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Posts posted by loserlovers

  1. http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Trent-Edwards-Postgame-Press-Conference/9c0005a4-a8ad-4bca-9d5c-99871a5da52c


    as he fixes his hair and rubs his nose along with other preening, he shows how during the interview hes thinking "Oh i hope my hair looks right" and "my face has a tingle, ill rub it who cares that im on tv in an interview"


    He says the word "We" robotically ad nauseum because its not his fault, "its a team game."


    He really reminds me of a serial killer on trial that never shows remorse, never "gets it" Just talks calm and cool a "what did I do?" attitude.




    He Threw one deep ball all game and 2 medium passes in thirty four tries. One went complete for the TD. WOW! Rob Johnson could do that with less near pick 6's.


    The 2 near pick sixes would have definitely been worse than the two near long completions to nelson and evans. The game would have been a blowout loss instead of the frustration 3 hour scream-a-thon that it was for me watching TE throw....the out pattern. The five yard out to be exact.


    On third and twelve he throws a two yarder


    now on third and 2 he throws inaccurately incomplete. Its hard to throw a two yarder, (except on third and twelve)


    why so many batted balls? UM he stares down the receiver, who doesnt know where hes throwing?


    those that say its the o-line...what does that have to do with trent not turning his head? he doesnt turn his head. He stares down one guy waits...then throws....the out always the out. Watch his head he doesnt turn and look at other people...except on checkdowns.


    how many passes were thrown behind the line of scrimmage? 3? 4? 5? Was that the o-lines fault? How many sacks did he have that he rolled into? how many throw aways? The line made him roll sideways? I saw room to step up. I tivo it and see it over and over. He doesnt step up.




    If I were him Id go out and chuck the Sh>*# out of the ball just to shut people up...but I care, TE doesnt


    Dont u self proclaimed O-line geniuses know when a guy sees a paycheck and does just enough??


    He wont even try to win on the last play. 8 yards. Really?


    He likes press conferences, being on tv, having money, saying "hey look, IM a starting NFL QB"


    Jesus christ can you believe we still let this guy on the field.


    I hope to hell that he gets benched soon, I cant take another season with this fraud at QB preening his hair. The only thing worse is hearing the "experts" here talk down to the rest of us "ahem, not knowing that its really the offensive line, ahem"


    You few "elite" members are not right, sorry and you dont "see" something we dont.


    watch the little girl that gives this interview and see the mentality of a psychotic

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