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Posts posted by DCM

  1. Yeah it helps your stats when you throw to Chris Carter and Randy Moss for half your career.



    Yeah I guess you're right.....that Kerry Collins really lit it up last year! And God knows CRIS Carter has left a long trail of Hall of Fame QB's in his path....

  2. Copied from another board........



    He’s ours. A lot of people on this board are very strongly anti-Culpepper. The following should allay your concerns and help get you excited about our new QB.

    Culpepper has been the most productive QB in NFL history. When you account for his rushing numbers, his production has been absolutely phenomenal. Over his career, Culpepper has 164 total TDs in 81 games, an average of more than 2 TDs per game. Compare that to the greatest QBs (production-wise) in NFL history:


    Marino (429 in 242 games, an average of 1.77)

    Favre (408 in 225 games, an average of 1.81)

    PManning (253 in 128 games, an average of 1.97)

    KWarner (121 in 73 games, an average of 1.65)


    In short, Culpepper is the most prolific TD scoring QB on a per game basis in NFL history.


    Next, look at total yards (rushing and passing). Culpepper has 22,639 total yards in 81 games, an average of 279.5 yards per game. Compare that to the greatest QBs (production-wise) in NFL history:


    Marino (61448 in 242 games, an average of 254 yards per game)

    Favre (55360 in 225 games, an average of 246 yards per game)

    PManning (33854 in 128 games, an average of 264.5 yards per game)

    KWarner (19474 in 73 games, an average of 266.7 yards per game)


    So Culpepper is also the most productive QB in terms of yards from scrimmage in NFL history on a per game basis.


    Then compare his INTs to the aforementioned guys. Culpepper has 86 in 81 games, an average of 1.06 per game.


    Marino (1.04 per game)

    Favre (1.13 per game)

    PManning (1.015 per game)

    KWarner (1.07 per game)


    So Daunte is the most productive QB (on a per game basis) in NFL history in terms of both yards and TDs. His interception rate is comparable to or better than any of the guys that are even close (and they're not that close).

    His completion percentage of 64.4 is the second-best in NFL history. And that is not in a dink-and-dunk West Coast offense. It’s not terribly surprising, as he holds the single season NCAA record for completion percentage at 73.4%. That is with a vertical passing game. In 2004 he completed an incredible 17 of 34 passes thrown more than 31 yards from scrimmage in the air. And no, it was not because of jump balls to Moss -- Moss caught only 3 of them.

    Physically, he has a lot more size and speed than any QB should be allowed to have. He's the size of a DE and runs like a fullback. His rushing numbers are second only to Michael Vick among QBs.

    Below are my responses to the criticisms I hear from the Culpepper haters:


    The Knee


    It is legitimate to be concerned about the knee, but this is an area we all need to defer to the doctors on. They are saying he is well ahead of schedule and will play next year. The trade hinges on his passing a physical, so if it goes through, that means the Fins docs say he’s OK. The decision on a QB of the future should not hinge on whether he'll be at full strength at the beginning of this year (this goes for Brees too). I can't think of a single QB whose career was ended or derailed by a kneee injury. I’ve asked in several threads if anyone could think of a single on and nobody came forward with any. In recent years, there has been virtually 100% recovery from knee injuries, including RBs, WRs and CBs who are much more dependent on their speed and cutting ability than a QB (even a mobile one) is. For those positions, the difference between 4.4 speed and 4.6 speed may be difference between star and scrub. Any loss int he ability to plant and cut on a dime fundamentally changes who that player is. Nonetheless, guys like EJames, Jamal Lewis, McGahee, etc. have all come back as good as new. For a QB, even a mobile one, it is much less important. Even if Culpepper goes from a 4.7 40 guy to 4.8 or 4.9, it won't make a huge difference. When RBs are able to come back from hideous knee injuries, it seems like a stretch to say that Culpepper can't or won't.


    There is a long list of QBs who have played at a HOF level for years with “bad knees” – Marino, Namath, Elway, Stabler, etc.


    The Fumbles


    Yes, he does fumble a lot. However, even if you treat the fumbles as interceptions, his numbers are still great. A rushing attempt is akin to a completed pass, albeit usually a short one. They usually come on passing downs and are positive yardage plays. If you look at combined rushing and passing numbers and treat each rushing attempt as a pass attempt and a completion, each rushing TD as a passing TD, and each fumble as an interception, Culpepper's adjusted rating comes out to 92.6, which is a little below Payton Manning's adjusted career rating of 94.3, but is above Carson Palmer (90.9). Gus's 2005 adjusted rating is 69.9. Marino’s career adjusted rating is 86.7.

    People keep citing to the total fumbles numbers, as opposed to fumbles lost, which is really the relevant number. He's lost an average of about 5 fumbles per season, which is about 2-3 more than most other QBs. BTW, Gus fumbled 13 times last year and lost 4, but I have never heard anyone on this board bitching about that particular aspect of his game. Also, part of the reason Culpepper fumbles is that he runs with the ball, i.e., he actually gets tackled while holding the ball 100+ times per year. If the average RB had those carries instead of Culpepper, he'd fumble a few times too (Ronnie Brown had 4 fumbles in 239 touches and Ricky has 35 fumbles in approximately 2000 touches in his career).


    The Boat


    Give me a break. He is charged with getting a lap dance and touching the dancer's tushy. Are you such prudes that you find that to be outrageous conduct? Do you think no other NFL players get lap dances? Hell, Clinton Portis had a stripper pole and a bevy of strippers in his house. Do you really think the Fins players would be hesitant to follow his lead because he allegedly touched a stripper's tushy?


    The Moss


    Culpepper's great numbers are not because of Randy Moss -- any more than Montana/Young were products of Rice. Or any more than Manning is a product of Harrison. Almost every great QB has had some great WRs. In 2004, Mossed missed 3 games and was just a decoy in 2 others. In those 5 games, Culpepper completed 113 of 166 passes (68%) for 1179 yards, 9 TDs and 3 INTs, which comes out to a QB rating of 99. In other games, he was hurt and simply didn’t do much. For that season, if you exclude passes thrown to Moss, he completed 330 of 463 passes (71.3%), for 3950 yards and 26 TDs. Even if you assume that none of his INTs were on passes thrown to Moss, which is doubtful, his QB rating excluding Moss was 105.9. Moreover, Moss clearly didn't make Kerry Collins into the Pro Bowler this year, even though he was opposite other quality WRs.


    The 2005 INTs


    Culpepper had a very bad start to 2005. He had 8 picks in the first 2 games, but had 6 TDs and 4 INTs in the 4 games after that. He was playing for a new OC, with a new set of receivers and an OL that had lost its anchor, Pro Bowl center Matt Birk. The OL was really struggling -- he was sacked 31 times in just over 6 games. You can't disregard his career numbers based on 2 bad games at the start of the season. Even the best QBs will occasionally have a 3-4 INT game.


    The Playoffs


    True, Minnesota has not been a great team since he's been there, but they have consistently had one of the 5-6 worst defenses in the NFL. From 2000-04, the Vikes never had a defense that was better than 25th in the NFL. Even Marino had better defenses in the late 80s and early 90s. With a few exceptions, Minny had unremarkable running games during that time (especially if you exclude Culpepper's rushing numbers). Still, the Vikes were 39-41 during that time period, which is comparable to Marino's record from 1986-89 when the Fins defenses were bad (30-33). We all know that even a great QB cannot win with a bad defense.

    When he’s been in the playoffs, he’s 2-2. His career playoff numbers are pretty respectable -- 73/134, 980 yds, 8 TDs and 5 INTs (82.3 rating). He had one terrible game against the Giants in 2001, a mediocre one against the Eagles in 2004, and two very good ones against the Saints in '01 and the Packers in '04 (total of 36/60, 618 yds, 7 TDs, 0 INTs).


    The Money


    Daunte is due to make $2 million this year, less than half of what Gus is due to be paid. Brees will undoubtedly cost several times that amount. The 3 years after this one, Culpepper is due to make around $6 million per year, which isn't much for an upper echelon QB. Brees would have cost more. Some are offended that he reportedly asked for more money, but it isn't clear that he did. His agent did, and then got fired for it. The Vikes owner had publicly said that he would re-evaluate Daunte's contract after this past season, so it wouldn't have been unusual for Daunte to expect him to do that.

    The Backups


    Some people argue that the fact that his backups have had success in Minny means he is a product of the system. When they make this argument, they usually selectively ignore the numbers of his backups who did not play well. Even so, the reality is that a lot of QBs will do well in a good offensive system, with a decent OL and some talent around him. The Viking backups success is hardly unique. Take a look at the QB ratings of the following backups, with the starter in parentheses:


    Steve Young (Montana) 108.9

    Steve Bono (Montana) 88.5

    Jeff Kemp (Montana) 85.7

    Scott Mitchell (Marino) 91.4

    Craig Erickson (Marino) 86.3

    Elvis Grbac (Young) 87.9

    Jeff Garcia (Young) 89.9

    Frank Reich (Kelly) 102.3

    Jim Sorgi (Manning) 99.1

    Matt Cassel (Brady) 89.4

    Marc Bulger (Warner) 101.5

    Trent Green (Warner) 101.8

    Bernie Kosar (Aikman) 92.7

    Rodney Peete (Aikman) 102.5

    Jason Garrett (Aikman) 83.3

    Billy Volek (McNair) 87.4


    In addition to those, you have guys like Brooks, Brunell and Hasselbeck who looked good as backups to Favre and drew a lot in trades/FA. Same for Feeley behind McNabb.


    None of this means that Culpepper (or any of the QBs listed in parentheses above) are not great QBs. They are. Culpepper has put up incredible numbers and is a proven commodity.


    The Vikes improvement in the 2nd half of the season last year was not because Brad Johnson was better. It was because the OL, which was recovering from the loss of Matt Birk and a rookie at G, started to gel as the season went on. The OL gave up 29 sacks in the first 6 games. They gave up only 23 in the next 10 games. The other reason was that the defense improved dramatically in the second half of the season. In the first 7 games, the defense gave up 193 points, which is approximately 28 per game. In the next 9, they gave up 151 points, which comes out to an average of less than 17 per game. Gee, do you think a difference of 11 ppg allowed might make a difference in wins and losses?




    First, and not that it is necessarily a true measure of intelligence, but Culpepper scored a 21 on the Wonderlic. This is better than Marino (14), McNabb (16), McNair (15), and a point less than Brett Favre (22). Obviously, the Wonderlic is not a foolproof indicator of the ability to understand NFL defenses.


    What are good indicators of the ability to make decisions and read defenses is performance on 3rd downs, when blitzed, and in the red zone. On 3rd downs, NFL teams basically know you are passing and the defenses are at their most creative to stop the pass. Performance on blitzes shows the QBs ability to make decisions under pressure and find the open man in a very short time. Performance in the red zone shows what he can do with a short field in critical situations.


    In 2004, Culpepper's performance on 3rd down and blitzes was phenomenal. On 3rd downs, he completed 93 of 134 (69.4%), for 1391 yards, 19 TDs and 3 INTs, which comes out to an absurd QB rating of 133.7. That year, on blitzes, he completed 101 of 159 (63.5%), for 1217, 15 TDs and 1 INT, which is a 115.7 rating. In the red zone, he completed 54 of 88 for 352 yards, 26 TDs and 2 INTs, for a rating of 158.2 (the maximum). These types of numbers simply are not possible if you can't read defenses and make good decisions. Do people think that every defense he faced was pure vanilla?


    Yes, last year he struggled, especially in those first 2 games. But his 2003 numbers in these categories are comparable to his 2004 numbers.


    3rd down -- 79/121, 1054, 12, 3 (Rating: 115.5)

    Blitz -- 60/103, 785, 9, 4 (Rating: 95.3)

    Red Zone -- 23/51, 147, 14, 2 (Rating: 126.8)


    For comparison sake, Gus's numbers in these categories last year are:


    3rd down -- 63/152, 813, 5, 5 (Rating: 56.2)

    Blitz -- 73/162, 866, 5, 4 (Rating: 61.9)

    Red Zone -- 28/65, 189, 12, 3 (Rating: 70.8)


    Remember, these are in essentially the same Linehan offense (which we say we are keeping).


    “Game Management”


    A lot of people talk about certain QBs being good game managers. I hear that a lot about Brees and some Gusketeers also like to claim that he was a good game manager. I think that, in most cases, that is just someone's way of pumping up a guy they like on the basis of some intangible that cannot be verified or disproven. Let's face it, with the exception of occasional audibles, the coaches call the plays. Most of what people refer to as game management is really a reflection of the plays called by the coaches, not anything the QB has done.


    That said, I think there is some QB "game management" in the way the guy plays on 3rd and 4th down. "Managing the game" basically boils down to how well the QB keeps the chains moving, which basically boils down to converting 3rd and 4th downs. Avoiding turnovers is another aspect of game management.


    I was only able to find stats for this for the past 2 seasons. Culpepper’s conversion rate on 3rd and 4th downs has been excellent. Over the last 2 years, he has converted 98/196 (50%). This is the same as Payton Manning (119 of 238), but better than Brees (121/264 – 45.8%) and Brady (122/270 – 45.1%). Gus supporters claim he was a good game manager last year, but he converted only 50/160 third and 4th downs last year, which comes out to 31.25%. These numbers do not include plays in which the QB ran for a 1st down on 3rd or 4th down.


    The Draft Pick


    Giving up a 2nd rounder is a small price to pay (it's not clear to me now whether it is 2006 or 2007). Either way, there will be no one in the draft this year or next who is a proven commodity with Culpepper’s talent level. Certainly no one in the 2nd round. The price for high draft pick QBs is around $50 million over 6 years, with more than $20 million of that guaranteed. Culpepper’s contract is much more cap friendly. Clearly, the Fins decided that Brees’ price tag was simply too high.


    Now stop crying about getting a 29-year old, physically dominant QB who has put up numbers over his 7 year career that compare favorably to the best who have ever played the position.

  3. Redskins | Contract update: T. Collins

    Tue, 14 Mar 2006 12:08:45 -0800


    Adam Schefter, of the NFL Network, reports QB Todd Collins agreed to a two-year, $2.5 million contract with a signing bonus of $450,000 with the Washington Redskins.




    Why does Dan Snyder take ALL the heat for all these supposed idiot signings?


    Doesn't the almighty head coach Joe Gibbs get any credit?

  4. This is a big day for you choads, shouldn't you be on your own message board;  theres a lot more going on over there than there is here.  Just a lot of bitching, and for good reason. :P




    There are about 1900 users on the Finboard right now.....can't even get a page to load.... :P

  5. I see you are only looking at the posts that support your side...I could counter with links myself, but I'm busy....and beside you can read, so you know where they are.


    Right now, it's nip and tuck...I'll give ya that.  But, that's just because Snyder IS overpaying for a lot of these guys and Hutch did get MAJOR jack for a guard.  What can ya say?  I still don't wee anything like overwhelming support for our pick ups.  In fact, the real vitriol on the wall is clearly anti-the Bills moves.


    Remember this is a BILLS board...and the sentiment is nowhere near your predicted "they did bad, we did good" scenario.




    Very fair.....let's wait and see what happens in the next few days, when the Bills sign someone else and the Fins throw Big Jack at a QB.....

  6. Hey DCM, we had this discussion about Shelton LAST year, in case you missed it.  About the only one who wanted him was VA, and Shelton proved to be little better than Gandy was.  And looking at his stats versus McIntosh's last year, it looks like a downgrade, especially since Shelton is an unmotivated player by nature.


    As for Brees, he's an unknown like Culpepper is.  For both it's "buyer beware."  And Culpepper didn't look so hot BEFORE he got injured last year.




    So you think yourself and those others who discussed Shelton last year might know more about offensive lineman than Hudson Houck? Because it seems to me that is what you are implying.....I'm gonna go with the guy who is regarded as one of the very best O-Line coaches in the NFL on this one....


    As for Brees or Culpepper.....as much as a buyer beware factor is present....I have to like either one of these former pro bowlers over anyone else that is available to the Fins at present time. I'm hoping to get either player and be able to keep Frerrotte as insurance IF he is willing to take a paycut.

  7. It seems today the consensus is that the Skins "overpaid" for Randle El......not a missed oppurtunity by Marv.


    LJ is a back-up at best and the Fins made a mistake in signing him.....


    Yesterday, Hutch was offered too much for an interior lineman.....


    my predictions are holding pretty true IMO.


    But I do agree with nobody wanting to play for the laughingstock of the NFL..... :mellow:

  8. Damn right I do.  Who did the Giants go with...Warner over Eli?  The choice is clear here, IMO.  You go with the young stud with a huge upside over a withering old rapidly declining QB with a crazed busy-body wife.  :D




    I wonder if Josh McCown has a busy body wife with a butch haircut? He seems closer to JP's talent level than JP's talent compared to Eli! :lol:

  9. Hutch is one of the best OGs in the NFL. His price tag is high now, but in a few years it will not seem so bad. Isn't the cap going up another 7 or 8 million dollars next year alone? Honestly, it wasn't a bad move. It will certainly make McKinnie a better player, and they have a lot invested in him as well.


    Do you (or does anyone else) know who played LG for the Vikes last year is? I watched him a few times and he seemed like a good player.




    Excellent points Bill......it all starts up front,or atleast the guys who are coaching the guys up front. :D

  10. A rookie QB won't help the Bills.  They have a young talented QB and a good #2 in-house.  I'm not saying the Cardinals need to draft a QB...they need to GET a QB.  142 year-old Warner is a decent #2.




    Yeah......Dennis Green is prolly wishing he had that 24 year old JP instead of his 142 year old Warner. :D


    So......not to change the subject, but, does the Wall think Hutch is being overpaid? I know Bill from NYC definately doesn't think so. I do agree with him btw. very good rationalization about the rising salary cap in the future.

  11. I see mixed reaction at best.  And NO praise for our signing.  That's pretty weak evidence.  Come stronger next time.


    AND...the Sabres just tooke the lead with seconds remaining in the game.  WooHoo!




    Predictions are made for the future.....free agency just started.....I'll be sure to check back after the Fish throw 50 million at Brees....or give up a 2nd rounder for Daunte.


    As for the mixed reaction......by "mixed" you mean reactions on both sides? Because I don't read 1 post that supports your opposite theory. But, I do read a few that say the Browns overpaid for an interior lineman.

  12. The difference between you and McGahee is one of you will leave the Bills in two years and never look back.


    Apparently you didn't get the memo: We have sucked, we do suck and we will always suck. The sooner you accept this, the sooner you'll be at peace with your team.




    Maybe some spaghetti psychosis is in order?

  13. Your prediction has already fallen flat on its face because our owner is the new face of embarrassment in the NFL and no one worth their salt wants to come to Buffalo to play for a man who makes Al Davis look sane.




    What does Ralph's dementia have to do with my predictions?


    "I predict the overwhelming concensus on the Wall will follow as such:


    Every top free agent who gets paid by other clubs wll be deemed as a MISTAKE.


    Every free agent who either gets paid or comes at a bargain basement price to the Bills will be genius!"

  14. You haven't been around much lately or you'd know, for the most part,  it's exactly the opposite around here.  I predict:


    The Wall will treat every FA who gets signed with another club as a HUGE opportunity missed by Marv.  Anyone we sign will be called a "second-rate player" and the only reason the Bills got him is because Ralph's cheap, Marv's out of his league and they're both too old to understand.




    I've been reading.....I've been around. I've enjoyed the ramblings the past few days, especially the RALPH stuff....


    I still stand by my prediction.... :lol:

  15. With Brees, it's caveat emptor.  He had a weak arm BEFORE his injury, which hasn't healed yet and reports are that it's worse than previously thought, and it won't be any stronger.  Moreover the Dols don't currently have a LT and the only prospect left is LJ Shelton, who will want big bucks and probably get lazy (again) after getting them.




    Check out my free agency question thread......you hit it right on the head!


    The Fins have no LT and if they sign the best one available, he'll want big bucks and he's lazy! Priceless!

  16. I predict the overwhelming concensus on the Wall will follow as such:


    Every top free agent who gets paid by other clubs wll be deemed as a MISTAKE.


    Every free agent who either gets paid or comes at a bargain basement price to the Bills will be genius!


    Come on....you guys all know you wanted Bentley. But, because another team actually loosened up the purse strings to acquire a man they targeted, all you can do is bring up the flops from previous years. Did you think LeCharles was going to take less money to play in Buffalo?

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