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Posts posted by DCM

  1. I said it prior to last season, without Moss Culpepper will suck. He is (or was) the king of "throw the ball up to an area and let Moss run to it and out jump and get the thing" passes. Make him survey the field, make him throw tight passes, make him put the ball on a spot; and he'll look very ordinary.  Very ordinary, indeed, he looked.


    I know the fins have Chambers, but I'm not ready to annoint him the next Moss, nor am I ready to concede Culpepper can come back from that knee injury.  So, until I see something on the field to convince me of an alternate reality, I say Culpepper in Miami was a great move.. for someone that wants to see the fins crash and burn.




    Actually.....Daunte's career short to mid range passes shows he has a completion percentage of 70%.....with an overall completion percentage of 64%.


    And I think he is the all time NCAA D-1 completion percentage leader, or was when he was drafted.


    He's pretty good at "surveying the field" and making "tight passes"...."putting the ball on a spot", ....... :lol:

  2. uh......never mind, I almost forgot......


    Actually, the Fins O-Line isn't that bad......


    Vernon Carey will be in his second year under Hudson Houck's guidance......


    L.J. Shelton was signed to to play the opposite side.....


    And laugh all you want but, I believe Bennie can be a VERY productive run blocker for Ronnie Brown.....especially with one of the better blocking fullbacks in the NFL leading the way (Fred Beasley).


    About the O-line:


    Stats can be misleading BUT....Losman was sacked 26 times in 9 games.

    Frerotte was sacked 26 times in 15 games.

    but....that stat doesn't take into account how much more nimble 40 year old Gus is compared to the Water Boy....


    Ricky and Ronnie both averaged 4.4 yds/carry, with the the so-called crappy O-Line. But....that doesn't take into account how soooo many teams couldn't stack 8 in the box because Gus was gonna burn them with his cannon of a noodle arm....

  3. "So he fits in really well with Miami, Starts out strong and then fizzle out late in the year."


    Yeah....those fish really fizzled out last year....only won the last 6 in a row...


    And the schedule makers have been nice enough to give the fish only 1 cold weather game this year.... :doh:

  4. I'm sorry but I have to jump on the media-bashing bandwagon.  It's incredible how the Dolphins went from supposedly the worst organization in the league last year (I never thought this BTW) to a top 10 upstart team on the same level as New England (I don't believe this either). 


    They had like one nice win in San Diego.  And they were 1 play away from losing at home and getting swept by the JP/Bollinger led Bills/Jets.  And then the game vs. the Patriots practice squad team. Give me a break already.  Most overrated team in football, just like the good old days.



    Okay.....how convenient you leave out the fact that the Fins also were one play away from winning 3 other games during the year. But, you just prolly didn't know. Fins were close to winning in Buff....winning against the Pats (not practive squad) had 1st and goal inside 2 minutes in the home game....and without looking it up, one play away from beating the Falcons.


    "Most overrated team in football".....so I have them finishing 2nd in the East and potentially a 9-10 win team this year....Am I overrating them?

  5. Do any of you believe the fact that Daunte landed right where he wanted to go (back home to Florida) will have any effect on his play? I mean do you think his "mental" state and comfort level account for anything when the lights go on in an NFL game?


    I think Daunte will want to show all the nay-sayers how good he can really be....I honestly think he will be playing with a chip on his shoulder when the season starts. Alot of recent reports have him ready for the start of camp and perhaps ready to go in week 1 against Pittsburgh at Ketchup field.


    If the Saban ball washing is making you guys sick to your stomachs....pray that the Fins don't somehow pull off an upset at Pitt on the Thursday night season opener.....can you imagine if DC starts and they actually win that game? :o

  6. Fine, Culpepper not having Moss didn't contribute to Culpepper having a lousy year.  So what DID?




    well....I'm sure it had some effect, but not the sole reason for his terrible 1st 2 weeks of the 06 season.


    "Culpepper had a very bad start to 2005. He had 8 picks in the first 2 games, but had 6 TDs and 4 INTs in the 4 games after that. He was playing for a new OC, with a new set of receivers and an OL that had lost its anchor, Pro Bowl center Matt Birk. The OL was really struggling -- he was sacked 31 times in just over 6 games. You can't disregard his career numbers based on 2 bad games at the start of the season. Even the best QBs will occasionally have a 3-4 INT game."


    Granted how well he adjusts to his new offensive teammates will be a major factor in how well he performs. My best case scenario is that Hudson Houck can figure out a way for Daunte to get some much needed pass protection.

  7. two words: Randy Moss






    Yeah....Randy Moss did wonders for Kerry Collins last year. Take into account that Moss had an upper tier wideout partner in Joey Porter as well....


    So...if the Fins acquire Randy Moss.....you'd admit that Daunte will return to All Pro form?


    Have you read the Culpepper Manifesto?culpepper manifesto

  8. It was indeed 5 games. If we won 6, we would've drafted a handful of spots lower and lost our chance to draft Donte Whitner.  :huh:




    Actually.....even with many posts debating this topic. Many think the Bills COULD have drafted a few slots later and still had the chance to draft Whitner. :pirate:

  9. Nobody will deny he makes tackles....unfortunately they average 5 yds from scrimmage.  He is a player who excels in a system.




    So.....you mean kinda like Tom Brady is a product of the system? Peyton Manning is a product of the system? Emmitt Smith is the all time rushing leader because he had a good blocking scheme in front of him? 0:)


    You know that "5 yards from scrimmage" is probably true.....because he does make quite a few tackles during a game on pass plays....running backs out of the backfield....tight ends....and he even makes some on wide receivers cutting under the zone....he often chases plays down on the "off-play" side, his pursuit is relentless.


    You'd be better served to pick on some other felon......Zach is a really good linebacker.

  10. The stat that would be interesting is how many yards from scrimmage does he make the tackle.  I bet he averages 5-6 yds from scrimmage before he makes the tackle.  He is overrated....but then again, he is also going to be in the HOF for no apparent reason.




    classic...... 0:)


    numerous times he is top 5 in tackles year after year.....plays with injuries....team leader....

  11. funny stuff.....fat and short.....that's why he gets too much credit.....


    Simon once again you have cut to the chase with your spot on assessment....Zach 's best attribute is his read and recognition skills. No wasted steps when attacking the line of scrimmage, and he is one of the best at stringing out the run from sideline to sideline.

  12. DCM,  didn't he sign a reasonable sized contract to vie for a starting job. Also, if he did have conversation with the Packers, whose line is in lot worse shape than yours, wouldn't he have gone there if he thought he had a better chance to start.


    My bet is he is going to contend for a starting guard position.




    He wasn't signed strictly for depth.....that's for sure. Rex Hadnot looks to be the starting center this year and last year's starter Seth McKinney will be moved to RG where he and Fat Bennie will have a training camp battle to be on the field for the first snap in Pittsburgh......It seems to me that Houck is building a very LARGE offensive line. McKinney doesn't fit that mode, IMO. Hadnot played at RG but was a center in college and is back at his natural position....since the acquisition of Anderson, 2 definate "depth" players(center/guards)have been released.


    I know you guys have alot of fun taking potshots at all the undeserved credit that Saban is getting....but, he seems to "get" it. Most of the new players that are on the 06 team compared to Wanny's last team are players who could quite possibly have their best years ahead of them. Players who have had starting experience but are still probably on this team as back-ups and role players. Most of the players acquired to start either by draft or free agency are very versatile players who can play at different spots if called upon. I really do believe he is modeling his squad after the ones Belichick has had, preparing for injury, and hoping that these experienced "fringe" starters can step in do a good job.


    BTW...I do believe Anderson could very well be the starter on opening night....I think it gives the Fins a good chance to have five 320lb+ lineman on the 1st string.

  13. Could any of you astute posters enlighten me as to exactly what Fat Benny's place on the depth chart will be?


    It seems most of you are assuming he'll be on the field.....is there a chance he was signed for depth? As bad as he was.....could he add any value to a team that may need an experienced back-up who may be a better player under one of the most respected and highly regarded O-Line coaches in the NFL?


    Ahhhhh....never mind, he sux and will always suck. Whoever said it is right.....I wish the Fins would stop taking left over trash from a proven no talent team.....

  14. Here it's lofty company only because the media elevated him to that space.  How lofty was Belicheck in Cleveland?  He's made the best of a pretty good situation.  Saban has won nothing in the NFL, and it's my hope it remains that way.




    I don't completely agree with you.....he took a team many had finishing in the bottom 5 of the NFL and won 9 games. I do agree that unless he builds on what he accomplished last year....many of the experts on this board will be ready with the I told you he's another Mularkey!

  15. you watch. the mouths at espn love to fellate nick saban. they'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this, and probably throw the word 'genius' at him a couple times. But if any other team had signed that little prick, (other than belichick), they'd be throwing eggs. And if the bills had been stupid enough to sign that $hithead, whooboy...they'd be throwing the word 'senile' around.




    Funny how you mention Belichick as the only other coach who could get away with signing Vick......pretty lofty company.


    Man won't it just burn everyone's azzes around here if somehow Saban takes a bunch of Felons and questionable character guys along with a gimpy QB and wins a friggin' SuperBowl??????


    It will be the BIGGEST dish of crow ever served..... :blink:

  16. This is a minor point but Miami wouldn't have known to leapfrog the Bills for Whitner.  He was our big pre-draft secret that we kept very well... I've just seen it repeated several times now that the Dolphins would've tried to jump ahead of the Bills... they may very well have tried to move up a few spots just to ensure they had a better chance at him, but they wouldn't have known to do so because Buffalo was the major threat to take Whitner.




    I don't believe Miami was doing anything but move down in the draft. Already missing their 2nd rounder which was spent on Culpepper.....they didn't have the ammo to move ahead of the Bills just to get Whitner. It's true they would have selected him at 16 if he were there, IMO.....


    But what's the worse case if the Denver trade went thru? Bills pick Jason Allen instead at 15.....Fins don't get either Whitner or Allen.....and Bills have 2 seconds and 2 4ths.....

  17. This automatic trashing of any non-Bill gets pretty lame.  I don't like LaVar,  but I've been stuck watching Redskin games for the past few years and based on the situation he's been in - basically,  never played - neither I nor the local sportcasters know how good he is right now.  He's looked good when he's been in there, and the speculation centers on personality issues between him and the coaches.  So to say he's a shell of himself,  he's too injured, etc,  is absurd.




    I posted a thread awhile back addressing the very issue and was told I was dead wrong. That the morale on the wall was so bad that it would be quite the contrary.


    I said something along the lines that any team that signs a stud would be over-paying and making a big mistake while any free agents who sign here are steals! Of course I was taking it to an extreme......I still stand by my original post, and the Giants signing Lavar is a big upgrade for them...I think he is still a impact type player, I don't think all the teams who wanted him were just smoke and mirrors.....obviously with what the Giants had to pay him to secure his services.

  18. Omar Jacobs from BGSU has first round talent.  I would consider him if he fell to the fifth round, but it is definately not a need position and a 5th could be better spent elsewhere.  I have been a Bowling Green fan since I was about 12.  He has better tools than Harris who many touted a few years back (and has done nothing since coming out).




    Omar Jacobs has been quoted as saying he was and still is a Buffalo Bills fan.....

  19. Culpepper Could Miss Entire 2006 Season --

    Thu Apr 20, 2006 --from FFMastermind.com


    The Pioneer Press reports there is a chance that Dolphins QB Daunte Culpepper's rebuilt knee could keep him out the entire regular season with Miami.

    That's o.k. The fish have ONE (that's right, 1) other QB on their roster right now: Cleo Lemon.


    I Know, I Know....."Who?"


    must be great...I mean, Saban likes him..... :flirt:


    seriously, could this be where Kerry Collins ends up? Or Jamie Martin perhaps?




    Just curious.....what do you suppose the FF "from FFMastermind.com" stands for?

  20. C'mon Millen.....Let Joey go.


    Being a Fin fan.....I would love to see Harrington in Miami. You know that whole change of scenery and fresh start theory.


    Although he was surrounded with offensive weapons in Detroit.....he never seemed in sync in that offense, obviously the terrible accuracy of his passes prolly had alot to do with that. <_<


    Still.....with the iffy Culpepper situation, an 07 6th round pick is a good price to pay for a QB who might be called upon to start several games in early 06. Atleast he has NFL starting experience, which is something the other current Fin back-ups do not have. Cleo Lemon and Brock Berlin.


    Just be forewarned......IF Joey starts a few games and plays well enough for his team to win games....be ready for the Saban is God articles.

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