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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. Cue the 'Ralph Wilson isn't cheap! He spends tons of money on terrible, washed up players!' argument that somehow should make you feel like Ralph isn't the literal worst owner in NFL history.


    Either that or we'll get the 'You should be thankful that Ralph gave you any football, however crappy and uncompetitive it may be! Buffalo stinks and is worthless so kiss his ring you ungrateful bastard!' line.


    Fun times for the apologists.

  2. FYI - You can't just count players on the line of scrimmage at the snap to determine what base formation they are in. Do a little google searching for some details as to what constitutes a 3-4 defense if it isn't clear. It can be a bit tricky to identify, as your linebackers can rush from the line and still be in a 3-4 alignment.

  3. Plan: Maximize short-term revenue until death by keeping team crappy in Buffalo.

    Estate sells team to highest bidder.

    Highest bidder maximizes long-term revenue by bringing team to viable NFL market.

    Bills fans get mad, then sad, then stay bitter forever.

  4. This topic been discussed forver, and it inevitably serves as a place for people to bash Ralph. I don't know what's in place. I would guess that he has some plans (Most 91 year old millionaires do.) I hope he has made some arrangements for the Bills to remain in Buffalo, but I don't think he owes me or any other fan squat. He's run a business for 50+ years in Buffalo. I thank him for that.


    This topic gets discussed so much because Ralph Wilson is making a calculated decision (in as much as a man of his advanced age can calculate) to keep the patrons of his business in the dark with regard to the long-term stability and viability of his company in Western NY. It is important. It is a million times more important than whether we got robbed on the Marshawn Lynch trade. We're talking about the possibility of the team simply CEASING TO EXIST as the Buffalo Bills in the very near-term future. Frankly, this is probably the ONLY thing we should discuss, as the minutia of the players and schemes make little long-term difference if the team packs up and leaves.


    Also, the idea that we should be thankful that Ralph did us the huge favor of graciously providing us with the Buffalo Bills out of the kindness of his heart is a crock of crap. WE made him a mega-millionaire with riches beyond any of our imaginations. Buffalo made him filthy, roll-around-in-a-pile-of-hundreds rich. Rich. If anyone deserves a thank-you, it is YOU for supporting HIS company and affording him a life of luxury that neither of us will ever attain.


    God, that "Please sir, can I have some more" junk is so tired.


    I know one of the attorneys who helped set up the structure back in the late 70s and revamped during the super bowl years.


    Ok, so you know the guy that helped him structure his company 40 years ago. That's pretty sweet. Not sure how you can make the leap from knowing a bit about the structure of the corporation to knowing his succession plan, but I guess we'll just either have to trust you or not. And hope that nothing changed since the Ford administration.

  5. Right. im pretending.


    Ok, how about we do it this way then.


    I do not believe you have any special inside information as to Ralph Wilson's plans with regard to the Buffalo Bills upon his passing.


    You claim that you do.


    I claim that you're just a guy pretending to have "insider info" to look all cool.


    So, prove me wrong.


    Give us some bonafides that corroborate a single word you are saying. Because "trust me, I know" just doesn't cut it with a random guy on the Internet.


    Start with who you know, and their relationship to Ralph Wilson. Otherwise, you are just some yahoo posting their wild speculation. Nothing more, nothing less.

  6. I see there are 2 responses for the most part. One, the ones that agree with me (thank you). Two, the ones that still believe that complaining will change somethings and make them feel better.


    More like:


    1. Homer Apologist Fanboys

    2. People that watch football and recognize mismanagement and institutional failure


    From day 1 I have been impressed with Buddy Nix, I really love that man. Not only does he really know what a good football player looks like but he can pick them out for the future, as he says; "smell there breath."


    Is that why his chosen starting quarterback was cut after 2 games? Guess Trent should have popped a couple Altoids.

  7. You have to understand our skepticism - the fate of the Buffalo Bills upon Ralph's passing has been the major long-term debate for years and years and years, and the Bills as a football team suffer because of the perceived instability of the franchise.


    You'd have to think that if there was a plan, it would be made known such as not to have the continued negative impact on the brand. That's what I'd think, at least.


    I do perceive people freaking out - there are multiple threads per week here about the team moving when Ralph dies. That is bad business, if it isn't true.

  8. wow so many people saying what they know will happen when they are only guessing.


    See, i know the people who worked with Ralph in setting this all up. The team was made into a corp type structure a longggggggggg time ago, so the team isnt owned as one would own a car. Makes it a little more complex upon his death but the bottom line is it protects his family.


    BTW, Ralph is very cognizant of his name, and doesnt want to be remembered as the AFL/NFL owner who was too sloppy to have a plan in place. Ralph is a shrewd busniessman.


    With all due respect, you're just some guy in the Internet talking some stuff. Can you offer up anything except some random speculation that indicates that any sort of plan is in place?

  9. Wait, who was offering a 1st rounder? Or more than a 4th rounder? :unsure:


    That's kind of the point - nobody was offering commensurate value for Marshawn Lynch, so we just took the best below-value offer that was out there.


    The speculation is that good teams wouldn't trade their good players for nothing, just because it's the best offer they can get. They'd like, keep them on their team.

  10. You guys really think that the fans of other historically inept, feeble organizations sit around and talk about the proud traditions of their once-great franchises?


    Come on. It is no red badge of courage for you to be the great superfan who is always upbeat and positive while your team plays the literal worst brand of football that the NFL has seen in more than a decade.


    The team stinks. The organization is an embarrassment. Recognizing this and verbalizing it really has no bearing on how good or bad of a fan I am, it simply illustrates my ability to dispassionately evaluate what is really happening.

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