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Posts posted by FitzShowUsYourTitz

  1. Not sure if this was posted already, but Choice was the guy that spoke up last week after that bad lose against the 49ers. This isnt the first time he has spoken up to his teammates. http://blogs.buffalo...oom-speech.html


    Great Speech!



    Great Video. Worth a look. ....."I don't want them to gain another yard. You blitz all Night!! If they cross the line of scrimmage I'm gonna take every one of you out. You make sure they remember forever...The night they played the Titans!! er Bills."

  2. His wrist must have miraculously healed against inferior talent....


    What the HECK is Mario talking about with this quote??



    Williams may have had his best game of the season with three tackles, including his two sacks, and three quarterback hits.

    “I saw a lot of double teams that I didn’t see in a few of those games, and I really didn’t expect it,” said Williams. “I thought I was going to be more isolated. But they double-teamed, with tight ends and running backs on my side, probably due to those last few games facing those defensive ends. At the end of the day, you just got to go after it and make it happen. It’s not a given that someone’s going to go out there and fall over.”


    PLEASE STOP talking about...double teams, hands to the face and your baby wrist. This is the NFL and your making a couple dollars playing a kids...err Man's Game!!

  3. You guys know exactly why I asked the question and that is why none of you have answered it even though I have asked it several times.


    Steve McNair was an NFL MVP and three time pro bowl selection. I dare say that just about everyone would agree that McNair had a much more successful NFL career than either Flutie or RJ.


    McNair's stat line for the game:


    13 completions, 24 attempts, 1 interception, 76 gross yards, and 55 net yards.


    I think McNair's stats put the game and conditions in perspective.


    Neither QB had a great stat line. There is no way that anyone could say -- as many here seem to say time and time again -- that we would have won that game if only Flutie and his magical pixie dust had played in that game.


    At the same time, these same people always seem to forget that Flutie and his magic pixie dust went missing when the game was on the line a year earlier when we were just a few yards from the Dolphins' end zone.


    1. Your logic is weak. There is no way you can make anyone believe that Johnson played well Because another QB didn't play well. McNair did not have a good game because of our D.

    2. Please look up the sack stats for Flutie vs Johnson. One of the reasons Flutie was loved is becasue we all knew that our O-line was weak. Flutie put up points despite a Bad o-line.

    3. Hey, lots of us have liked/loved some of our past QB's. Flutie, Johnson, Trent Edwards, Losman etc etc. I for one have really liked more than one of these. However I am smart enough to realize that when they leave the Bills and either do nothing or never play again for the rest of their lives, they were probably never very good. Right now Trent, Losman and your guy Johnson seem to fit that bill.

    To say that it was coaching would be foolish, don't you think??

  4. Oh My! When I read that article...it felt EXACTLY like my fantasy football team this year. Every week I am dropping a couple non-legit players for a couple other non-legit players; hoping to strike gold. Sad to see the Bills having to do this.


    And yes. my fantasy team sucks too. :doh:


    PS - Don't you have to be at least 18 years old to play in the NFL. That dude Snow looks real young.

  5. "Billy Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."


    -from Billy Madison


    "Maybin might not be posting any numbers (or even seeing the field, for that matter, but he certainly hasn’t lost his confidence.


    “I’m still the fastest linebacker on the team — you won’t find anybody that second-guesses that,” he said. “And as soon as we take care of business on first and second down, third down will be a party for me again.”


    Geesh. Not really sure what to say.

  7. Amazing how us fans clamor to keep the current players or get old players to come back. Hey, I like to play armchair GM just like the rest of us. But PPPP-Leeeeezzee.

    All the crying when ( fill in the blank left ), only to see those players go nowhere fast.

    Getting rid of Lee Evans, Moorman, Travis Henry, Merriman, (the list is long) was such a bad idea and locker room killer .........is more or less proven to be a good idea when NO TEAM in the NFL really wants them.


    And yes I know Moorman is still on the Cowboys...for now.

    Damn. I wish we still had Maybin. We need DE's and he is such a speed guy and had 6 sacks last year blah blah blah.

  8. What were Air McNair's stats in that game?


    Seriously! That's the Friggin' "Logic" that kills me. Such a Big Johnson lover that you somehow have to say that McNair's bad stats for this game somehow prove ........I don't know what but would love to hear it. I guess, if I try to follow your logic: Johnson was good in this game because even though his stats were awful, he threw for less than 150 yards and zero touchdowns, he is still somehow a very good QB or had a very good game?



    If you look at the box scores from '99, Flutie was perfectly fine in his final 7 games. He threw 9 TDs against 5 INTs and had a 5-2 record. He had a 7.11 yards-per-attempt rate, a 58.8 percent completion rate, and a QB rating of 85.1 over that stretch. He was sacked 11 times in seven games (very good - that works out to 23 per season, in comparison to Johnson's average of about 60 per season). Flutie also rushed 39 times for 169 yards over that stretch.


    Let's also not forget that Johnson was terrible against the Titans, who had a very bad pass defense (25th in yards given up and 27th in passing TDs given up) and a mediocre defense overall (15th out of 28 teams in yards and 17th in points). Johnson was 10-22 for 131 yards that day and was sacked 6 times.


    This ^^^ "I hate when facts get in the way of my logic" :D

  9. Grego wanted to come here and he was highly respected, also Marvin Lewis and John Fox interviewed so all this talk about High profile guys not wanting to come here is BS.


    The reason guys don't want to come here now is bc of uncertainty abt future ownership and location.


    Also not having a Franchise QB is a big deterrent, look at Jeff Fisher He chose the Rams bc of Bradford whereas Miami didn't have Tannehill yet so he went to St. Louis. If We had a Bress or Rodgers we would have much better chance of Getting Great coaches in here.




    And Rob played a really Good game, don't know why he sucked latter but that playoff game he was spot on.


    OMG. Look up the stats from that game! That's why I cannot for the life of me understand why Flutie vs Johnson was ever ever even a conversation let alone a QB controversy.

    And to people who hate on Flutie b/c other fans or media made him out to be a hero or larger than life: get over it.


    Johnson was 10-22 for 131 yards and Zero touchdowns. But he apparently played a great game and Flutie woulda been worse.

    Frickin' Delusional. :wallbash:


    Go Bills!


  10. that is that is what frys my behind.. no info whatsoever from the F O on the teams future.. unacceptable!


    Hey, I agree. But at the same time, it's been the standard answer for about a decade or so. They said it would not change. I think a lot of us accepted their answer a while back. Not that it's not frustrating. It's just reality. Sometimes Reality Bites. :bag:


    Go Bills! By the way....I can't believe nobody is talking about Brown Bagging it at the Ralph. With the records we've set the last few weeks for ineptitude.

    I got to believe the Brown Bags over the head may to be coming soon.

    :bag: :bag: :bag: :bag: :bag: :bag: :bag:

  11. Yeah. The people here who hate Flutie is beyond me. The guy just won everywhere he went. Cannot even believe people liked Johnson at all - ever.

    At least while he was with the Bills. Some hate facts, I guess. Or maybe they have a short person problem.


    The guy won. No time in history did a QB lead a team to the playoffs, then not start. Except under Ralph.


    But Ralph's great. I mean he spends $$ every 10 years. When he HAS to. And then folks say....


    A fish rots from the head down.

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