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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. People here think the NFL is a game of Madden.


    "Trade Lee Evans for a #2."


    "Trade Marshawn for a #2"


    "Trade Lee Evans + Marshawn Lynch for a #1".


    Come on now.


    Lee Evans might get you a 4th or 5th rounder. Teams WAY overvalue draft picks compared to proven players. You can't just go out and trade your 30 year old running back (Fred Jackson) for a first round draft pick.

  2. Have you guys seen the games? The DBs constantly talk a truckload of junk out there. Every time Whitner makes a tackle he stands over the guy and tells him all about it. Florence flaps his gums non-stop out there.


    I'm fine with it, it's part of the game. Plus the DBs are pretty decent, so they have a bit of wiggle room.

  3. Football is a "very" basic game. No line NO win!!! You can have god himself at quarterback and unless he uses powers that would be very unsportsmanlike he will fail just as any other awesome talent would with no protection.


    This is not true. There are a ton of examples of great quarterbacks who succeed despite playing behind a poor offensive line. Two examples (one from this year, one from last year, so that should keep it recent enough) are Jay Cutler and the terrible Bears offensive line this year, and Aaron Rodgers having a Pro-Bowl season and leading his team to the playoffs despite playing behind a terrible offensive line last year.


    It is a zillion million times easier to build an offensive line through free agency than it is to build your quarterback position via free agency.


    Draft a quarterback that has a chance to play at an elite level, and prepare to be a relevant, playoff team for a decade.


    Continue to roll out sub-standard QB play, and be the Bills.

  4. Also please do not forget that it is a MILLION times easier to upgrade your offensive line in free agency than it is to upgrade your quarterback.


    And, you can actually start to land some non-Cornell Green free agents once you have a decent quarterback. Good lineman will not come to your team to protect Ryan Fitzpatrick.


    You also need a respected, proven NFL-caliber head coach, but now we're starting to wish for too much.

  5. 1. The fans support this team FAR better than any other team would ever dream of while performing at a comparable level.


    2. Yes, we all expect it. We are fans of the literal worst team in the league. The worst organization in the league. It has been this way for a decade. Reality has sunk in for all but the most delusional.

  6. Man, some of ya'll really need to watch some more football.


    It is no mystery that year after year, the teams with the elite-level NFL quarterbacks are the teams that consistently make the playoffs. Year after year after year.


    Fact: It is very hard to land a franchise quarterback.

    Fact: It is even harder to land a franchise quarterback from a source OTHER than the draft.


    You absolutely must use any and all opportunities to draft a franchise quarterback with the hope of developing an elite-level NFL quarterback.


    Without that, all you can hope for is a fleeting one year miracle run, while the teams with the elite quarterbacks make the playoffs every single year.


    Is drafting a quarterback #1 a guarantee that you'll get an elite-level NFL quarterback for the next decade? Absolutely not.


    But you DEFINITELY do not draft an elite-level NFL quarterback if you pick some fat lineman.


    Quarterback is the single most important position in any organized team sport. They are the face of your franchise. They lend credibility and hope to a floundering organization. Hope breeds relevance which breeds respect and success.


    Not drafting a quarterback #1 because you are scared he might be a bust is simply giving in to the hopelessness you feel about this franchise. You feel that the organization isn't capable of accurately evaluating talent and bringing in the right guy. Heck, you are probably right.


    But you can't just ignore the most important position in sports. You can't. You can't spout this "you have to fix the offensive line or else NO quarterback can succeed!" bullcrap. Good quarterbacks do succeed behind bad offensive lines. It happens ALL OF THE TIME. The Bears went 3-0 and are now 3-1 with arguable a worse line than the Bills. The Packers had a very successful season last year with the elite-level QB play of Aaron Rodgers behind a terrible line.


    Quarterback is more important than offensive line.


    Your franchise's best player needs to be your quarterback, not a 300-pounder, if you want lasting success.


    Don't fool yourself. Look at the elite teams in the NFL now and see what they have in common.


    Please. Don't let the Bills pass on a chance at landing an elite-level NFL quarterback. Take the chance, or you have no chance.

  7. It's just funny how predictable people are here.


    It goes from Cowher or bust! Shanahan or Cowher or else! Schottenheimer would be ok too!


    And then...




    <time passes>


    Chan the Man has a plan! I really like his brand of blahblahblahblah.


    This is where we are now.


    In another year, everyone will be railing on how we need to fire Chan!

  8. Revisionist history Bills fans will do anything to prop up their puppet of a coach.


    You same people spouted off over and over about how Dick Jauron was the right man for the job.


    In two more years, you'll sing the same stupid company line about how misunderstood Marty Mornhinweg was, and how he was going to instill the right brand of football into our underrated, young nucleus of players.

  9. Once again, someone is mistaking their own opinions for facts. You are entitled to your opinions, just like everyone else on this board, but please don't try to pass them off as facts.

    Chan's history in the league IS fact. It is a fact that he was fired in Dallas after two disappointing seasons. It is a fact that he failed at Georgia Tech. It is a fact that he was fired as Chiefs offensive coordinator.


    Just because the facts make you burp up your Kool-Aid, it doesn't invalidate them.


    Now for my opinion:


    Chan Gailey is NOT a respected coach at the NFL level. I base this opinion on the FACT that nobody in the league with knowledge of head coaching vacancies even had Chan Gailey on their radar. Few even knew he was in the market for another head coaching gig.


    Another opinion:

    No respected, elite-level head coach will come to Buffalo because of their meddling owner, and franchise instability. We get the dregs.

  10. We will see, the guy only started about 14 games in his entire career. :flirt:


    Everyone has seen enough of him to evaluate his potential as an NFL quarterback. He just isn't very good. Great guy, hard worker, fiery competitor, but just really sub-standard talent and ability for an NFL quarterback.


    But he isn't even close to the worst player on the team. Which is scary.

  11. Lee Evans is not a good NFL-caliber receiver.


    Look what happened last year when a street free agent (Owens) came in for a 1-year deal, not knowing the quarterbacks, etc. He performed better.


    Lee Evans is a mediocre free-agent #3 receiver. I know it hurts to admit that your best player or favorite player just isn't good enough.


    But he isn't.

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