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Posts posted by DCM

  1. I didn't get to watch the whole game.....too busy clicking away on all the other tilts! But, I was lucky enough to see Brady get smoked on the very first play of the game.....that was nice!


    I'm hoping the Bills find it tough to muster up that kind of effort in back to back division road games in the September humidity.


    Is it Dolphin week already? BIG BIG game for the Fins...lofty expectations must be met this week....and a home loss to the Bills would not go over too well with the media!


    The Fins O-Line has done zilch.....pre-season included, really worries me..... :angry:

  2. Have you seen the Vikings' roster recently?  Their WR depth chart goes something like: Taylor, Robinson, a trainer, my grandmother, and an empty Gatorade cup.  I'm pretty sure Sam can crack that lineup.




    Troy Williamson is on that team right? Is nate Burleson there too? I'd much reather have them than the Bills camp cuts....

  3. Ask Steeler fans about how many 'great' plays he called at OC there.  They were clicking their heels when the self-proclaimed genius snatched him away.




    Without looking it up.....It's my opinion that the Stillers had a pretty good running attack and even Kordell Stewart looked like an NFL caliber QB during his tenure. I would assume they were good enough to make some playoff appearances as well....

  4. George Wilson, Nance, J. Smith, A. Davis, Aiken...at least 4 of these guys is not going to make the team, most likely. And they're all good enough to be at least #3 WR on any team, possibly with the exception of Nance. The best thing that can happen to the Bills right now is to see some injuries to WRs on other teams. It's still early enough in the preseason for WRs to learn a system and have an impact with the first few weeks of the season, and teams that are desperate for talent and depth at WR might be forced to make a trade. I figure our areas of depth need include DT, DE, and perhaps even TE if we're looking to upgrade there. Possibly RB, too. If we can't pull off a trade, I hope these guys don't end up in the AFC East, where there's a WR depth problem. Look at the WR rosters for New England and the Jets. It's talent poor, to say the least. And inexperienced to say the most. They're both going to be watching the waiver wire like hawks.




    So....just how good a player do you think these guys will fetch in the open market? Especially if these other teams KNOW they can sign them without offering the Bills ANY compensation AFTER the Turk visits?


    I read a post on another board which basically states the same thing...how they hate the thought of not being able to keep all their stud wideouts and maybe the BILLS with their weak receiving corps will probably be watching like hawks to swoop down and snatch them up!

  5. You know what, you're right.  Why am I even engaging you?  You have Mike Mularkey calling the plays and Bennie Anderson on your o-line, it's gonna work out really well dude.  I'm excited for you.




    That's more like it.....I'm glad you see the light now!


    Was Mularkey any good "calling the plays" while in Pittsburgh? Is there a chance he may actually be better at calling plays if that is his only focus?


    You know...kinda like Gregg Williams was an excellent D-Coordinator but couldn't hack it as a Buffalo Head Coach but now has proven himself in Washington as a very good defensive mind?


    Nothing can ever change the Meathead decisions he made while wearing the red, white, blue, and nickel.....In fact I enjoyed the pressers very much! But, I can only hope that he can once again regain his touch as an upper eschelon play caller and game planner. Maybe leaving the game day decisions to Saban might help him.....


    Mularkey will have a more than adequate supporting cast and is in a very good position to succeed...Hudson Houck, Dom Capers, Nick Saban.....many of you haters could be in for a surprise.

  6. Trey Teague, Mike Williams, Bennie Anderson, Jeff Posey, Ruben Brown, Parker, Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, that Watson guy at CB, Eddie Robinson and Lonnie Johnson. Even coaches such as Ronnie Vinklarik, Joe Pendry, Sheppard, Carl Mauck, Kevin Gilbride, Mike Mularkey, Gregg Williams, Jerry Gray, Ronnie Jones, Wade Phillips and Tom Clements. I'm sure that I have forgotten a few.These guys were the punching bags for all us Bills fans over the last few years.  Our "fall guys", so to speak.


    GM's, such as TD and Butler also fell prey to all types of scrutiny, blame and everything in between. 


    I was wondering. Who will be the next bunch of guys that will be put to the cross? Many names come to mind. JP Losman, Kelly Holcomb, Rian Lindell, Mike Gandy, Ryan Denney, Chris Kelsay, Josh Reed, Willis McGahee, Nate Clements, Troy Vincent, Tim Anderson and Coy Wire are the most likely. Brace yourself guys. Play well. The fans' wrath and venom will be coming to you real soon if you don't perform well.



    I can't believe Bledsoe is not on your list of Fall Guys...... ;)

  7. Good question, which is probably why he is trying to talk Dan Wilkinson out of retirement.

    Good point, I'm sure he signed Bennie Anderson, LJ Shelton and Seth McKinney - all who were booed out of their previous full-time positions - just for depth and not to actually start...




    Agreed, especially since he's now running a short-passing offense that requires receivers to be lightning-quick out of their breaks.  They don't have a single player on their roster who fits that category.  Booker, Campbell, Welker and Hagan is a HILARIOUS roster of no-names.  But keep patting yourself on the back, bud.



    Short passing offense? Short as in Losman short? Or the actual distance the ball is going thru the air? I was mislead all off season.....all these reports coming out of Miami about the Fins keeping that Linehan style of offense intact? Without looking it up, I think they were in the top 5 of passes thrown for over 20 yards......btw, that lightning-quick break thingy, I think that applies not just on short pass routes.....being lightning-quick out of your break even 20 yards down the field prolly puts the DB at a big disasdvantage.


    Did this reach safety sign? For 6 years?


    Dolphins receivers = HILARIOUS

    Bills receivers = ?

  8. You too.  Sheesh.


    BTW, Allen isn't just a safety - he's an injured safety whose injuries are considered by some to be career-threatening.  And the Dolphins may be "contending," but they also have serious needs at o-line, d-tackle, and WR.  If you ask me, they should have traded down to pick up Mangold or Sinorice Moss.  But, I know you'd rather just blare away on your one note over and over again...




    I wonder why Nick Saban didn't address these blatant SERIOUS needs.....how does he expect the defensive tackle position to hold up with only Keith Traylor and Vonnie Holiday? And what does he expect? His O-Line to allow his starting RB's to average 4.5 y/p/c again? And what makes him think his O-Line will again be in the top 5 of sacks allowed? What is he smokin' to think Chris Chambers and Marty Booker are acceptable starting wideouts? With only Kelly Campbell, Wes Welker and 3rd round pick Derek Hagan competing for the 3rd wide receiver slot?

  9. Some guy named Dom Capers aka Special Assistant to the Head Coach of the Miami Dolphins.




    yeah.....maybe Posey has a chance to wind up on the Fins roster...makes some sense anyway with the Capers ties and the word that the Fins will be implementing some of that 3-4 style of defense that everyone agrees suits Posey better....

  10. why so much animosity towards a TBD Hall Of Famer?


    Where's NJ Sue?


    Stop hogging all the venom.....there are many NFL fans who are most upset with the current state of their beloved franchises and would love some SCRAPS of venom to spew themselves....


    ............"Can't we just all get along?" <_<

  11. Leinart alone doesn't make us a playoff team but both Whitner and McCargo might or put us close.  The offense needs more than just a glorified savior and that dunce knows this.   An above average line and healthy running game will do more than just a Heisman trophy winner can.




    McCargo and Whitner play O-Line? :lol:

  12. Notice the "at least."  And didja miss THIS post from the first page?



    "Sorry but that's something I know won't happen and thus am willing to bet on. Other stuff I think will happen but won't bet on is the Bills having a better record than the Dolphins. Is that "reaching for the sky"-enough for ya?"



    ......think will happen but WON'T bet on is reaching for the sky? :lol:

  13. What's with the "Get sme Class" remark? It's true. It's inevitable. It's not very pleasant, but I for one would like to know what the next person in line has in mind for the Bills.


    If RW was in his 40's I can see where your coming from, but he's not. Besides, right underneath my title it clearly states HYPOTHETICAL. It wasn't meant to be misleading. My intentions were merely to start a debate regarding the soon to be future owner of the Bills and where the Bills are heading. Whether it be here in Buffalo or elsewhere.





  14. Yep.  And Randy Moss.  And Scott Linehan is still the OC.  And Culpepper's knee will be 100% just 8 months after knee surgery.  And oh yeah, there are no distractions in Miami. :w00t:




    I'm pretty sure Matt Birk and Linehan are not in the Fins future.....but there is a rumor floating around about a potential Culpepper/Moss reunion in 07.

  15. Was Warner an elite QB on his day?





    3 of the above were MVPs & the other has 3 SB rings.


    There are 2 ways of looking at this, thus perpetual argument.


    Elite means(is interpreted as meaning)...


    1.  Performs at a level that all acknowledge is very impressive.


    2.  Can perform at that level wherever he plays & under detrimental circumstances.


    To say a QB does not fit into meaning #2 is not saying he is no good.  Obviously to fit into #1 you have to be very good...just not as good.


    It is easy to watch a top talent in a great situation performing awesomely & say "WOW, he is an elite player".  It is harder to tell if the player actually is.

    IMO of the 4 QBs I've listed above only one fits into the #2 category.  I'm not saying who I think it is.


    Is Culpepper?

    Under meaning #1, of course he is.  He has produced at a top level over several years doing extraordinary things.


    Under meaning #2?  I'm not sure & I'm not sure if we will ever know.  If he cannot regain his full mobility he will obviously never be as good as he was...his mobility & physicality were integral IMO to his success. 

    To say it was all to do with having Moss to throw to is in my opinion over-stating his abilities(Moss) & also a bit simplistic.  In 2004 Moss missed 3 entire games.  Culpeppers combined stats in those games were...

    95-65-765-7-1 QBR=112.8

    Is Culpepper meaning #2 elite?  Well, he was good from the get go & until last year had maintained his performances pretty much under all circumstances.

    I tend to lean towards yes....though perhaps we will never know.




    You had me at "I tend to lean towards yes.... :P

  16. while scrolling you should have stopped at the very first paragragh.....the one that lets you know that DC is the most prolific scoring QB in the entire HISTORY of the NFL......I give up, you guys win, DC is at best an above average QB....in the same class as say......oh I don't know.....maybe.....Trent Dilfer? Or is DC not that elite because Trent has a ring?


    He may not be an ELITE QB after this injury....but, to say he didn't dominate the game the past few years is ridiculous!


    If he does what he did the last 6 years in Minnesota for another6 years in Miami....he is a definate 1st ballot Hall of Famer....is that ELITE enough?

  17. Had he not had that motorcycle accident I think he would have gone on to a great NFL career.  Unfortunately for him, and for Steelers fans, I don't think he'll ever be the same.




    what do you mean? I thought he was on his way to a complete and full recovery?


    As far as most overrated player.......Tedi Bruschi.

  18. Most all veteran QBs have good completion percentages of short to mid range passes.  As has been discussed extensively here, Holcomb has a great completion percentage in those situations, but would you consider him elite?  I doubt it.  So, having a great completion percentage, especially in short to mid-range passes, says little about a QBs greatness.


    I was pretty good at alot of things in college too.  But, college is college and that was years ago.  Who cares?


    So, if he's such a great QB, why was he struggling so mightly in all areas of the game early last season?




    Please take 10 minutes out of your life and read the manifesto.....read me


    Though many have commented on how one can manipulate stats and make anyone look good for the sake of one's argument, there are some undisputable facts in the manifesto that would CLEARLY put Daunte Culpepper in the ELITE class of NFL present and past quarterbacks.....which is back on topic by the way!

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