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Posts posted by Mango

  1. 59 minutes ago, Wayne Arnold said:

    Taron Johnson playing is huge.


    Bernard has been excellent this season but I'm confident that Dodson and a combo of Klein/Williams can fill the LB roles just fine.


    I'm confident the defense can play at a high level regardless of the injuries.


    Game comes down to how the OLine plays vs. the Chiefs defensive front and if McDermott can limit his game management gaffes. We will find out soon enough.


    The vibe I get from people smarter than me is that Klein is a good downhill player with very good instincts. However struggles with some explosiveness, lateral movement, and in coverage. And that Williams is good athlete, and good LB, but struggles some with instincts and play recognition. 

    All that to say, these guys skill sets can compliment each other well if they can find a groove/partnership early and figure out how to move with each other. But if they don’t they could find themselves taken advantage of early and often. 

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  2. 53 minutes ago, Virgil said:

    This is huge.  Douglas covers Kelce and who covers Rice?  If it comes down to needing our defense to need a big stop, we are going to be outmatched in certain positions.  I don't like this at all.  If we don't have Bernard and Johnson too, we are in trouble.  

    If memory serves correct, Taron Johnson normally takes over Kelce-duty. 

    (more like Kelce doody. Amirite)

    • Agree 1
  3. 20 hours ago, 78thealltimegreat said:

    I didn’t see this posted so forgive me if it was but the Saints canned long time OC Pete Carmichael. He was the guy who Joe Brady started under when he was on Sean Payton’s  staff.
    If Joe is kept  I could see a guy like Pete being brought in as QB coach since they are basically using a modified Saints system in Buffalo now and if he leaves you have a guy who has called plays in the league before. 


    Maybe. My quick guess is that it is DJ Mangas who was brought in after Brady was promoted. They worked together at LSU with Burrow. 

    Who knows, I guess there is a world where all three exist together in Buffalo. 


  4. 1 hour ago, RiotAct said:

    the aftermarket ticket prices for this game seem to be easing a bit.  I’m surprised… Divisional Round, the hated Chiefs at home finally, seems like it’s going to be good weather relatively, and the Taylor Swift effect.


    Of course. It is a pipedream. Buffalo doesn't have the market to sell $400 300 level tickets week after week. 

    I had a friend listed theirs the other day on social media on the upper deck. I reached out out of curiosity and they said $400 ea. because that is what they were going for on the secondary market.

    Early asking prices are always a pipe dream. 

  5. 1 hour ago, rayray808 said:


    Kelce is starting to show his age IMO. He is still an absolute key piece and threat for them however I no longer think he has the ability to single handedly ruin games (drops, separation, YAC).


    Biggest bummer is it would have been such a great Terrell Bernard match up.


    I believe in years past Taron Johnson has been tasked with Kelce duty with good success. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Coach Tuesday said:

    Playing short handed on D, against that offense, with a fill-in punter and a kicker who has the yips - McD and Brady need to plan for four-down football.  They should be mixing in running plays on third down and be prepared to go on fourth whenever they get past the 50.  


    For the most part this team has been really good in all three phases this last stretch. There have been up and down moments, but largely pretty steady across the board. 

    I would love that against KC, but this is a game where Josh may need to put on his Superman cape but stop short of hero ball. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, Augie said:


    I watched the KC/Miami game in a bar with some guy on his daughter’s phone. (Thanks, Peacock! :censored:)  We’re talking football and having a great time. At some point the daughter says “Go ahead dad, tell him.”  Huh? He was a 1st round pick of the Patriots and played 7 years at safety, including an All Pro year.  (He just gave me his name and Pats* I think ‘78 draft) TONS of cool stories about playing in OP. 


    I actually forget his name now, but when his wife left he said she was the one who got him thru the CTE lawsuit. He said his evidence was the ELEVEN documented concussions as determined by team doctors.  He said hardly anybody in my condition could have that drag on for 6.5 years and get to the finish line. It was intentionally difficult, which probably shocks exactly nobody.  Nice guy, fascinating and we hit it off because he’s from my wife’s home town and they all know each other. He apologized, half in jest I think, that if I see you in the morning in the lobby and don’t recognize you, it wasn’t the bourbon. I can’t remember *&^% anymore. 

    Rick Stanford maybe?


    Drafted in the first in 79 by NE. Played 7 years. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Low Positive said:

    I think teams are concerned about the high number of openings and the low number of qualified candidates. 

    With the low number of practices and HEAVY emphasis on college recruiting/transferring, I think  everybody is becoming disposable.

    We have been seeing it for a while in the athlete pipeline, and I think coaching is starting to follow suit.


    I really believe these guys have to be in the facility more working without pads, watching film, and have more required contact with coaches. 

    • Agree 1
  9. Also KC v Miami’s was the most compelling game of the week and had the lowest viewership. I didn’t realize Peacock was such an anchor. I know everybody was complaining but I assumed they were watching. 

    Worth noting that both Buffalo and Pittsburgh are smaller than every metro market but GB and they out drew a bunch of them. 

    • Like (+1) 4
  10. 1 hour ago, eball said:

    Love this.  Many of us have been "skeptical" (I'm being kind) to the grading system PFF uses to assess NFL players. 




    I don't disagree on this topic, but JJ Watt is also a dummy. 

    I have no other value to offer to this conversation. 

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  11. Just now, Beck Water said:


    Your opinion is duly noted.


    A logical person might point out a few things - starting with the fact that I went to the entymological root of the word fan and common definitions of it, then moving on to the point that I did not say that was MY definition - only that one really can't call something faulty logic when it's based on a commonly understood meaning of a word - and in fact I make clear that I consider the admittedly negative Newcam2012 a fan


    I really don't want to interfere a bit with your froth of righteous indignation, though.  Did you have to work yourself up to that, or did it come naturally, like a fine poop?  Has this been building up for a while?  Did you feel better afterwards?  A sense of release?  No, never mind, I don't want to know.


    Yeah, I'm gatekeeping fandom.  Sue me.  Someone who's negative and admits it, like @newcam2012, can be a fan to me.  Someone like Filthy Beast who is unrelentingly negative and rooting for other teams to win to our detriment is not a Bills fan.  Neither is he objective or credible.  And if you find that condescending and disrespectful nonsense, I 100% can live with that.


    In fact, it really won't bother me a bit, that's how comfortable I am with that judgement.    Feel free to read my posts or ignore them, as best suits you - but I really think frothing on about HOW I FEEL and MY MOTIVATIONS TO POST, both of which you know nothing about, says way more about you than about me.  That's not one I need my hypothetical logical fallacy cheatsheet to decode - that's called an "Ad Hominem", where a person personally attacks the arguer, rather than the argument.


    Cheers!  :beer:


    What a blow hard. 

    I cannot believe your response is to dig your feet in, get on your high horse, and continue to patronize people. 

    I am not participating in your delusional discussion about what a "real fan should be" because I find the discussion self serving to you.  I am not having any sort of ad hominem discussion because I actually do not care to discuss this topic, as I find the entire idea of you force-feeding us your holier than thou essays about how woefully misguided other fans are when compared to yourself disrespectful. 


    You are conflating my attempt to discuss your behavior as an attempt to somehow out wit you or win this argument. And that is far from the case. I am discussing your behavior because it sucks and you should cut it out and stop looking down on people. 

    Get over yourself and participate in a real conversation that doesn't prop yourself up as some sort of arbiter of intelligent thought or Buffalo Bills fandom. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  12. 4 minutes ago, T master said:

    This time of the year the Bills home jerseys should be the Red Uni's because of the same thing that happened in the Snowvertime game if the Bills wear the Red uni's and the opponent has to wear white & it snows instant advantage Bills ...


    If Mahomes or any other QB that comes to Highmark and has to play in a snow it is harder to pick out your guy if it's snowing & they are dressed in white so IMHO the play off home jersey's should be the red uni's to add to the HFA . Even though they have the red helmet to see in the snow it could make a difference .


    I think KC's red helmet more or less negates this. 

    • Agree 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, Beck Water said:


    "Being critical" isn't the issue here.  Most of us are critical at times.  Being publicly unrelentingly negative and critical is the issue.  One can argue the point as to whether someone being consistently critical/pessimistic/negative in public makes them less of a fan.  It's really not my main point here, but I'll just point out that "fan" is short for "fanatic", and like its root word, is supposed to denote a person marked by "excessive enthusiasm and often intense uncritical devotion", in sports by extreme enthusiasm or devotion to a team. 

    So yeah, at the very root of the definition of fan, someone who is unrelentingly and constantly critical or pessimistic actually may not fit the definition of fan as many understand it.  In addition, in a human relationship, someone who claims extreme devotion and love but expresses that with unrelenting criticism, pessimism, and negativity is considered to show toxic or even emotionally abusive relationship behavior.  You consider it "flawed logic" to call someone who is overthetop and unrelentingly negative and critical "not a fan" only a unique, personal definition of fan where unstated devotion and support are combined with unrelenting public negativity and criticism.


    My main point is that one of the claims made by Filthy Beast is that he is objective and credible.    Go back and look: do any of those quotes from Twitter support a claim of being objective or credible? 
    1) believes NFL is fixed - "no way the NFL allows anything but a Chiefs vs Ravens/Texans AFCCG

    2) praying the Jaguars win so that the Bills "team and coach will be exposed in the biggest of moments" - how can even a critical, negative fan pray for outcomes negative to his team?

    3) don't waste time with PFF crap (one source of supposedly objective performance ratings).  the OL has played like *****.  Now, league average rush yards per game are 112.7, so in the previous 3 weeks, the Bills generated an average 166 rush YPG which is impossible with a ***** OL...does that sound objective or credible?


    That FilthyBeast guy is simply not objective or credible, and for you to say "you have no idea whether he's credible or not" and then dismiss evidence to that point, is flawed logic - on your part.


    As for you:


    You openly acknowledge that you are extremely critical and think for the worst.  I totally respect you as a fan for acknowledging this.  You aren't claiming to be objective and credible.  That's fair, one of the roots of being a fan(atic) is that one isn't usually objective and credible.  Stepping aside from the above point that one can make a logical argument that being extremely and unrelentingly negative and critical may be incompatible with being a fan by some common definitions - I can live with a fan who is negative and critical if they acknowledge it.


    I do think that you need to look at yourself if you can perceive that you're wearing overly critical and negative blinders and not blame "past trauma as a 50 year Bills fan".  Some of my earliest memories in the early to mid '60s are watching the AFL Championship game with my Grandpa.  So I've been a fan 59-ish years.  We certainly lived together through some very bad Bills times.   Grandpa is gone now, he died in 1987 and missed the epic Bills teams of the late 80s/early 90s.  And yeah, I have some BBFS (Buffalo Bills Fan Syndrome PTSD).  But I don't let it govern me.


    This is a lot of words to say “I am gatekeeping what proper fandom is”.


    I actually find this rant and especially the bolded borderline reprehensible. How dare you come out on the internet and recommend how one should and should not be a fan.


    Jesus Christ.


    I do like a lot of your content Beck. But this is low brow and disrespectful dribble. Shame on you. Thumbing your nose at how fans should and should not be thinking.

    I now can’t see anything you bring to this board as condescending and disrespectful nonsense only to make your self feel better and smarter.

    Worst post of the year and January isn’t even over. 

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  14. 1 hour ago, The Wiz said:

    Just saw on WGRZ that tickets prices are 2-3k for the best seats and around 200-300 for the cheap seats (not including the fees that are applied).


    God blessed you if you can afford those.


    1. I think they’ll drop. Those are wary prices out of the gate.


    2. This game could be more expensive than an AFCCG in Baltimore or Buffalo. 

  15. 1 minute ago, D. L. Hot-Flamethrower said:

    I'm feeling very ominous about this game. I don't view that things are lined up all that well other than Josh had a great game and we're at home. I want someone to give me reason to feel better about this matchup other than anything can happen.

    Let’s wait to get some coach speak on the injured report. I think we will all be a bit peppier when we start seeing Dodson, Davis, Douglas, and Rapp as full participants. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, Warriorspikes51 said:

    Bolton and Gay are pretty good players


    Or you can view it as the Eagles were at home and hopefully some of the calls go our way.


    I just started taking a very shallow dive into Shawn Hochuli and I actually think you might be right. At quick glance I get the sense he backs the home team at a pretty high rate. But I will have to spend some more time with this. 

  17. I think Tua is a "nice QB". But when QB's get extended they generally reset the market. Tua just isn't a $40-$50M QB. 

    Flip Tua with Allen/Mahomes and I think Miami is the hands down 1 seed and Buffalo/KC miss the playoffs all together.


    This also applies to Hurts. I think Philly is the 1 seed with Allen/Mahomes and both teams miss the playoffs with Hurts. He is just Tyrod Taylor but stronger. Hurts will get Sirianni canned because of his extension kind of like how the Wentz deal cost Pederson. (over simplifying)

  18. 2 minutes ago, stlbills13 said:

    Well I just got an email from my 5 year old daughter's teacher who had apparently been telling kids at school all morning that her dad "hates the chiefs" and that "she's part of the mafia". Mind you, we are in the St Louis area and for some reason people here have adopted the chiefs. Anyway the teacher said we need to tell her not to use such extreme words at school 


    I would respond with: 

    Dr. Mr/Mrs. Chiefs Teacher, 

    I appreciate your diligence in looking out for my daughter. We sincerely appreciate your work and empathy all year. I will consider the possibility of addressing this with (insert daughters name) sometime next week. 




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  19. 19 minutes ago, MainEvent said:

    Is weed legal in New York now? Trying to decide whether to fly with it or if I can pick something up in Buffalo when I get there


    It is, but NYS requires it to produced/packaged in NYS so the product offering isn't up to the same level as California, Colorado, or even Massachusetts. 

    I am not a cop, or anything, but flying with a reasonable amount of weed in your carry on isn't a big deal. TSA and local law enforcement have all but said "meh, just don't be an idiot". I think CA caps it at 3.5g's. I do think there is something to putting it in your carry on vs. your checked bag though.


    I fly with weed quite a bit in and out of the state. Never straight flower, not that I wouldn't or that I think it matters, but if I am traveling I don't want to deal with grinding and rolling anything.  I have flown with tons of rolled joints, vapes, and edibles. I once asked TSA what they do with the weed in the amnesty bin and the guy laughed at me and said "nobody has ever put anything in there". 

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