dislike dogs, or that even most black people condone dogfighting. But if you don't recognize a cultural difference regarding how we view dogs even within our nation, let alone worldwide, then you need to open your eyes and consider someone else's point of view.

  5. What if instead of dogfighting he was into chicken fighting? That is very popular in some cultures. People don't care about chickens as much as dogs, because not a lot of people has pet chickens. I don't think it would have been as big of a deal. Or what if he was into mouse fighting? If he brutally tortured a bunch of mice, would he really deserve to go to prison? How about crickets? Have you seen those Japanese Bug Fights?


    Have you ever seen the PETA videos on the horrible animal abuse that goes on in poultry farms? I think it's awful, but I'm still going to have a turkey this Thanksgiving.


    There's a lot to think about, and it is a very complex issue.


    The bottom line is that people have a hard time being objective about this whole Vick issue because of the emotional attachment our culture places on dogs over other animals. The level of judgement and hypocrisy present here is both astounding and totally expected all at once.

  6. Mike in Syracuse -


    I'm a human and I've made mistakes and so have you. What makes you think you are so important that you can decide what mistakes are "unforgivable"? He served the punishment the government of this land gave him, and God in any religion has forgiveness for those who repent.


    Are you a higher authority than both the law and God?

  7. Broncos would never trade Tebow after just spending a first round pick on him, and especially not to Mr. Ralph "lol Denver panicked" Wilson.


    Andrew Luck is the guy but the Bills are too incompetent to lose out and get that draft pick anyways. Even if they do get the pick they'll screw it up anyways probably.

  8. People that hate Vick are clearly self righteous and usually tend to be a little bigoted. I'm a human and I've made mistakes and so have you. What makes you think you are so important that you can decide what mistakes are "unforgivable"? He served the punishment the government of this land gave him, and God in any religion has forgiveness for those who repent.


    Also, tonight he played one of the single greatest games I've ever seen a quarterback play. Amazing stuff.

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