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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. Fred Taylor is almost 35

    Ricky Williams is 33

    Sammy Morris is 33

    Thomas Jones is 32

    LT is 31

    Chester Taylor is 31

    Ronnie Brown is 29

    Clinton Portis is 29

    Willis McGahee is 29


    There are plenty of older guys still playing out there. Freddy will help this team out for 4-5 more years. Even if he helped us for 2-3, that is a LONG time in the NFL. Remember, Freddy was an undrafted guy. We can find more RB's when the time comes. But we're good for a long time.


    Wait, are you agreeing with me or arguing against me? Providing a laundry list of washed up running backs sort of confirms the whole 30=gack situation that people in the NFL recognize.

  2. With running backs, it isn't about how many hits they take, it's about the body's natural degeneration in terms of explosiveness and elusiveness. The reason why young running backs come in and make big splashes (Johnson, AP, etc.) is because their bodies are primed for the quick-twitch style movements that make them successful.


    Jackson is great and all, but there is a reason why 30 is a death knell for NFL running backs. And it isn't because of mileage. It's because they stop being able to elude tacklers.


    Lynch was just whatever, but I think we'd have been situated better with a rookie and 24-year old running back, rather than a 30-year old back in the twilight of his career alongside a situational-type 10 carry back in Spiller.

  3. So...of the 5% that say we don't need a QB, you dedicate the time to this? Preaching to the choir, and it is a long, tired sermon.


    I enjoyed it, to be honest.


    The more of the clueless 5% that we get converted, the more fun the outrage will be when we draft Mark Ingram #1 now that we need an every-down running back.


    This has all been said before, and all it means is that to this point his career has been disappointing since he was highly regarded at Lousiville from 2007-08. He's got one final shot this year to prove it, I think.


    Agreed. I'm fine with letting him play. It won't matter - he is what he is. We still need to roll the dice and try to find our next leader.

  4. What if we trade down and acquire two good lineman? With the trading of Lynch maybe that frees up some cash to get free agent linemen. How much is a 1st round qb, possibly 1st overall pick going to cost Ralph? Believe me, when he lays out that kinda cash he isn't signing quality FA linemen. He will get what he wants. People to buy season tickets to see the 1st round qb. But in the end the result will be the same. Mediocrity, at best


    Trading out of the #1 spot in the NFL draft is nearly impossible. But even so, 1 Peyton Manning is worth 2 Jake Longs, and it isn't even close.


    Your question about money is a common mistake people make when evaluating whether the Bills should draft a quarterback #1 or not.


    Did you know that the #1 pick in the draft is going to make a truckload of money, whether it is a quarterback or a tackle? He will pay the same either way, so that argument is invalid.


    I hope what he wants is to draft a quarterback #1, not so he can sell tickets, but because an elite-level franchise quarterback turns your team from a laughingstock into a contender for a decade.


    Interestingly, that also sells tickets. Want to know why drafting a quarterback #1 sells tickets? Because it gives the team a CHANCE to shake off a decade of pathetic and contend with the best teams in the league.


    Why does drafting a LT #1 not sell tickets? Because it doesn't do that whole relevance and contending for playoffs for a decade thing.

  5. I don't think anyone can say what Brohm is one way or another, yet, but his potential was viewed as high as anyone over the past several years. Hopefully we'll find out.


    Well, the Packers organization said that, after seeing him on the field, he wasn't worth a practice squad spot.


    Our organization didn't think he could beat out a guy that they ended up cutting after 2 games. Not exactly glowing endorsements of his potential from people who make their living evaluating NFL talent.

  6. Well, Brohm wasn't even the #1 quarterback in his draft class for one, and for two, he has had time on the field to showcase himself. He's been in 3 training camps and a host of pre-season games and has seen plenty of action on the field. Reviews haven't been glowing, if you consider the fact that he was like, cut and stuff, and couldn't beat out a Bills quarterback that was so bad that he got cut too.


    I'm all for seeing Brohm play to evaluate whether he is even worthy of a backup job, but let's not smoke the Brian-Brohm-Is-A-Franchise-QB crack pipe.

  7. It is very honorable to defend the elderly. They are human beings with genuine feelings and are entitled to our deepest respect and care.


    Unfortunately, it is a fundamental scientific condition of humanity that our bodies break down and fail as we age. A person in their 90s have lived FAR longer than the average human lifespan, and that longevity comes at a price.


    The extreme elderly necessarily suffer from a decrease in mental and physical acuity. This is not opinion, not speculation, not propaganda, but merely a scientific fact of life.


    We get old, our minds and bodies fail, and we die.


    Ralph Wilson absolutely lacks the mental and physical sharpness required to run a complex business at a very high level. He has every right to own a business for as long as he lives, but please do not kid yourself into thinking that he has the same faculties as someone 40 years his junior. It just isn't possible.

  8. This is misleading. Of course the qb is more important than any ONE player. Is he more important than the entire offensive line? Thats what we're really talking about here.


    This is absolutely not what we are talking about here. We don't get to exchange ONE DRAFT PICK, let's assume it is the #1 pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, for MULTIPLE offensive linemen.


    It is either draft a quarterback, or draft a SINGLE offensive lineman.


    One franchise-level quarterback makes your whole team relevant and a playoff contender for a decade. What does ONE offensive lineman do? Help the line a bit.


    Cmon, man.

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