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Posts posted by mattsox

  1. Has anyone heard anything about how Orton has looked in practice since he was signed? Rumors, eyewitness accounts, anything?


    Was the changed strictly based on EJM crapping the bed, or has Orton impressed the coaching staff, or have any players mentioned anything about him prior to this change?


    Who cares. I expect him to be on IR by the end of the game. The line is weak. EJ back in. Mark my words!!!

  2. As a 50 yr. Bills' follower, I wonder if Pegula will do what Ralph only did once in his tenure, that is hiring a big name HC? Ralph to his credit or detriment tried iti once with Chuck Knox. The results for Knox were pretty good. In fact I was at the Bills/San Diego playoff game and I am convinced to this very day if Joe Ferguson were completely healthy we would have prevailed. I hope Pegula learned from the Darcy/Lindy fiasco with the Sabres that it is better to cut ties with the past and start fresh. Perhaps we can get a coach/GM that actually have a clue and are not either retreads or unknowns. There seems to be some up and coming and proven talent and Pegula may decide to go for the best money can buy!


    Who wants to coach this team? Wade Phillips???

  3. Just curious what the thoughts are. For me, I am enjoying where we are and just trying to take it one game at a time. I must admit that after the 2011 season I will not say this team has "turned a corner" until the season is done. I still say the hit that Trent Edwards took in that AZ game changed him and led to the implosion. He was not the same player coming back.


    I think top to bottom including QB the current roster is far more loaded than 2011. So in this fact I place great hope for the 2014 season.


    What a great week for the Bills but I suspect there might even be more fandemonium if it were not for the 2011 collapse.


    Edit: a few people have correctly pointed out I have incorrectly combined implosions ... 2008 was Trentative and 2011 was Fitz-not-so-magic.


    Absolutely. I expect nothing from this team. They have a history of losing and disappointment until proven otherwise.


    I take a wait and see approach.

  4. On NFL.com out of the five "experts" none picked the Buffalo Bills. Even though they swept the Dolphins last year, won the last two at home against them, lengthy injury report for Miami and all of the hoopla at the stadium this weekend. How many wins will it take to get some respect?


    Bad week to pick the Dolphins. I guarantee a big loss. Bills 41-10. Go Bills!!!

  5. Every Bills fan should read that.


    I'm not sure if the true story is quite as dramatic as the author makes it out to be, but there is no question that Mr. Wilson kept his word to WNY, and then some. He knew exactly what he was doing in getting that lease pushed through, and I shake my head in disbelief at people who still refuse to give him his due credit.


    Agreed. Every Bills fan needs to read this. One of the best articles I've read!

  6. With all of the negativity I thought that a little positivity was in order. Excluding the sale of the team, what is it that you are most looking forward to this year with the Bills?


    For me it is Watkins' impact. I believe that this guy is special and will develop into one of the best in the league. He will do some things that this team hasn't seen since Moulds.


    My runner up for this is the improved run d. It has been a LONG time since the Bills were any good against the run. That changes this year.


    I have nothing I'm looking forward to. I don't see the Bills doing anything. If they do something, I'll be surprised.

  7. http://profootballta...ng-their-heads/



    I like Florio, but I love how this is not really a "Cowboys got Screwed" thing, but rather a "Bills took the bait", "roll the dice" "break-glass-in-case-of-emergency" and comments at the end along the lines that there is no real concern if he comes in and isn't ready.


    Even if Orton is half asleep this year we upgraded our back-up QB position from what we had and did so with money that we have a lot of.


    I know we may have a long history of bad decisions, bu brother, this is not one of them even if some want to twist it that way.


    I am sorry if someone else linked to this article and I missed it earlier. Additionally, Mods please feel free to merge this if you feel it belongs in another thread.


    ...I read it and couldn't help but post as it bugged me.


    Orton is a backup QB. If he comes in for any reason, Manuel's done as far as I'm concerned. Which is probably a better than 75% chance that happens.

  8. Two highly drafted OTs in the last two drafts are not starting. Not much of a peep about that though in the media. Greg Robinson, #2 overall to STL this year, and Jonathan Cooper, #7 overall to AZ in 2013, will not start.


    Chris Trapasso@ChrisTrapasso 1m

    Ourlads agrees. G-Rob's a backup. This is big news. MT @mqsteffes: Greg Robinson also not starting in STL, but no one thinks that's a story


    ProFootballTalk@ProFootballTalk 49m

    Bruce Arians: Jonathan Cooper won't start, hasn't earned it http://wp.me/p14QSB-9yQJ


    Still a bad draft choice. I'm sure we'll be looking in the next year or sooner to see who we could have drafted instead of him.

  9. Herm Edwards on ESPN this weekend: Patriots to win the division by 2-3 games. Revis and healthy Gronk were his reasons. Nobody in the division even comes close and he didn't even isolate the Jets/Fins/Bills.


    Wow…I mean….fearless stuff there Herm and you played and coached the game….you offer me the same sh-t I can get from any fantasy football couch potato.


    Point is - these big media guys all love the favorite and are never on top of an emerging/changing situation until the proof is right there for everyone. WE HAVE TO EARN IT.


    Gronk's done. He'll play 3-5 games before he pulls or breaks something again.

  10. EJ plays like an UDFA

    Sammy has banged up ribs that will linger all season until he is IRed.

    CJ runs backwards and gets stuffed.


    The defense looks great but is on the field too often to sustain that greatness.



    Instead of the usual late October or November pop, my hope bubble has officially popped in August.


    Anyone have a hope bubble left?


    If so why?


    Maybe I can inflate a new one.


    No hope.


    There is no accountability in that Locker room, and it starts with a coddled QB. He is not doing anything I see to make me expect more than a 5-11 season. It's time to get some fire in that locker room and players need to start calling each other out, when they **** the bed. It's an environment of coddling and enabling bad behavior in the locker room.


    The Bills culture of enabling losing is a cancer. It needs to end in order to for this team to move forward, and if that means other players stepping on other players toes to get a point across, so be it.

  11. Time to get nuts. I heard Schoop talking about this the other day and kind of agree. In most situations, why punt? Analytics suggest going for it on fourth down is a better play than punting.


    For the Bills, it makes even more sense. If they know they have 4 downs to get 10 yards, it makes more sense to run the ball more. Can we just average 2.6 yards a carry? Throw in a play fake now and then. Slow down the game. Basically everything we don't do.


    At this point, anything different would be a welcome and likely positive change.


    I am even more cut throat to this approach. Why hold 2 roster spots for a Kicker and Punter? Why not have a specialist that does both. You get an extra roster spot.


    You shouldn't punt unless you're on your 40-45 yd line. If you punt 46-their end, what's the point?

  12. TJ, Spiller, and next years 3rd for Kirk Cousins.


    TJ is going to be cut. All of our other RB look good enough. A 3rd for Cousins is worth it.


    Anyone else got a good idea????? This team sucks.


    Yeah. It's called wait until a new owner comes and fires everyone and gets some real Football people in here.

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