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Posts posted by akm0404

  1. Sorry, I was just speculating given past drafts the possibility or a hit or miss with the current talent evaluators, not that we should forgo the draft entirely. Picking wisely doesn't seem to be something this franchise has been capable of doing for a long time. See Draft history . com buffalo bills. that is all.


    Yeah, I agree. It's hard to imagine that the Bills would step up and select the correct player. But, what gives me hope is that when there is a potentially elite-level quarterback in the draft, they generally go #1 and you almost don't have a choice but select them if you are weak at that position.


    I'm hoping for this to happen this year.


    When LeBron James is in the draft, even the crappy Cleveland Cavaliers couldn't NOT draft him. Let's hope that Luck separates himself from his peers and declares so we have our hand forced.

  2. Thats BS. We got 2 3rds and change for McGahee to the ravens. Surely Marshawn is worth more than him.


    and as for Freddie, he is not the normal 29 year old. He just doesn't have the milage on him that other rb's his age have. I say he;s good for another 4-5 years.


    Wow. Anquan Boldin PLUS a 5th rounder was worth a 3rd and 4th round pick. Think about that and tell me that Marshawn Lynch is worth anything more than a 4th at BEST.


    There have been reports of teams offering a 4th for Lynch (i.e. Seattle). We declined those offers. There have been no better offers, nor will there be.


    Finally, you just don't see 35 year old running backs, regardless of their "mileage". It simply never happens. Sorry :(

  3. Remember that the team is only as good as the sum of its parts and no one position is more important than the other.


    We disagree on this point. I don't remember that, and instead assert that the quarterback is a more important position than the others. By far. By really, really, really far. When your best player is your quarterback, you compete every single year for a championship. When it isn't, you hope to get lucky.

  4. my preferences in order:


    1. keep lynch. i think he and Spiller could be the best RB duo in the league within a couple years.



    2. trade him for a proven player that has as many potential years left.

    3. early 2nd or late 1st round pick


    Keeping Lynch is by far the best option. Trading him leaves your team with one 30-year old running back in the twilight of his career, and a rookie running back that is widely believed not to be an every-down type of player. Ouch.


    But, you are also smoking some pretty high quality drugs if you think that you can trade Lynch for any sort of proven player or a *dies laughing* second or *super dies laughing* first round draft pick. You might get a 4th rounder for Lynch. So, with that, maybe you can turn that pick into a back-up running back!

  5. And you are a retard. Now, does calling you a name make my opinion worth more? Guess that's how it works on this board. So yes retard, the offense looks better to me than last year. Just my own moronic opinion retard.


    The offense looks better? They are performing at a lower level than at any point in the last 5 years.

  6. Stop throwing around this "throw $30 million at a young qb" garbage. ANY player you draft in your draft slot is going to make roughly the same amount of money. You draft a QB #1, you are going to pay him a truckload of money. You draft a OL #1, you are going to pay him a truckload of money. Everything gets slotted in. You draft Aaron Maybin or you draft Clay Matthews, you are going to pay them the same amount. Throwing that dollar figure around as a reason NOT to try to draft a franchise quarterback is just irrelevant.


    Further, listing off the well-known quarterback draft busts does nothing to argue against the merits of selecting a quarterback with the Bills first round draft pick. For every Akili Smith there is a Mike Williams. Quarterbacks bust, linemen bust, safeties bust, corners bust. Every high draft choice carries with it an inherent chance to be a poor selection. Not picking a quarterback doesn't make you immune to selecting poorly.


    The other argument against drafting a quarterback #1 is that the Bills have so many holes to fill. They sure do. We need offensive linemen that can play, defensive linemen that can play, linebackers that can play, receivers that can play, and the list goes on and on. We have a million holes. But, please don't forget that your quarterback is the most important position on the team. The most important position on any team in any sport out there. The face of your franchise. Don't over-think it. Fill the most important hole first, and be unafraid of selecting poorly. You can't just put off the selection for a few years because you are scared of missing.


    The way I see it is there are two camps as it relates to next year's season: Those who want the excitement of a young, highly touted QB wearing a Bills uniform and those who would rather see four big, cornfed lineman protecting the pocket next year (with a mediocre QB).


    How is this even close to where the two camps stand? I have to trade drafting a quarterback for drafting 4 linemen? What?


    The two camps are:

    1. Draft a potential franchise quarterback, fully accepting the risks inherent to drafting a quarterback #1.


    2. Draft a potential franchise left tackle, fully accepting the risks inherent to drafting an offensive lineman #1.


    WTF is this 1 QB = 4 "corn-fed" behemoths exchange rate?

  7. Sorry Chan lovers, but reality is starting to set in. I know it'll take you another full year at least to admit that you were wrong, but believe me, it'll happen.


    Chan is such a great offensive coordinator! He can turn a meager quarterback into a productive NFL player!


    Fact: The Buffalo Bills rank #32 in the NFL in total offense.

    Fact: The Buffalo Bills rank #32 in the NFL in passing offense.

    Fact: The Buffalo Bills average 131.8 passing yards per game.

    Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 157.2 passing yards per game in 2009.

    Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 190.0 passing yards per game in 2008.

    Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 164.6 passing yards per game in 2007.

    Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 169.9 passing yards per game in 2006.


    Some sweet offensive genius we stole from the other half dozen teams with intense Gailey interest this last off-season.


    But yeah, we'll have to give him time. What did we expect? Oh yeah, everyone expected that he'd turn Trent Edwards/Ryan Fitzpatrick/Brian Brohm into quality NFL-caliber players. One cut down, two to go.

  8. He'd laugh whichever Bills joker called him up and made the pitch (would be followed by "Who? What's your name again? You work for who? Never heard of you." <click>).


    Would help the franchise though, if you could somehow chloroform him and bring him in.

  9. It's a great idea...that's why no one would do it. You don't think an empty stadium at kickoff wouldn't make all the news shows?




    Who cares?


    You think Ralph Wilson gives a crap? You think he just has NO EARTHLY IDEA that his team is a laughingstock and completely terrible? Maybe this will be the wake-up call that actually makes him realize how bad they are!


    Come on, man.

  10. This just in: The Bills aren't going to trade Marshawn Lynch.


    That would leave them with a 30-year old running back, and a rookie who everyone in the NFL knows can't be an every down workhorse.


    The Bills would only part ways with Jackson, but what team is going to give you anything for someone in the twilight of their career?


    It's best for the Bills to keep Lynch and Spiller. You can't always be giving away your decent players, when your whole team just plain stinks.

  11. He played better than Flacco (I am comparing him to Flacco because he is supposed to be the better QB but I think Fitz > Flacco, who BTW no one argues shouldn't be a number 1) in the win they had yesterday, the rest of the Baltimore's team carried him to a win. IMO Fitz although not Tom Brady is pretty damn good.


    I'm speechless. You really think that Ryan Fitzpatrick is better than Joe Flacco?! Holy crap.


    Did you see the part where Joe Flacco beat perhaps the best defense in the NFL on a last-minute must-score-touchdown drive to win on the road?




    Are you just trolling or something? You really can't be serious...


    *head explode*

  12. People don't want to trade for 30 year old running backs. He might be worth a 5th rounder realistically, maybe less.


    I don't think we want to trade Lynch because Jackson is almost certain to be in the twilight of his NFL career, and if we trade Lynch we'll be only left with Spiller to be the "workhorse" running back, which everyone in the NFL knows he cannot be.


    So, trading Jackson is the only option (saving two young running backs on the roster), but yet nobody will trade for him.


    That's why nothing has happened.

  13. Keep the scheme (and actually run it as intended) and dump the second-rate players.


    Unfortunately, the players are the one thing you can't really make a wholesale change on. You have a whole roster of them, and many are under contract for a good number of future years.


    The scheme, however, can be instantly and freely changed to fit the personnel you have. All it takes is enough practice to get the player to perform at a decent level.


    Hopefully in about 5 or 6 years, we'll have burned through all the second-rate players and will have replaced them with some decent ones so we can adequately run the 3-4.

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