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Posts posted by DCM

  1. I would not go near Vince Young with a 10 foot pole. His throwing motion looks like he is trying to flick dog poop off of his hand.


    After reading this piece by Jason Whitlock I would be so freaking pissed if we wasted a draft pick on him.






    You mean kinda like Bernie Kosar except he's 10 times faster.......Kosar had a pretty good career IMO....... with a dog poop flicking throwing motion. :lol:

  2.   Seriuosly, is there anyone the Dolphins aren't "reportedly interested in"?




    Actually.....they are only "EXPECTED to be interested in some cases!"


    "Dolphins | Interested in Ashworth?

    Wed, 8 Mar 2006 07:10:17 -0800

    Barry Jackson, of the Miami Herald, reports the Miami Dolphins are expected to be interested in OT Tom Ashworth (Patriots). ent OLT L.J. Shelton (Browns). "




  3. Screw up on their part.  But, if things go remotely like they project the #8 pick could be valuable.  If Cutler is the only Rd. 1 QB left there could be some teams come 'a courtin.  Sure hope Marv remembers what day the draft is. :unsure:




    Do you think Marv would consider the Fins as a draft partner? Even though it means giving a divisional rival a potential franchise QB for years to come?

  4. Sorry then, I meant 20


    I was probably thinking about how the other day someone mentioned trading down to 19 with the chargers.


    BTT, So I'm not going crazy, it was just a mistake on Fox Sports part



    sorry....just being a dink. I'm in a foul mood.....I do believe that FOxSports has made a mistake on the (Bills pick) part. I also noticed that the Chiefs don't have another 1st round pick besides the 20th....wouldn't they have their pick also if they acquired the 20th from ther Bills?

  5. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/5369094


    (This has nothing to do with who they have for Buffalo (Ngata) or where Davis is projected, to SF at 6)


    If you scroll down to the number 19 spot, it says KC gets the 19 spot from Buffalo. When did buffalo make a deal to KC for a #1? (or is this one of those we gave it to Team A who traded it to Team B type Deal) Am I forgeting a trade or something?




    That mock has the Chargers picking 19th.

  6. the answer to the post starter's question : Masking agents are on the list of banned substances.....testing positive for a masking agent constitutes a failed drug test.


    I have a "write in" vote for what Ricky tested positive for, Ephedrine.


    Found in many herbal meds and in some herbal teas.

  7. Even though he is a moron, and a better nosepicker than gamepicker, Hank Goldberg is pretty close to all things Dolphin.




    Hank USED to be close to all things dolphin....I hear that Nick Saban's "don't talk to the press" "or leak any info" approach (same as Bill Belichik btw), has really irked Fat Hank the past year.


    And I do believe Fat Hank reported that Nick Saban WILL NOT be the Head Coach of the Dolphins.....1 day before Nick was announced!

  8. Nice to see ya around DCM!

    The thing is, your question is redundant. How happy are you with the stiffs playing qb for you guys?  :devil:




    To be completely honest here.....I'd like to see the Fins draft a developmental type QB on the 1st day of the draft, and FORCE Gus to take a paycut to remain as the Dolphin starter for 06......


    But....if Nick and the front office believe they have the players to make a playoff run and actually compete once in the playoffs, maybe they will opt to make a run at Drew Brees(a veteran, proven, young player) to solidify the QB spot and let the coaching staff focus their attention on other pressing needs on the team.


    Here's my position on Gus Frerotte....definately NOT the long term answer at QB.....but a serviceable guy who has to concentrate on NOT losing games for his team. He had some good moments but he had his share of bad ones.....probably the same thing can be said for the majority of the starting QB's in the NFL. He knew Scott Linehan's offense and basically was given the starting job last year. This year, he won't have that advantage.


    If the Fins do nothing to address the QB position during this off-season....I will be disappointed. Having said this....if Gus Frerotte is the starting QB entering the 06 season, I'll still be optimistic. I'm swimming in the Saban Kool-Aid!

  9. Just look at how they did in the playoffs, even the league said they goofed up a couple of calls.    Hochuli sucks and needs to get Fired.  He's the worst ref in football.  College never has any contoversy.  GO BILLS GET SOME PLAYERS!!!!




    You're right there......"College never has any contoversy."


    In fact...I'm willing to bet they don't even know what contoversy is! I admit I have no idea what it is!

  10. Man.....what a difference a year makes! This time last year you guys were on top of the world. Just a couple of tweaks here and there and playoffs here we come! The wait will be all worth it come opening day 2005!


    What the Hell happened? MM? JP? Donahoe? All 3 combined? <_<

  11. Please GOD make it so.    MM as the OC in Miami oh I look forward to two games a year.  This clown was run out of Pitt and now Buffalo I think his ability as OC are highly overrated.


    Also on pro bowl talent is always not the deciding factor remember Rueban was all pro for ever.




    I remember a similiar post from someone last season around this time saying.....please, oh please let the Fins get Saban, everyone knows college coaches can't coach in the NFL.... :devil:

  12. ummmm.....


    Didn't Kordell Stewart make the Pro Bowl while MM was calling plays?


    I'll admit I'm unhappy about losing Linehan, more because of the time and energy spent on learning the offense last year for the Fins. A new OC means new terminology and probably an entirely new scheme.


    If MM does become the new OC for the Fins....I don't think the Fin offense will suffer too much.....some coaches are better suited to focus on just one side of the ball. Gregg Williams comes to mind, not a great head coach but a great DC in my opinion. I know Gregg still had a good defense while Head Coach, but better suited concentrating on one side of the ball.


    I also believe Nick Saban knew Linehan might be a short term hire....he knew if Linehan showed any success without Moss and Culpepper he'd be sought after.


    I say bring Mularkey back to South Florida...(he's from S. Florida right?) besides, I love trick plays.


    If Nick Saban says so.......I'm drinking the kool-aid!

  13. Hate to tell you this, but the players have a better feel for how Mularkey is as a coach than you do- and they play pretty hard for him, which speaks volumes of his leadership. I think free agents would look at that as a good thing





  14. "Mularkey took the Bills to a 9-7 record as a rookie HC last year. It didn't mean much THIS year."



    So....you don't think Saban has done a good job? Or are you expecting him to pull a Mularkey next year?


    Would you take Nick Saban as the Bills Head Coach over MM ?


    Saban is instilling a system that the Fins are buying into.....the future looks good for the Fins. His draft picks are playing.....and playing well. Another off-season can only make the Fins better.


    I'm not here to tell you how great the Fins or Saban are....but, the general consensus around the NFL "know it alls" and talkin' heads are that Saban has done a GREAT job as a 1st year head coach.

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