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Posts posted by DCM

  1. I've made comment recently about how I believe one needs a top QB to win Super Bowls.

    I stand by that thought though....

    Where do you find said top QB?

    I would have thought high 1st round in the draft...hell, 1st round period.


    This article puts a dampner on my thoughts.


    Linky: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft06/colu...02=stateChanged




    I didn't read the entire article.....but, I'm not surprised. Often, the high 1st round QB's go to crappy teams.....almost destined to fail. I have to believe that Alex Smith is much better than what he showed us last year, and also believe that if he played with the Steelers he would have had a much better season and expectations of a bright future.

  2. Listening to Tony Kornheiser on the way home today, I heard Dan LeBatard speak about all things Miami.

    Saban has issued an order that NO ONE say hi to him in the office. A memo was issued to all employees not to greet or talk to the coach.

    Somebody send a couple of large marbles to 'Captain Quig'.Saban is definitely missing a few.




    Good.....glad to hear Nick is all business......now go get Lavar and draft the top safety available!

  3. Your definition of a screwed up life isn't necessarily the same as everybody else's.

    Nor is the importance you place on money necessarily the same as that of others.

    Maybe helping others and being content as a person was more important to him than money. Maybe he likes to smoke a pipe instead of mixing a drink or having coffe or smoking a butt or popping some Advil. Maybe getting his body destroyed for financial gain is what he considers to be a screwed up life.


    You're trying to affix your own personal priorities into his value system and then declaring him troubled because the results don't add up. I think that's an erroneous way to consider the merits of another person.

    When he starts mistreating his loved ones or stealing or beating people up or crashing cars then maybe we should talk about him having a problem. For now all I see is a guy who might be a little different, but is just trying to help others and do what his heart tells him to. More power to him.......



    Your statements back up the fact he is playing for the league minimum....maybe because he has no choice because he has to prove himself. Last year after he came back, he more than earned his league minimum salary , as well as the respect that he lost from fellow teammates. Sure....his teammates are saying all the politically correct things when asked about Ricky.....but, you can only judge by what you see, and I saw a player giving his all on the field for his team. Besides...I heard it wasn't grass. The judgement on his appeal comes down tomorrow....

  4. If I'm chosing a franchise QB, I don't think I'd choose an aging vet with a blown-out knee.  If Culpepper loses any mobility, he's Drew Bledsoe with a worse fumbling problem.


    If Mularkey had no QB and a crappy Oline with Buffalo, what's he going to do with Cleo Lemon and Brock Berlin, and a crappy OL in Miami?  Did Saban hire him because he believes he'll be able to learn from his mistakes?  He doesn't seem to bring much else to the job.




    This will be my last post on this thread....it seems you have a perdeption of the Fins that has few facts behind your conclusions. The Miami O-Line which lacks BIG name stars is coached by one of the most respected and highly touted O-Line coaches in the NFL...Hudson Houck. Also this so-called crappy line gave up the 4th fewest sacks in the entire NFL last year. Of course they had the "aging vet" Gus Frerotte back there.....


    As far as the aging vet with a blown out knee.....Culpepper is 29.....hardly AGED. While I can't dispute the blown out knee.....his prognosis is good, already throwing and running without cutting.

  5. No they have an alcohol problem.


    Smoking weed or doing any kind of drugs is fine if thats what your into and can accept the consequences of your actions, but when it affects your job, your life, and others around you, then yes you have a drug problem. Ricky has been suspended a couple times already for drugs, so yes I would say he has a drug problem.




    I didn't know he was suspended twice.....Could you educate me on when the second time was? I thought it was just once...last year for 4 games.

  6. Yeah the coaching staff is solid and the Culpepper trade wasn't a bad move at all IMO. 

    I just think Saban has a lot more to prove to deserve all the hype he's gotten.




    I completely agree....Nick is geting alot of credit, some of it not yet earned. Regardless of the circumstances that led to the Fish winding up 9-7. He did inherit a team that was 4-12 as a rookie Head Coach in the NFL. A team many experts, as well as fans, picked to finish bottom 5 in the entire NFL.

  7. Cleo Lemon, Brock Berlin, or Ferrotte during an inflated cap year, while Culpepper spends 8 weeks on the bench....


    Sorry, I would have worked it out with Ferrotte. 


    Mularkey, as a playcaller, flat out sucks.  I know he's new and shiny to you guys, but the Bills set NFL records for offensive ineptitude.


    Trust me, you'll see.  There's a reason that the Steelers went from 6-10 to 15-1 in 2004, and it was more than just a rookie QB.




    Oh...I didn't know he was gonna miss 8 weeks. Crap....


    It is laughable how much Frerrotte was schit on by other NFL teams who have GOOD quarterbacks....now that he's gone, the Fins should have kept him. btw...I'm pretty confident that the Fins #2 QB who could very well start the season is not yet on the roster. It won't be berlin or Lemon.

  8. Yeah, because trading for a QB with a blown out knee, while dumping your starter from last season is pure genius.


    Not often you can get a guy who posted 6TDs, 12 INTs, and 3 blown knee ligaments for a 2nd round pick.


    As for Mularkey, I sure that Saban took one look at his masterfull playcalling in the 2nd half of the Miami travesty, and said, "I gotta have that guy on my staff."




    Sooooo, your master plan would have been to keep Gus Frerotte as the starter along with his 4 million dollar salary....pure genius as you put it. :(


    Dom Capers....Mike Mularkey....Nick Saban....I really can't complain about this trio. Even as poor as the 2 new Fins coordinators have done as Head Coaches, they are proven front line coaches. Among the very best in the NFL....just my opinion.

  9. 0-2.  I don't think so.  I mean come on, do you really expect us to lose?  I am predicitng at least a 5-0 or 6-0 start to the season. I mean we do have a 50% chance to win or lose.   :(




    Actually your chance of winning or losing is probably alot closer to 100%......unless an overtime tie game is played.

  10. Gibsons last stay was in Chicago..if im not mistaken we were lookin at this guy a few years back during Greg Williams Tenure here..curious to see his stats...he goes 6'6 370 ( per yahoo sports ) Kiwaukee Thomas been in the league about 6 years, last team the dolphins...the other two I don't have a clue..Im assuming these are training camp depth guys..




    I think Gibson was a 1st round pick of the Lions....from Wisconsin, maybe.

  11. Since Saban is already a GREAT coach, why even bother showing up?


    I did not realize one 9 win season can make a coach great already




    Hey those Bills' fans are the most knowledgeable in the NFL...they must know something!

  12. No need to play the season.  Might as well starting the playoffs with the Dols and all the OTHER March-poll division winners. :lol:




    Well the "Bills" fans do think their team will be runner-up in the division!


    I'm thinking of posting numerous links on that Bills' board to get more of them over here. Whaddya think? Good idea?

  13. You've STILL got no QB.  Culpepper's crappy season before getting injured, his quetionable public activities on cruise ships, and his blown-up knee are MAJOR question marks that will need answering.  And he's not expected back before midway through the season.  Missing all of the off-season, training camp, and pre-season will make him useless this year, IF he comes back at all.


    And yeah, it was the SAME exact team that Brad Johnson, who's been relegated to backup duty since 2003, QB'd.  Checkout the gamelogs from last year.




    Just admit it man.......If the Fins got the almighty Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or Brees....or McNabb it wouldn't matter to you. It's cool.....It's kinda like going to AA and introducing yourself and admitting.....say it "The Fins have upgraded the QB position" Let the healing begin my friend.

  14. just face it......Culpepper is the MAN!


    For several years all I've heard from most on this board was "you got no QB!!!!"...Fiedler? Lucas? Griese? Frerrotte? Feeley?


    Now the Fins have a clear upgrade at QB and still....like a broken friggin' record.... :lol::lol:



    And to the Einstein who stated "you're going by past perfromance....what the hell can you go by if you can't go by a proven track record? Maybe Nick Saban is a tool! Chances are he isn't.....but that's only based on past performance! :lol:

  15. I mean cmon now...these Marv bashers are SO right.....Marv is old, he sucks, he cannot evaluate talent....look at the results....FIRE HIM NOW! JUMP SHIP!!!!!!!  MOVE THE TEAM TO LOS ANGELES NOW!!!!!


    Look at Marv's record as a Bills GM:




    I mean look at that record!!! 0 wins!!!!!  I want TD and GW back at LEAST they won a game!!!


    :doh:  :lol:  :lol:




    yeah but.....how 'bout that Randy Johnson! With his outing coupled with Mussina's last week...... :D

  16. Jet Blue is supposed to start service out of Manchester NH soon, which is much more convenient for me.  Logan Airport parking is $16 a day.  Manchester is $8.






    Manchester is alot more convenient for alot of folks.....easy to get in, easy to get out with all the headaches of Boston city traffic! I live about 35 miles from Manchester.


    I hope the Manchester flights do happen soon....I'm considering a trip to the Ralph for a Fins game.......Lot 1 Pole 6 right? :lol:

  17. Culpepper struggled at the start of this season


    This was his first year he wasn't throwing to Moss




    Oh but wait, he didn't make K. Collins into a pro Bowler this year


    Could it have been he was hurt for a while this year too (groin injury I believe)?


    Culpepper is a good QB, I will give him that, but this guy makes it sound like they just signed the greatest guy to ever play the game. There is a reson why Minny gave into his trade request this offseason, and it wasn't due to salary cap. Brad Johnson seemed to be play very well for them after DC went down, maybe he just had a decent team in Minny making him look better than he really was.




    Can you dispute any of the facts in the Manifesto? I believe it was written to do exactly what you claim this guy is trying to do...


    The post touches on the time that Moss either played hurt or didn't play....

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