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Posts posted by FitzShowUsYourTitz

  1. Every time I look at the 1st round in the 2011 draft I throw up in my mouth a little bit. I'm not ready to believe that this young man can't be a difference maker but if you look at the list and the guys we had a shot at that are making a big impact every Sunday in the NFL, you probably will too,




    "I'm not saying Marcell is a bust but...".....I am totally implying it in way I think is very coy.




    Can't believe a moderator posted this (sorry). But the quote was....

    Unfortunately for Tebow, the two teams who would get the most out of his skill-set are in the AFC East and are unlikely to swing trades to the Jets. The Buffalo Bills are at the top of the list as head coach Chan Gailey unleashed Kordell Stewart during his two seasons.....

    So basically the writer of the "story" wanted to get their name in the paper/interweb by writing a-Nother Tebow story.

    The one mention of the Bills was that the trade was UN-likely and total conjecture. Love the reporting. Que the "At least he's better than Our QB" in 5-4-3-2-1.......


    I'd take him over Fitz. Sure he may end up sucking even worse than fitz, but we already know fitz sucks, so may as we'll try something new. If he's worse than fitz, we'll get a better pick and hopefully a better QB.


    Oh wait, too late. I thought we (TBD) all were a little smarter than this %@!#Y!!!


    The only way this would ever happen is if Ralph wakes up and decides it's a Gr8 PR move. (ala Terrell Owens).



    I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


    ^^^ This. I believe you are the smartest man in the Room.

    You should run for Prez. Seriously. Good times!


    Go Bills.

  3. For me, as a veteran Bills fan (47 years), this ranks as one of the worst regular season losses ever. Blowouts are blowouts, but when you actually have a game you should win and don't, it's much harder to take.


    I rank the Tennessee loss right up there with the losses to the Jaguars in week 1 of 2004 (Nate Clements tried to intercept a 4th down pass that he only needed to knock down, and it fell into the hands of the receiver on a last minute game-winning Jags drive) and the loss to Pittsburgh's third stringers in the last game of that same season (where a win by Buffalo would have given them a 10-6 record and a playoff berth). We didn't know how good we had it back then. According to Football Outsiders, who has tracked every play in the NFL since the early 1990s, the 2004 Bills are statistically the best NFL team (in their record-keeping history) to have failed to qualify for the playoffs.


    When was the last time anyone feared the Bills when they got the ball late in the game?


    Why do we care about making the playoffs when we know that a Bills playoff game would be another 45-3 laugher for some lucky team?


    I think we are all in extreme fear when:

    a). The Bills have the ball late in the game.

    b). The Bills don't have the ball late in the game.


    I can't believe people don't think the Bills strike fear on Sundays! There is a lot of fear going on.


  4. I wonder if they're talking about the play of some of our LBs or DBs... It's not Mario's job to cover the middle of the field 15 yards from scrimmage. Matt Hasselback, aka Bald Joe Montana, was hitting that part of the field like it talked dirty about his sister.


    No, Unfortunately though are genius coaches tried to have Kyle Williams drop back into coverage a few times last week. He's a quick bull-rusher and we've got him dropping into coverage. Give ne a break!!! :wallbash:

  5. Is it possible that this organization is intentionally losing to improve our draft position for the next draft? It's almost like they are trying to do it without making it look obvious. There is too much talent on this team that was seen last year and was improved on paper in the offseason.


    Something just doesn't seem right. I smell funny business. Is this possible, probable or plausible?


    YES! Most amazing and insightful post ever. Suck for Luck and RG3 one year late while going .500 to get the 14th pick in the draft.

    :wallbash: :wallbash:

  6. WOW. Finally someone standing up. Love the accountability. Sounds to me like he is calling out Mario. Just got to read between the lines. LOVE IT!


    Kelsay wasn’t pulling any punches. After watching the tape there is only one conclusion he can reach.

    “If you aren’t going to give us everything you’ve got you shouldn’t be on the field,” he said. “I don’t care who you are. Obviously I’m not the one to make those decisions because I’m in that mix. I’m not pointing the finger. I’m looking in the mirror myself first and foremost. If you’re not going to, you shouldn’t play.”


    Kelsay doesn’t deny that the effort issue is a big problem for a team, but he insists it will be addressed. And if the starters seeing the most time can’t give their best effort on every play, the veteran end said he’d rather line up with a less talented player who will.

    “You’re only as good as the effort you put forth. I don’t care who it is,” said Kelsay. “I’d take Mario Williamsicon-article-link.gif at full health and full speed probably over anybody else in the league. At the same time I’d take Sean Ferguson, who we cut, over a guy that’s playing 50 percent, and I think our coaches would too. The playmakers have to make plays and the way you do that is giving all out effort every play.”

  7. Both of these teams have horrible defenses and lose because of them. I will not deny that RG3 is better than Fitzpatrick in every way imaginable, but he can't even win with his defense giving up so many points.


    I know you all say a new QB means we will be a playoff caliber team, but even an all star rookie can only lead his horrible defense to a 3-4 season so far.


    Sorry, Fitz blamers, I know it's easy to hate on the average guy who makes mistakes, but even superstars can't work with a horrible defense.


    No, I would say we have vastly different problems. The Skins have a proven head-coach and have answered the most important position for the next decade. (providing he stays healthy).

    Teams are vastly different.

  8. We are very lucky to have two quality running backs and should keep (and use) both of them as our primary offensive weapons. Our passing game is not going to get us to the playoffs, and a good running game ups our offensive time of possession keeping our defense off the field and rested. Further, running backs get hurt (as we know) at various times in the season and having two (or best yet...three) running backs ready is where its at.


    YES> Unfortunately, most here seem to think that every-time we have a strength on our team we must convert that into another weakness! Somehow it seems logical to them. There are many/most positions on a football team that you actually crave depth. Many teams have injuries. And it is even possible for a RB to get injured. I think.


  9. Oh and SJ, the buffalo in your avatar looks fat.


    If you think SJ's avatar looks fat, you must be a vegetarian. Or live in the Midwest where the drought is making the cows look like horses and they are feeding them gummy worms.


    (true story: "It's a pretty colorful load," said Yoder, who operates about 450 dairy cows on his farm in northern Indiana. "Anything that keeps the feed costs down."

    As the worst drought in half a century has ravaged this year's U.S. corn crop and driven corn prices sky high, the market for alternative feed rations for beef and dairy cows has also skyrocketed. Brokers are gathering up discarded food products and putting them out for the highest bid to feed lot operators and dairy producers, who are scrambling to keep their animals fed. In the mix are cookies, gummy worms, marshmallows, fruit loops, orange peels, even dried cranberries. Cattlemen are feeding virtually anything they can get their hands on that will replace the starchy sugar content traditionally delivered to the animals through corn...." Link: http://www.reuters.c...E88M05N20120923


    Merriman is our Ray Lewis, he inspires the guys around him to step it up and be tough. Not the team that gives up 300 yards passing and 300 yards rushing.


    OH......Now I know why our defense SUCKS!!!! Thanks for splainin'!!! I suppose Rosie O'Donnell is our Gisele??


  10. problem is we dont have a Franchise QB on the roster. :oops:


    Um this ^^^.


    I don't think anyone here or at OBD think we have a Franchise QB. We all need to put down the torches and realize that it's probably pretty obvious to Nix, Ralph and Chan that we don't have a Franchise QB. That's not really the question. The question is: Who is out there that is better?? Probably will be determined in the next year (or two). But let's keep the mob in check for a little while. With that said....why this Franchise gives these Huge contracts after great starts to a season (see: Fitz, Kelsay) I have no idea. :wallbash:


    Now as I say let's put the torches away, I fully expect to be flamed as well.


    Go Bills!

  11. Im not predicting any more games. Even though I'm 5-1

    My only loss was vs jets. Jets were having the worst preseason ever and I thougth our d was going to be decent.


    I hope Bills win Sunday.


    You're 5-1 and your quitting? Damn. Impressive. Most here are wrong all the time and can't wait to blab.

    Good for you but keep 'em coming!!

  12. Also notes their big physical, un-pedigreed corners. If this argument is right, makes me even more excited about Gilmore.




    Hey, the author called Leodis a Bust!!!! That hurts....Cause it might be true.....


    "The lesson of the Seahawks' success might be that teams ought to look harder at big, physical corners, the ones theoretically hamstrung by sensitive officiating. Perhaps the league is overvaluing scrawny, speedy corners—I'm thinking of Leodis McKelvin, Alphonso Smith, Darius Butler, Kareem Jackson, and a slew of other recent busts. It's banal and predictable, but the NFL could use the reminder: size does matter."



  13. Doesn't all this talk just prove that there really aren't a lot of great QB's in the league? I mean on the one hand there are. We are in a age of a great number of QB's, but once you get to say the 15 best QB's in the league or so, the fans of those teams are all calling for their heads. I lived in Chicago. Cutler was hated the last year or two. Romo and Vick are being lambasted. Look around the league and more than 1/2 want a new one.

    Of course we all want a better QB, but I wouldn't mind a coach that could play to the QB's strengths. (i.e. Trent Dilfer won the SB b/c his coach was smart enough not to give him the keys to the sports car.)


    Feel free to tell me I'm wrong but after the top 15 QB's there aren't a lot out there. But TEAMS with good COACHING can WIN!


    Go BIlls!

  14. For the first time in several years, the top tier AFC teams aren't BILLS ARE what they used to be. As of now, there really isnt a clear cut, without a doubt, top tier echelon group of team(s). If we are ever to make a playoff push, this is the year! There finally seems to be some parity in the AFC and we need to get out *&%$% together, and take advantage of it.


    Just a few examples:

    • Houston - Very good team, but didn't look like it last night and can be beaten.
    • New England - Very good team, but they are 3-3 and are slowly becoming inconsistent week to week
    • Baltimore - Very good team, but are now going to have to deal with injuries and a tough division
    • Pittsburgh - Good team, battling Injuries and an overall again roster
    • San Diego, Denver, Jets - All decent teams but are beatable

    I'm not ready to say we are or aren't making the playoffs, and it certainly won't be easy with a underperforming QB and a porous defense, but for the first time in years we have a legitimate chance based on our remaining schedule and the recent struggles of the top echelon teams. Let's hope they can get it together and make a playoff push in December. (Which will also fill those December seats at the Ralph)


    Here's to cautious optimism.....




    And it hurts!

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