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Posts posted by NaPolian8693

  1. I love the Bills, and have all my life. I love Ralph Wilson for keeping the team here when he could have made more money elsewhere pretty much any time he wanted to, despite what people may say. And I fully blame Ralph Wilson's often narrow minded, erratic, irrational, compulsive, ill-informed and ill-fated decisions for making the team the second worse run franchise in the league over the last 50 years.


    I love the guy for a couple major decisions and I blame him for a thousand poor ones.


    People like to say this, but it's just not true.


    He couldn't care less about the region. His heirs don't want the team, and he won't put any succession plan in place, but instead just prefers to let the team sell to the highest bidder after his death.


    Why? Because he's a businessman, in his motive is to make money. If he could have easily made a lot more money by moving the team, he would have done so in a heartbeat.


    You think he just actively chose to throw away millions and millions of dollars in order to keep a team in some random geographic region that he has no particular ties to? How does that make any sense? He didn't even want to put the team here in the first place.

  2. What kind of spam accounts?


    If they are being created by some automated process or bot, it doesn't need to be trivia, it can simply be "What is two plus three?". If it's a real person trying to spam, they will be able to easily find the answer to a basic Bills question - so unless there is a rotation of questions it won't help much, since once they google the answer they can use it for all future spam account creations.

  3. I never said Ralph was Mother Theresa. I'm asking would you rather have the Bills as they are or no NFL team in Buffalo ever? Don't read schitt into this.




    I would say that I would prefer to have a bad team in my area as opposed to no team at all.


    I've been to tons of games over the years, and the NFL gameday experience is great. It is a super popular sport after all. If there were no team in Buffalo I'd have probably only been to a small handful of games.


    I would rather take a vacation to some cool, exotic location, and receive terrible treatment and services from the hotel staff than just not go on the vacation at all - but that doesn't mean that I should just accept a crappy product because I'd prefer it to nothing at all. I understand you are not directly saying otherwise, I'm just saying anyways.

  4. Ralph tried to put the franchise in Miami but they wouldn't take him, Buffalo was a back up plan.


    Also, regardless of any of this, it's not like Ralph put the team here because he has some sort of personal affection for people in WNY, and likes humans born in this area more than in others. It was just a business decision, as was the decision to keep the team here all these years - and one that has made him rich beyond almost anyone's wildest dreams.

  5. This is just simply how things will be until the team eventually gets new ownership.


    Overdorf/Modrak/Littman are Ralph's yes-men, and will be calling the shots from behind the curtain until there is a new owner.


    I would like Ralph to fire them and and start being a good owner, but he won't.


    I would like Ralph to sell the team, but he won't.


    So, we just have to wait until he finally passes away before there is any real hope for this franchise. Nothing will change until then.


    I'm not saying I wish harm upon someone, but I do hope that they see new ownership sooner than later.

  6. If they moved it back to the 20 yard line as Belichick suggested, that would make it more interesting.

    Give the scoring team a choice between...


    A) Kicking a 1 point attempt from the 20 yard line (37-38 yard kick) or


    B) Going for the 2 point conversion from the 2 yard line.


    It would create more drama as it's likely more 2 point attempts would be made.


    This is a great idea.

  7. Don't take either one, even for free.


    First, you will have fans clamoring for them every time Fitz has a bad game.


    Second, you will eventually have to give them their shot, and the franchise will waste a couple years "giving them their shot".

  8. Make a run at this thing? LOL


    If you can't understand that the Bills are currently one of the worst teams in football, and trying to build for a payoff a couple seasons down the road is the only strategy that makes sense right now, then I guess there is no point in even debating.

  9. I wouldn't take Tebow if he played here for free.


    It will just create constant controversy until they start him, and then we will waste at least two seasons while we let him start and "give him a chance" before we finally admit he is terrible and move on.

  10. Fred Jackson is the best offensive player the Bills have had in years. ALL heart. He is the equivalent of Kyle Williams on Defense. All those guys do is work hard all the time. Guys like Jackson need to be rewarded, not made to feel unwanted.Oddly the Bills give a sub par lineback like Chris Kelsey a huge contract extension that he is undeserving of but a workhorse like Jackson is kept in the dark. Brilliant. Maybe they can trade him for another 4th rounder. The Patriots would LOVE to have Jackson. This organization sucks. Period.


    Well, if nothing else this proves that there are worse GMs out there than Nix.


    Jackson just signed a new deal in 2009. Why would you want to give a running back over 30 a new longterm deal?


    Giving the young guy that will soon take over some more reps is not making someone feel unwanted. He will get plenty of chances this year. A few years down the road he will be retired and the organization will be much better off if Spiller is a productive player.


    It's running back. They swap in and out all the time. It's not like quarterback where one guy plays the whole game.

  11. We picked CJ first round. He's gotta play. The NFL is full of broken hearts. Suck it up and do what you're asked.




    I usually get a big kick out of trolling Promo, but I must say that in this case he is dead on the money.


    Jackson is a 30 year old running back. Yes, he's a good player. No, he is not the future for this team. They aren't going to the playoffs this year anyways, so if the team is building towards something good a couple seasons down the road it would be very helpful if Spiller emerged into a legitimate weapon.


    Jackson is a decent running back on a bad team. He will get plenty of touches anyways, it's not like Spiller is going to take 400 carries.

  12. You can be optimistic and realistic at the same time.


    There are a number of young players on this team that I hope to see improvement from. I won't go through the whole list, but there are tons of guys that can step up and develop into good players. I am optimistic that it will happen for at least a few of them.


    However, this doesn't mean I think the Bills are Super Bowl contenders. That is not optimism, that is just being intentionally obtuse. Just because it is very obvious that the Bills are among the worst teams in the league doesn't mean you can't be optimistic about some facets of this season.

  13. Because he was a RESTRICTED free agent, which means we could have tendered him at say, a 3rd round level, and kept him on the cheap OR gained a 3rd rounder from another team that singed him. No doubt he would be starting for our sorry assses right now.


    +1 for knowing the rules

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