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Posts posted by loserlovers

  1. Biggest LIE of the off season, brought to you by Buddy Nix, Chan Gailey and the National and local Media.


    I believe all 5 are lies to some degree, it's up to you to select the BIGGEST.:oops:





    that someone told me that you think of interesting topics and polls.


    none of these things you listed are "lies" more like thoughts and opinions and justifiably so, what else could the team have done this off season to better itself? bringing in Young is smart and theres no way hes competeing for #1, thats just dumb.



  2. cordy glenn is the key to the season.


    we know fitz can play great, oakland,KC,NE etc. we know he was hurt and had a backup center, wr's, and lost jackson so we started losing.


    Fitz was mocked his first year here, i saw great potential and always called for his number, then half the board still supported trent in fitz's second year, there was a vote on the board that proved this.(idiots) And now after his third year hes got us all asking,"can he be elite?"


    I think if a guy goes from being made fun of to being a potential elite guy in three years, that thats pretty good. if hes just "good" all year, the defense and running game will take care of the rest.

  3. I'm going to assume by some of your comments that your speaking to my post. Josh Reed is fake because he is now all the sudden saying bad things about the city. That does t mean he's fake now. It means that the entire time he was here he was fake. At least Willis was honest when he was here. I give him tht much credit.


    i agree he wasnt good, but people on the board defended him once he became our slot guy. Also I just think its him being professional keeping his mouth shut while he played, and then letting his opinions out after wards. Yes SJ is better, far better. But SJ had the same drop problem as a starter as Reed did...far more stupid penalties. Reed was a good run after the catch guy which is why parrish's run after catch "skills" werent enough to supplant Reeds. Talk about second round busts, id say Parrish was more of a bust than Reed. Reed contributed quite a bit,as much as Nelson is contributing now as a slot.


    I just think you guys shouldnt care about city of B'lo comments. Who cares? let him think what he thinks. Half of you did rip the guy the whole time he was here as a "pass dropper" when was reliable his last 5 years or so. Is he supposed to always say he loved buffalo which is a slow town relative to most football towns, and cold, and playoff free since 99.

  4. OK what part of what he said isnt true? That we didnt make the playoffs? that buffalonians arent as friendly as southerners? wouldnt his saying all this mean hes not fake? Fake would be saying you love buffalo when you dont, hes definitely being honest. We all hated him and ripped him when he took over for Price but I dont think he had as many drops that year as SJ did in his third year, they are pretty close im sure. I remember the board saying he was actually good after his 4rth year onward and very sure handed. He was hurt once and we went on a losing streak and board members blamed his absence on our poor offense for that stretch.


    Its funny how you hate a guy for being honest. You now say he sucks and the "worst" player we had, ha! Just like Mcgahee and Lynch, they sure suck and its good we got rid of them when they said B'lo was boring. Its great we had to use two first round draft picks to replace both of them, but now start an arena league player. Look how their careers turned out!

  5. You see, the bolded above is not true. Losman did try short passes. He would drill them in 110 miles per hour, throw them into the ground like infield practice, or toss them into the stands. Every time he rolled right was a disaster waiting to happen.

    In this thread you continue to blast Edwards, and I don't blame you. He was a failure. But let's also keep it real in terms of Losman. He too was an awful quarterback, and Edwards, as bad as he really was, had more wins than JP in fewer starts.

    ya i never say JP was good. I say his style for 3 years, and even bledsoes, was to go deep and midrange. We kept wanting the running backs involved more in the passing game and it really didnt happen for 5 years in a row. When trent subbed for JP his style was so contrasting to jp's that it worked. I rooted for him at the end of his first season. When we got to 5-1 we were winning via the RB's breaking screen passes, big runs, field goals and even fake punts along with decent defense. I still kept thinkin,"how are we doing this? the ball never goes downfield, not even 10 yards and were 5-1?" the next game it was an utter joke and trenty only won two more times in his career, one was against denver, the worst defense in the league that year. He won 3 more games than JP in his career but gave us three MNF disasters. The dallas and cleveland and New england were close losses, only because trent wasted a 5 pick game by our D, lynch kept breaking big gains against the browns, and Jackson did the same against the Pats, all screens baby. New england forgot that they didnt need to defend the whole field and almost let us steal one. Trent ruined 2+ years of football, and gave us three horrible memories to boot. Even with videos,songs, fan(hate) mail etc. His last play for the bills was to throw a ball over his head and run out of bounds and throw a 2 yarder on 4rth and 19. Concussions dont steal your manhood do they? What a joke he is.

  6. [/b]


    How can we know that when they were coached by morons?


    Perhaps in your mind my logic fails! but then, I'll bet lots of logic fails there.


    OK once and for all trent always sucked, he succeeded in winning games early for one reason, he had a quick delivery and threw 5 yarders well. At the time Jp used to wait and wait and try to go deep. Edwards came in and threw to running backs, something JP almost never tried. It was something we all wanted but never got until trent came in. This is when Jackson "emerged" after taking short passes to the house. Even when we won and were 5-1 I said,"how is this possible, this QB doesnt throw past 5 yards" when the opposing defenses and coaches saw this, it was game over for edwards. Hes a total fraud, and never was good regardless of coaching or concussions.


    Our offense played long ball, and JP scrabled, it was a lack of opposing defenses understanding trents pu$$y a$$ game that allowed him to briefly succeed.

  7. It's a combination of both.


    I know this is a message board, and everyone needs to vent, but seriously, Trent Edwards?

    Pay attention, it says trent edwards "eagle" which is current and newsworthy. The thread is about how most here know he will fail because he never was a good qb. Others here, with the wrong opinion, also say he will suck but blame bills coaching from 6 years ago...or a concussion. As if no one ever had a concussion and played well afterwards.


    you fit into a third category, criticising us for talking about a topic too "old" so i guess we can only talk about 2012? just so you know you learn form your past not from your future and the past is factual, unless you pervert and make things up like "trent edwards had all the tools...until the arizona game" it seems the FO learned from, maybin,mckelvin and turdwards, and know we have Dareus,Gilmore, and Fitzy. We will ventuntil theres something to actually cheer about.

  8. I'm amazed by this too.


    A lot of people really need to move on.


    Even the Music City Forward Lateral does not get this much spewing.


    This thread has so much vitriol that it should be moved to PPP.


    Some people really need to get over themselves, and quickly.

    get over ourselves?? sorry to talk about a topic that ruined three years of bills football. who exactly are you to come write in a thread and say we shouldnt be writing here? If you dont think it was significant part of bills football than what should we talk about? how great 2012 will be? maybe but at least were discussing facts, not who we should hypothetically trade and how good were going to be, maybe.

  9. Losman needed more than just a few more brain cells to become a decent QB. He also needed to become a lot more accurate on his short to intermediate passes. If it's a short pass, the receiver shouldn't have to bend down to his shoestrings, or leap wildly into the air, to catch it.


    ok we agree enough, but why would you name yourself after a piece of turd? i dont get that.

  10. The worst part about JP was that he couldn't deliver wins. The Bills won very few of his starts, and the fumble against the Jets epitomized his horrid career. For all of his limitations, and they were many, Edwards was clearly superior to Losman, who was brutally awful.


    you have it backwards, edwards couldnt even scramble or throw deep and most pitifully,couldnt throw for 10 yards down the middle. Losman sucked but was close to being adequate while Edwards was a total fraud. His "quick release" was really just his lame all-wrist delivery that couldnt hold its accuracy past 10 yards. Even his "deep" ball was a wrist shot that looked gay to me and barely would make it to evans who always had to slow down to catch it. Losman had a good 7-9 season where we almost thought we would go to the playoffs at 7-7. Edwards had the same chance a year later when we played clevland, pre-concussion, he sucked and we lost 8-0.


    Edwards fooled many a coach so dont feel bad that he fooled you too.

  11. That game the Bills were losing by 3 touchdowns. Not sure why people think that was a big deal. I found much more offense with Gailey in that game. With the Bills losing big the Bills continues to run the ball on 1st and 2nd down andbe left with 3rd and long. Gailey was horrible that game, and the 2 INTs Edwards had were both the WR fault, on one Parrish let the CB just rip the ball out of his hands and it counted as an INT. THat team stunk, and they went on the lose 6 more in a row with the other guy too that stinks at QB.

    OK so you dont like Fitz??? But to compare fitz to Edwards and act like they are equal or even similar is a total joke and makes you look like a fool. Fitz makes mistakes but he wins games,he throws gutsy thread the needle passes and goes big too much1 Little trenty would pretend to read the safties,pretend to look backside, the whole time thinking,"ok if i just look deep then left, i can dump it to jackson and say noone was open" the whole time wetting himself and thinking about his hair. he is a fraud as a football player and needs to move to san fran to be around more of his kind.


    It wasn't even close. Even with the sacks, I'd still take Johnson over Losman if I had to choose between the two.


    you make some good points here but Ill tell you this, Losman was a better scrambler who escaped more often to make a play, and he had a little anticipation, Johnson had zero. Like edwards who had no anticipation and resorted to the dump off, Johnson had none either, would scramble outside the pocket and go long. Hence RJ had more YPA than edwards but far more sacks. Its that simple. two losers with totally opposite coping strategies. Losman was only a few brain cells from being a decent qb. He had courage, an arm and a little skill at least.

  12. Go blow yourself. I'm sure you've been knocked unconscious by a safety blitz and hit from behind by a 295lb. DE. Any player that walks on that field has more guts than any of us will ever know.

    Im sorry misses Edwards, but just because a guy takes some hits doesnt mean hes couragous. I certainly would go on the field and take hits daily for that kind of money. All edwards did was ignore years worths of criticism about dumping off and getting happy feet, and respond by...dumping off and running out of bounds game after game. He would then watch himself in the monitor of post game pressers the whole time fixing his hair, barely looking sideways at reporters while touting the same "its a team sport" excuses. this after dumping off on third and long and fourth and long.


    Mentally he was a loser, and physically he wasnt very good, many people say he had a good arm...well he threw all wrist which was great for 5-10 yarders but lost accuracy on big throws. I noticed his "quick release" or wrist style from day 1 and thought, this guy cant throw deep. If you really watch hs thrws over the years, you will see less than 10 solid bullets over the middle, they just didnt hapen.


    This and he always rolled out sideways rather than step up in the pocket, like a pop warner QB would do.


    I admit juaron and AVP and that whole coachhing staff stunk, but Edwards was the biggest douche in that pile. A total fraud.


    Sorry Maam but its the truth.

  13. Trent and Losman were thrust into starting QB roles on bad to mediocre football teams and had no good coaching. With no OL, they were doomed to fail more so than have a chance to succeed. By the time they went on to other teams, their play and reputation were already scarred.


    For example, Jauron decided to run a no-huddle offense, when they had absolutely no personnel to run it. Teams like the Steelers ridiculed our offense and suggested that we huddle a bit to perspire.


    Trent had many good throws under pressure..so many good wins in a comeback spot. The teams were just not very good.

    wow youre good at listing all the excuses for why trent edwards sucked. it was everyone elses fault. It couldnt have been that he was a gutless brainless coward that no matter what the game situation was, simply waited and dumped the ball to the running back...no matter what.


    It doesnt look like youre new so why you would restate the same tired retreaded excuses that all the edwards fans made throughout the years confounds me. How come he couldnt catch on with a new team if he was so good? "scarred" whats that mean? it was buffalos fault he continued to suck after he left?


    Trent was a qb but not a "football player" he would stroke his hair in postgame reports while explaining why he lost again,why he couldnt beat a cleveland team that scored a whole 6 points in buffalo. He didnt make "many good throws" he had 2-3 comebacks but had many more losses to teams that scored 10 or less points.


    Anyone that defends him hasnt got a clue about football or talent or courage.

  14. Marcus is my big hope this year.We know he is a great athlete but has been unfortunate with injuries.The bills are looking for a no.2 wideout and he could be the man.Hopefully Graham works out too to stretch the field.Any thoughts?

    is this your first day on here? weve all been saying the same thing for two years

  15. Wow, ew is all I have to say to you sir. Ew.


    what does this mean exactly? ew?


    Interesting perspective.. No denying these topics diminish his assent to premier status. IMO, he's a #1 by default to date and the last time we saw him, Coach kicked his azz to the bench in the 1st quarter.. B-B 1000yrd seasons are noteworthy, but he's no Reed, Moulds or Lofton. Yet.

    or even an evans!

  16. 1. m williams sacking dudes

    2. k williams also sacking dudes

    3. easley playing in a real game

    4. gilmore picking dudes

    5. the return of Mcgee( i miss him ) and feel like he never let us down aside form gettin hurt

    6. Sj playing with like a man instead of a boy

    7. some deep balls to our new deep threat (graham)

    9. Cordy glen starting (when hes ready)

    10. FJ slicing through the d like water and CJ running away from everyone

    11. A real d coordinator instead of stupid edwards.

    12. a little bit of merriman in my life.


    wow thats more than i thought!, beats 2007-2009 where i only hoped we could fill our many holes through the draft with fools like mckelvin and maybin and prayed everyone would realize what a fraud T edwards was and cut him.


    Go bills!


    QB ... Vince Young.. Backup QB...Picked up by the Bills because no one else wanted him... Most likely washed up

    QB ... Tyler Thigper... OMG are you kidding

    RB ... Freddy Jackson... Another free agent pickup who starts..

    RB ... C.J. Spiller ... A first round pick who has done litte and could be a bust

    FB.... Corey McIntrey .. Only touched the ball 4 times last year...

    TE ... Scott Chandler... Another free agent pick up no other team wanted... slow

    WR ... Stevie Johnson ... A 7th round pick considered their #1 receiver

    WR ... Marcus Easley .... a 4th round pick going into his 3rd year and never seen the field, maybe the #2 receiver

    WR ... David Nelson .... Another free agent

    WR ... Donald Jones ... Another free agent

    WR ... T.J. Graham .... Picked in the 3rd round but could have been a 7th round pick

    OL ... Corey Glenn .... A rookie LT

    OL ... Chris Hairston .. A 4th round pick

    OL ... Kraig Urbik...... Another free agent

    OL ... Chad Reinhart ... Another free agent

    OL ... Eric Pears ...... Another free agent


    Then we have Brad Smith... What is he a WR, RB, QB, Special teamer? Bills are even not sure...


    first thanks for telling me what i think. second, i was going to totally rip you but aside from spiller being a bust(he is obviously a great talent or did you not watch any games last year?) the rest of this post is hilariously true. Which shows what dipheads the previous regime were. We are relying on ufas and 7th rounders but hey, theyre good, so wtf, if we win 3 more games than last year, were in the hunt, and our defense is awesome so be glad. oh and you left off wood and levitre why?

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