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Posts posted by loserlovers

  1. they had some good players including- Fitz, Sj, Kyle, Nelson, Gilmore, Chandler, Nix and Gailey.


    heresa few highlights


    Everyone was saying ron brooks looks great, along w gilmore


    Cordy looks better than advertised


    the two hosts think Nelson is a big xfactor in that he can now block like a TE(how he got hurt btw) but also run seam routes like what shannon sharpe used to do and present big mismatches. that he in a no-huddle will make a big difference since if its a LB they will pass and if its a dime back they will run and he will block them or the DE. Fitz agreed.


    Gailey said dickerson looks really good and will make the team.


    Gailey and Sj i think said donald jones is probably the #2 and graham the 4rth (shocker) but that aiken and naaman are in there and of course hagan, but said "the jury is out" on easley ( i think hes gone unless he has a GREAT preseason)


    They will wait on mcgee and wood and kyle no rush (respect)


    Kyle said he can play the 1 or 3 technique but so can dareus so they an adjust to any protection no problem and added that he tells dareus "what to do"


    last was that carington seemed unblockable (the hosts said)

  2. What makes you think Mcgee will be healthy by midseason? He has not been healthy in 3 years. Good player who outperformed his draft status but the writing is on the wall. His time is up. Too many good young prospects at corner on this team. I will be shocked if he makes this roster.

    same could be said for merriman and easley, why are they on the roster? Past injuries dont mean a guy is "done" jerry rice got injured late in his career and came back to have another 5 years or so of production as did many others. If Mcgee is used sparingly he might play2-3 more years for us, Id rather have him than mckelvin.


    putill say again, if one of our other cb's goes down to injury, (which always happens) now youre down to mckelvin or rogers as your starter(shiver) if you let mcgee stay he should be good by midseason, and we all keep hearing how you can never have enough corners. I say keep mcgee no matter what, as insurance and because hes a great Bill.

  3. After Butler the front office was one disaster after another with a bunch of d coordnitaors for coaches who failed to win, and collectively squandered draft pick after draft pick. The notion of ambivalence toward dismantling the current regime that has assembled an outstanding roster and completely turned the team around in three years is surprising.



    It is surprising any self proclaimed bills fan would not prefer to continue the current path to see what develops while enjoying the fact that the bills are fun to watch again for the first time in decades. This is what remaining a fan through the bad years is for. Being there when the orner is turned.

    +1 also i like your name, i had a similar idea for mine "over 6 inches of manhood" but it just didnt feel right.

  4. Terrence McGee has been with the Bills since they took him in the fourth round of the 2003 NFL draft, and he's been a very good player in Buffalo, both as a cornerback and as a kickoff returner. But McGee is worried that it may be coming to an end.


    McGee still isn't 100 percent healthy after suffering a torn patellar tendon in November, and he says he's concerned that he won't be able to show enough in training camp to demonstrate that he deserves a spot on the 53-man roster.


    "That's one of my worries right now, and it was one of my worries in OTAs; will I have enough time to get in here and get right and compete for a job?" McGee told the Democrat and Chronicle. "I can't control it right now, all I can do is go out there and work hard and improve on something."


    Although McGee accepted a pay cut and restructured his contract in February, he still looks at the Bills' cornerback depth chart and wonders whether he's good enough to make the team.


    "I'm at the back of the line right now," McGee said. "There are guys way in front of me right now."


    And McGee is running out of time to catch those guys. McGee's time in Buffalo might be up.



    thanks for cut and pasting the article on two bills drive that we all saw.


    I know everyone probably loves the guy for those years doing his best on a bad team, occasional kick returns for TD, but he is banged up. It's tough in the NFL, but if you physically can't do it anymore, then a better bet is one of the other younger guys. The choice would be crystal clear if mckelvin had better hands. His benefit to special teams and only needing to be a nickel corner most likely supersedes McGee.

    +1 but put it this way, if one of our other cb's goes down to injury, (which always happens) now youre down to mckelvin or rogers as your starter(shiver) if you let mcgee stay he should be good by midseason, and we all keep hearing how you can never have enough corners. I say keep mcgee no matter what, as insurance and because hes a great Bill.

  5. How does Graham "have the size" to line up outside? He's listed at 5-11 and 188 pounds on the depth chart. He's a threat because of his speed and not his size. Hagan and Easley are both 6-2 and in the 210 pound range so they make sense. Nelson is our biggest receiver at 6-5. If he can stay healthy, I think he's the legitimate #2 on the outside with Graham playing in the slot. Regardless of all that, I agree with you in terms of the Bills having a lot of potential at the position. The real key is their health. As a prime example, Nelson left the first full practice in pads on Saturday with an injury. They say it's minor, but it still takes him off the field for a day.

    nelsons slow, slot is all he'll ever play,hes like a tight end, graham will be the 4rt wr, also in the slot.

  6. HGH testing is supposed to begin by September, at least what the US Gov. wants.

    right now I wouldnt trade our Dline for Brady, and I think our Dline will end up creating wins for us VS brady. I just dont see how you can block williams, williams,dareus,anderson, and merriman all on the same play. Ya we could have an injury but wed still have 4 of those guys plus moats! if the pats lose Brady,just 1 guy, theyre done!

  7. 7th round talents usually have to work their way up. If you're expecting 7 years worth of production in two years of being a starter, then you're going to be disappointed.


    Its also possible that his talents weren't as desired by the previous regime.


    He's two years into his real career so far. No one here is staging he's the greatest Bills WR. But we are saying he's good *so far*. And *could* be great given *time* (which you seem unwilling to give him).

    we agree actually dorkington, but if you read what i wrote its 100 percent true based on fact, also i stated, if he continues to play well, then great, i like him, but no matter what people think, SJ is doing it with guile, not speed height and power, like most big time WR's


    we had a reciever here who had similar if not better numbers for a two year stretch, BillY Brooks. He was our #1 by default, like stevie became when we shipped out Evans. Brooks had skills that werent used until we had to use them. And he shined, but no one will ever mistake Brooks for an all time great or a true #1 or some extremely special talent like the OP is suggesting.

  8. How many years has SJ been a starter?

    so whos fault is it he didnt show all his talents his first year? hes been here 4 years so its the Bills fault he didnt start? why do other rookies that are true talents produce and start in their first years? Bowe, desean, AJ green, not just Cjohnson, alot of rookies produce. either way, does his starting only two years mean he will grow taller or faster in the upcoming seasons?

  9. What if he has 1500 yds and 15 TDs next year? Does that mean he's awesome?


    What if he has 2000 yds and 20 TDs next year? Does that mean he's the best?


    What if he has 5 consecutive 1000yd seasons? Does that mean he's the best Bills WR of all time?


    What if he catches a game winning SB catch? Does that make him one of the greatest?


    What if he ends up with more career yds and TDs than Fitzgerald? Does that mean hes better?


    I like this "WHAT IF" game.

    just what part isnt true then? to me 2 1000 yard seasons isnt really close to the 7 or so 900 yard seasons Moulds and Reed had. you homers are showing how emotional you really are. you have a topic saying SJ is so great, even though hes considered "above average" and the 15 or so Wr in the league by any expert. But you homers keep saying, "hes sooo good, he had 2 1000 yards seasons in a row mommy, IN A ROW!!" Again, did he not have penalties? big drops? is he fast? Is he sure handed? This is a great receiver? People like to think hes so great just because hes elusive, thats the word for him E-L-U-S-I-V-E. hes not big, fast or sure handed, hes elusive. If you want to say hes the greatest go ahead and buy his jersey and build a shrine in your house. He is good, not great, thats it.

  10. He doesn't just run designated routes and wait for the ball to be delivered to him. He reads opposing CB's and has a knack for keeping himself between the defender and the ball. He's the only guy I've seen own Revis and on multiple occasions. People can say what they want about Stevie, but he's the only receiver in Bills history to have back to back 1,000 yards receiving. That's crazy considering what we had in the 90's (Reed, Beebe, Lofton).

    hes also the only guy that was close to 1000 yards on the team, kellys wr's all had a ton of yards each, just not a 1000 but many times in the 8 and 900's. So let me ask you, why is consecutive 1000 such a big deal, moulds and reed had more than 2 1000 yard seasons each im pretty sure, what if stevie never has another? does he suck?


    What if hed caught one less pass for 7 yards last year? he would have had 999, does that mean hed be nothing compared to Reed or moulds? How bout this, hes neither as fast or strong or sure handed as either Reed, Moulds or even Evans, no matter what you ever say this is a fact. If he has a few more strong seasons ill give you that he does more with less, but so far hes had two above average seasons, with very few big plays along the way- mostly a bunch of slants. (lots of big drops though)

  11. I am glad you spent 5 or 10 minutes writing that and I spent 5 seconds reading the first couple sentences before aborting it.


    You are a pretty bad troll.

    im not trolling just being honest, too many homers here want to hold his jock, if you actually read the post you see i like sj, just dont worship him and his antics, i guess you do though.


    Outside his Plax celebration, he did nothing else that deserved a flag last year. If his Happy New Year shirt got him a flag, then his Why So Serious shirt should've been flagged as well. Typical NFL rules and its inconsistencies.


    People need to stop saying that his celebrations hurt the team.

    those flags were two years apart and i do believe they modified the rules after his first t shirt gimmick, and also why risk it after your boss tells you to stop doing stupid stuff in the end zone? He gets alot of money to help us win, not self promote.

  12. I hear that he runs routes well and he's slippery. Is that it? Honestly, when I first saw him I thought of that old coaches' saying, "he isn't very big but he IS slow"... Now, obviously he's come a long way since then. What makes this 'tweener' so capable of being our go to #1 guy? (besides the 35 mil)

    Thanks for your post mr. Johnson, let me answer by saying, your not that good. Non-homers all agree you are at best, the 15th or so rated receiver in the NFL, again, at best. You are great-compared to other bills recievers currently on the roster. You were great-until big game moments where you single handedly lost two games for us with huge drops.(uncontested drops btw) So thanks for helping our draft position with those two losses,since we werent going anywhere those years anyway.


    As far as "always" being this good, please dont always have stupid penalties just to showboat and gain recognition. For all the people saying this is "fitz's year" really its your year, your year to show us your a real man and not a boy with some skills and half a brain (lynch). I really am happy you got resigned (since youre all we have) but only if you show an improvement in concentration and behavior. I dont care that you can take a 5 yard slant for a hefty 9 yards. I want to see some deep balls that arent too hard for you to come up with as well as 0 penalties this year, got it?


    And as for your resemblance to another player, I think you resemble some of the best #2's ive ever seen in the NFL. Really.

  13. Yes the majority of us think he would be a good upgrade of the WRs, and if he could be had for a 2nd rounder that's in the 20's next year, would be a good bargin for a young (25 year old?) WR, but you have to consider what his contract would be on a new deal. Factor in what Buddy just said a couple days ago, about us in the future getting to a point where we will lose quality players because we just can't afford them, I don't think it's possible they trade for someone else's talent and give him money that if there, would be more deservedly be given to Byrd or Levitre, or as we all hope, both. That would take a couple bricks out of the foundation that they have been preaching about keeping their young guys and rewarding them.

    I know, the Mario thing happened and to a lesser extent, the Anderson signing too, but I think they were outliers, a Mike Wallace move would be completely different, I feel.



    be careful buffaloveins, you only have one buffalo so many here wont accept your opinion as being valid.

  14. And Flutie won games with a crappy team




    Rob Johnson won games with a crappy team




    JP Losman won games with a crappy team




    Trent Edwards won games with a crappy team


    A fitz detractor is better then a fitz fanatic

    wow dumb post. Flutie won games with a great team. Bledsoe also had decent talent alot more than our 2009 and 2010 team. T edwards couldnt win at allin 2010, got benched in 2009 after 1 whole win with said team.


    Fitz isnt comparable to losman or edwards. Way to totally miss the point and try to make an arguement that makes no sense. what was your point anyway? that if you win at all youre good? or that you suck? nevermind, dont answer

  15. Do any of you fitz detractors have a clue about football? it takes 22 guys to play good and not get injured to win games. Fitz won games with a crap 2009 team, he won games with crap 2010 team and took us to overtime with 3 playoff teams that year. He won 6 games last year with a decent team that got 7 key injuries and never had a pass rush to begin with. (and a retard of a defensive coordinator)


    Just wait til this seasons over. I predict 10 wins and only the lamest here will still complain about fitz. The guy has two things missing since doug flutie last played here...balls and brains. Who cares if hes not perfect, hes a competitor whos smart enough to still improve. Not like TEdwards who had about half a nut, or Drew bledsoe who had half a brain, or even Doug flutie who had half a stature (sorry dougie)


    Stop talking about Fitz, win or lose this year, he'll do his share. Its up to the D now.

  16. In front of the media. Were you in the locker room or player meetings? Do you recall Gailey's comments when asked about getting Evans more involved in the offense?


    Again, Nelson didn't say [Evans] was a bad guy. He said it was obvious some people weren't buying in.

    ya thats not really a fair question. who of us was in the actual locker room? all we can do is judge a guy for 8 years of what he says in the media. Andre Reed was a baby in the end, moulds had his comments, Lee basically got cut last minute and still didnt have a negative thing to say. For a guy that had crap coaching and even worse QBing Id say he had a lot of things he could have said, but never did. If he said things behinfd closed doors, well, so does every player. Lee was the reason we even went 7-9 all those years vs maybe 3-13. You cant assume it was Lee just because hes gone. Thats bad science and goes against his entire history here. And why would he rip gailey? you dont think Lee is smart and could see Gailey was doing good things?


    What about the rumor that Russ brandon took a paper to Gailey and said,"pick one" and they had to cut either Lee or kelsay or some high paid guy before they started the season. That was why he got traded. Not for the myth of "not running underneath routes"

  17. Nelson made the comments and then immediately ran to the nearest female and hugged her. She smiled, acted like she wasnt suprised but couldnt hide the sheer terror of being assualted by this huge man whom she did not know. Nelson whispered "that one was for you" then went on to completely butcher the rest of the interview.


    also, i dont think he was referring to Lee Evans who never was anything but classy. All of a sudden hes the devisive guy? Id say it was probably lil donte or lynchy poo before Lee. or maybe gailey said," you need to act and play like men!" and trent said, "oh dont listen to him" as he flicked a limp wrist in Gaileys' direction and then fixed his hair.

  18. well this is about the "offseason" not the season, so we did have a great "offseason"


    lets compare to what we had done going into the 2009 season....


    1. walking dead dick jauron still as coach attempting mission 7-9 for the 4th time.

    2. witner was still our safety

    3. turdwards was still our qb

    4. one good pass rusher, schobel

    5. drafted maybin!

    6. Hardy and mckelvin starting there second unimpressive years

    7. two rookie guards and rookie left tackle

    8. lost peters

    9. lynch suspension

    10.and the biggest piece of fools gold ever, T.O.! who kept SJ on the bench an extra year


    now thats a crap offseason! If you cant see the diference between that pile of crap that went 6-10 and what we have got going this year...go home!

  19. I don't believe Glenn is a key. If he performs then it will be fantastic, but I don't see him being a 'key' to this season.


    You didn't say number 2 receiver. You said Easely. I'd agree that number 2 wide receiver is a 'key', but I fail to see how a player that has never played a down in the regular season and has never been a factor is a 'key' to the entire season.


    Merriman, again, could be helpful or valuable pass rush depth, but hardly a 'key' to the season.


    McGee is the only one of those I'd even consider a 'key'. When he's healthy, he's a very good, reliable corner. If he stays healthy, we'd have excellent secondary depth.


    I think what you define as a 'key' is very different from my view that a 'key' to the season is something is *needed* to be successful.

    cool ...we totally disagree, haha. But i think the left tackle is important on any team and since ours is a rookie, he could be terrible which means an average hairston will play and leave a terrible pears at RT. so its pretty key that he plays well, we lost our starting left tackle you know.


    Mcgee is good, but he has less chance of playing than Easley I think, and easly is really, the highest drafted reciever on this team. So it could be a key if hes actually good, he might be great and solve our "problem" at the #2 spot.


    since mcgees been replaced, he would really just be a bonus like merriman, but i agree with you on merriman at least.


    10. He performed well when he was given the opportunity last year. Despite not joining the Bills until week 12, he caught 13 balls for the Bills and had a fantastic game against the Pats (7 catches 89 yards).


    Your thoughts on Hagan??


    hi Mrs. Hagan, can I get tickets to the opener or are you using them?


    In Jones defense, he helped seal the Bills victory against the Pats with a bad ass defensive play

    HUH? he was out of position and couldnt body his defender so he smartly batted down the pass, but do you think calvin johnson or any premier receiver wouldnt have made that into a TD?

  21. I'm not sure any of these are 'Keys to the season'. They seem more like 'x-factors'.

    actually youre mostly right, except that Glenn is definitely a "key" and our number 2 wr is about 3/4ths of a key, merrimen is like half a key, only mcgee is mainly an xfactor but they did jetison Drayton and I think they wouldnt have done that if Mcgee wasnt being relied upon at least for the first 4 games or so til gilmore can get ready.

  22. How about these three X Factors - all starting with "F":


    1. Fitz. Will he play like the first 7 games of last year? Will Coach Lee improve his mechanics?


    2. FredEx. Is he fully recovered? Will he regain his form? Can he put together a Pro Bowl season?

    3. Front Four. Will our new D Line live up to expectations? Will they both stop the run and harrass quarterbacks?

    well you cant call everything an xfactor. We all know injury is a factor, so im sure fitz and fred will be better thn last year, but their play is not a ? mark. also we know all the dlineman are good, so not really "xfactors" either or else everything is an xfactor.


    an xfactor is when something is "mostly" unknown.


    I like the three "F" factors even better than the four "M" factors mentioned.


    Fitz and Jax along with SJ and Spill are the difference makers on offense. CG will obviously have a big effect upon the passing game and running game as well. Let's hope he's ready to contribute.


    The front four on defense (I'd like to propose the front five because Merriman belongs in that group) should be stellar this year and should make it easier for the LBs and secondary to do their jobs well.



    ok but how are these guys Xfactors???, we know they are good and fully expect them to be good...and theyve been good already.

  23. i am excited to see the new pass rushers, SJ and FJ come back healthy, Fitz etc...but the real xfactors this year will be these four...


    1. M.Easely... he may be like SJ a talent waiting to happen. he had flashes of talent and drops so if hes actually good he has the size and speed to be a true number 2...like SJ :-)


    2. Merriman, if hes back...hes good. nuff said


    3. McGee, i really miss him, its like he got hurt three years ago and i always expected him back but he never came back...not really. If only he could play out a season, hes still a good corner and corners can play 12 years or so so im really rooting for our only real old timer (kickers dont count). Maybe he comes back and plays 3 more years as a starter!


    4. McCordy Glenn. Face it, with all this talk about Fitz, the number 2 wr, the new D etc, what does it matter if this guy doesnt come through? unlike past regimes where we relied on 3-4 rookies, this year we really only have to rely on one, unfortunately its a left tackle.

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