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Posts posted by loserlovers

  1. Its crazy how his career just seemed to go downhill so quick. Hopefully somebody picks him up.


    i think its more of coincedence than anything. He got hurt, got hurt again, had a very unlucky play in the afc champ game, then went to a crap jags team that is probably just going younger and doesnt need to "win it all" this year. I will laugh at everybody saying how "hes done" and "was done 4 years ago" when he catches his first td this season after being picked up by a contender. I just hope its not against us. But if it is....we deserve it, big time.

  2. Seriously? You want to talk about Lee's hands after last season's playoff game??


    Just saying SJ is tops on drops or Lee is 80% of any other Bills receiver doesn't make it so.



    wow really ptr? did you not see that was a pass defended, not a drop? a drop is when a ball hits your hands and then the turf. A pass defended is when a db hits the ball with his hands and prevent a reception. Lee had no drops that i saw at all last year. SJ had several two years in a row. The kind where no one even was close to the ball besides him. In that game Lee had 5 other nice grabs and one dumb mistake where he thought he had it. his toe was an inch from the ground when his facemask got hit, then the ball, straight down the middle of his hands, it was a perfect defensive play. Lee was never physical, but that wasnt a drop.


    Lee had awesome hands. very smooth and effortless. he was also a great leaper. He won many a game for us out leaping guys, then catching a tough pass, then running away from everyone for the win. See our jets win against almighty revis in 2006- or 7. either way, lee won that game and many others for us. he was the lone star for several years here in b'lo.

  3. Long-winded?


    well you didnt refute my last so i guess you realized i am right? if that was your only response ill assume you agree, Id also like to add that just because a guy was released doesnt mean he cant play. Why is hagan still on the team? wasnt he released by 3 teams?

  4. Get over it dude.....have a good cry and move on. So we should sit young guys so Lee can play? How about we play our young guys so they can get better?


    ya i would agree if not for being young is not the most important thing unless you know a guy is good and your making him sit. Is graham good? for sure? if we get to the playoffs but graham has issues, you wouldnt want a proven deep threat with hands? Lofton im sure made beebe sit more than he liked. is easley good? jones? whos the star that is going to get faster just from playing? speed isnt something that improves in practice. If lee is still fast , id take him over the guys we "hope" are good.


    I'll make it simpler for you. In my opinion the preponderance of evidence/opinion/and coaches comments suggest that Evans couldn't execute the things which would add value to the offense.


    In light of this, why would others need to provide visual evidence of this? The person challenging the consensus (that's you) bears the burden of proof and should show visual evidence which refutes the consensus.


    If you disagree, that's fine.


    As for your comments about my "double talk" and "posting just to post as usual," I'll disagree with you.

    according to your logic, if a big crowd calls someone a criminal-then they are one, and its up to them or the quiet minority to prove otherwise? thats not how it works since the dark ages. Also, just because he was "traded" not released by the bills, and then released by two teams, still could have nothing to do with blocking and route running. You have no idea why he was released, and to say its for those reasons is a guess that satisfies the "theory" that he doesnt block or run routes. It would be so much easier if someone would provide a youtube clip of the thousands of individual plays he had as a bill, then to try to win with a long winded diatribe SJBF.

  5. Really? That's three teams (including the Bills) that he can't stick with. Really? That's 3 opinions of his ability that are negative. Do you know more than 3 NFL teams?

    no i dont, but if another team picks him up, does that mean I DO KNOW MORE? maybe he was let go to let younger guys play. I also think hes better than TJ graham who was drafted soley due to speed. I think hes better than D jones too. So it doesnt matter about 3 teams, it matters about 32 teams and this years bills team, last years bills really f'd up letting evans go and relying on Jones, parrish and easley instead. How well did they block? how often did they go over the middle?


    Trent edwards even got picked up, which proves one teams decision to cut or sign a player means absolutely nothing!

  6. Well we're up to two issues now… blocking, and the willingness to go over the middle.


    Rhetorically speaking, what if someone asked you to provide proof that Evans will go over the middle?


    Who bears the burden of proof on this?


    I will say this. Most wideouts who are fearless have the reputation of being fearless. Not every wideout is comfortable going over the middle and sacrificing his body so in that sense, Evans is not necessarily in the minority.

    nice double talk, of course you can argue that both ways, i didnt make the point that he did or didnt, i asked for proof that he didnt. In life, if you commit a crime, you need proof to convict. You dont need proof to say someones not a criminal, ever. So the point is still valid. wheres the proof that he didnt block or go over the middle or was afraid, like people say? And as usual you are posting just to post, without contributing a stat, fact or even some general history to back up your opinion. I really dont know what your opinion even is SJBF.

  7. ^This. Gailey insists that every receiver be able to play each position AND be able to block, which was never one of Evans' strong suits. And he was very timid about going over the middle. Now there are those here that will insist that he would but they're confusing look-ins, slants, and posts with crossing patterns.


    GO BILLS!!!

    im sure he blocked better than the 168lb Parrish, whom they kept that year. Lee was strong and i dont remember him not blocking ever.


    I just want to see the evidence then, we have over what, 100 games to watch on lee evans? Can anyone youtube a play or post an article link where someone besides a board member said he wont go over the middle? I saw hundreds apon hundreds of check downs by captain check down, several dropped balls by SJ and TO, but where is the tape where evans just stops running a pattern, or even shies away from a defender? please youtube it or cut and paste it. PLEASE!

  8. id take him back. hes still better than donald duck, and if graham drops a long td pass I know we'll all be wishing it was sill evans hauling it in. I still think hes fast. Who says hes lost a step? which one of you timed his last 40? I dont trust the jags talent selection much either. look at gabbert.

  9. It was actually Josh Reed. 30 yard strike into coverage to set-up game winning FG. But in any case he never had the courage to make that type of put your balls on the line game winning play again.


    A few years later that Trentitive song parody is still perfect.

    ok i had it backwards, meant for royal but it went to reed.

  10. I was at that game in DC. I think he hit Fred deep down the middle late to help win it. I agree though, he never hit a guy in stride ever again after that. Fitz is the anti-Trent. I wish he would check down once in a while but Fitz insists on throwing to guys in stride surrounded by like 3 defenders. High risk, high reward.

    totally agree with you regarding fitz, hes the anti trent, thats exactly what i think sometimes when i WANT him to check down. But it was royal, not fred, at least the game winning throw that got em down in position to kick a fg. No WAY fred would ever catch a deep pass anyway.lol

  11. watched all his plays the other night when i saw he had a td and no picks.


    every single pass was a dump off, screen, roll out for 3-4 yards to the flat, and his biggest pass of the night was a 7 yarder through the air that gained another 5 or so. His TD was a broken tackle wr screen. It was like i could just see the eagle fans thinking," hey, he looks pretty good" not realising the carefully crafted way T.E. has learned to survive in the NFL. ..


    1. Never go deep down the middle.

    2. Never take a chance period.


    After watching Trenty and his new hair style...long (think clay mathews in training) I realised I was right about something.

    Back in 2007 i believe, Trenty led a comeback against the skins (really he did) and the big play was a deep middle pass to Reed that looked like maybe it was to a stationary Royal, but went over his head, and hit royal perfectly in stride. It was too perfect. Back then I was 80/20 that it was on purpose, a year later I was 50/50, then 20/80 but after last night i am %100 convinced that pass to Reed was a lucky accident. He has never thrown a pass like that since (really) and when he tries it is always overthrown or a pick. He did it one time in the eagles game, same result. overthrow near pickoff. He did however throw one of his famous 5 yard out INTs, but the steeler had it ripped out of both hands, or it was game over. New hair style...same trent turdwards.

  12. And The Bills are basically the same Team they were in 2011...The Fish still have Brandon Marshall...So it's definitely relevant what happened twice last year to an injury riddled Bills Team... :rolleyes:


    The only thing those two Games will do is motivate The Bills to concentrate and get some much deserved pay-back in 2012...Unless of course we suffer similar injuries again...I'm sure The Fish will have a chance if Levitre is back at Center again... B-)

    hey glad youre back from the hole you were living in...if you didnt notice 4-8 guys were out with injury last year by the time we played the fins, as well as us having at min 3 new starters more talented than their predecessors means the bills have basically 11 different people who will play the dolphins this year who themselves have gotten weaker. So how is it we are 'the same team"? Also fitz and SJ wont be playing hurt either. Also hows brandon marshall matter? if you want to say one guy is all that matters...why wouldnt 11 guys matter? or even just mario vs marshall, thats at least a push.


    either way to make the statement,"we need to beat them before we talk" is rediculous. No we dont. Even if we had won last year, its a new year last year doesnt matter. All that matters now (til we play) are rosters and coaching. So we have every right to brag and talk smack!

  13. You are right. It is time to go all in for the playoffs this year. Get Bowe or Wallace. A first round draft pick WR could take years ot develop. Get a veteran now. We have an average at best TE, an average QB, and question marks at 4 of the 5 offensive line positions. Adding a superstar on the outside takes pressure off of the entire offense especially the running game.

    i htink you mean "solid starters" right?

    which one of these is a question mark...






    all have played a year or more with great results, an injury to wood is the only thing i can think of a being a question mark so might as well add mario, freddy, SJ, and kWilliams to your list since they are all coming off injury too.


    adding any troubled WR would be stupid at this point at the cost of potentially ruining team chemisrty. Let SJ be the leader and let a rookie break through, we run 4 wr, a dominant WR isnt as important as people think in this offense.


    I never checked out Two Bills Drive, thanks for the info.



    my bad, how did you find this forum then? i thought everyone here started there. also if you want unique bills info, i can email you my opinions which you may then quote as a "trusted source" here on the forum. Basically it will always be something regarding trent edwards sucking. :-)

  14. Come on, guys...are we reading a little too much into a simple comment from Thurman that makes sense primarily because of Ralph's age? Seriously, what 90+ year old wouldn't say he he wants "one more go at it?"

    its not thurman or ralph this time, its the money thats doing the talking, thats why I believe hes serious. And for that matter what 75 year old, or 85 year old wouldnt say the same thing? Well he didnt. nd he didnt know hed make it to 90, and he wasnt spending money with the last 4 coaches, since he was a spritely 78 year old. so it looks legit that he thinks hes actually about to go out, and wants to go out a winner. Whats to argue about?


    Honestly he could have said the same thing when they signed lofton.

    no, that was the original "go at it" this is "one last go at it" 20 years later.

  15. He is certain that ralph has a plan to keep the bills in buffalo and what was good news but also sad to hear, was that Ralph paid for Mario, Anderson, SJ, Freddy, and Fitz, (along with a technology center?) because, as he told thurman, "he wants one more go at it".


    Now we all know if the Bills make a run it would probably be the last chance for Wilson to see his bills make it to the dance. It was just sad to hear this thought coming from wilson, even though its quite obvious.


    I thought after all these years of us calling him cheap, he really did spend alot of money, and on all the right people. I also thought, why should he have spent money earlier when it wouldnt even have mattered? He probably saw nothing positive in Greggo's or Donahue's or especially Skeletor's tenure here. With all the bad drafts and bad QB'ing, what good would it have done to buy an expensive ffree agent back then?


    Maybe now he senses we are on the verge of gretness again. I hope.

  16. Here's a little cost/benefit info derived from PFF.


    thrown at/picks (% of passes picked that were thrown at that WR)



    Donald Jones and Stevie make it on their 2010 performance, but they better step it up.

    Smith makes it due to versatility and he's not picked often.

    Roosevelt deserves to make it on his YAC yards despite his picks.

    Hagan doesn't make it--picked too often and can't gain after the catch.

    see thats the problem with stats. everyone knows hagan outplayed donald jones in his brief time last year. It could be %100 the fault of the QB on any given INT, these stats dont show whos fault it was. Or the game situation. How can you get RAC yards if you catch one in the endzone...or tiptoeing out of bounds? Stats can prove alot of false points.


    I remember the plays. Hagan played good, Jones played ok with some bad drops/tips and some where he was out of postition including his famous "great play" where he batted down his own pass.


    I hope aiken makes it, just because hes strong and reminds me of Moulds out there.

  17. Omg!!! Way Would espn be able to say about him and the Bills if we picked him up? For years I've read and heard nothing it straight man lobe for Leonard as he was on the Jets and the Ravens. I wonder if they change thier tunes and downplay him of Biffalo picks him up or if they continue to praise the Bills for making great offseason moves.


    Fwiw I personally rhino he would be a fine backup but that's about it as he's been dinges up as of recent.

    "me learn how type today"-mr rags

  18. yes I will buy two tickets please. I hear carringtons looking good, maybe Kelsey is finally worried about his spot and trying to pump up a bit. I could see him being released by next season for alot of reasons- age, no gauranteed money to lose, other DE's who actually get sacks. stand up guy or not...we need sacks, heck, im a stand up guy and my guns are almost that big, can I play for the bills?



    I personally pray this guy does it, I am ready for this position to finally be settled.

    so you post your personal prayers on here? and what if he doesnt play good? whos better? "I want this, I want that" why cant you be happy we had a great off season and a QB whos had some great games? This teams about to put it together and btw, there are 31 other teams wanting the same thing you do. Go be a fan of theres if you hate fitz so much....also dont repost the same crap thats been posted about 20 times already.

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