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Posts posted by stuvian

  1. I think it is smart if unspectacular management on DW's part. We shouldn't be going into FA and the draft having nothing at QB and being forced to say that Cardale is a legit option. That Doug got TT to restructure and want to come back shows he has some serious pull with some players. I am heartened by TT's wanting to be here regardless of whether there were any other serious offers. I want us to take a QB high but I also think TT has some more room to the upside. If he gets his midrange game right or even adds just a few throws over the middle to his repertoire we might have Russell Wilson lite.



    We ... are ... grossly ... overpaying ... for ... Tyrod.


    Someone gave Osweiler $18 mill a year. Did that mean that we should give Tyrod $20.5 mill? Or did they wildly overpay Osweiler? Clearly the latter. And if Glennon gets a deal for $14 - $15 mill a year, first it's a ton less than Tyrod would make if they picked up his option and second, the fact that somebody might overpay for one guy doesn't make overpaying for another OK.


    Tyrod is a bridge QB. He shouldn't be paid like a franchise guy, and yes, $40.5 million guaranteed for two years on the roster - his most likely term - is franchise QB money.


    Glennon is also a bridge QB, though not as good a bridge guy as Tyrod. $14 - $15 mill would make him the most expensive bridge QB in history. And will almost certainly look like a terrible deal in a year or two.


    Also worth remembering that some teams have an awful lot of money available under the cap to throw around if they want while we have very little and still can't even come close to fielding a roster of 51 NFL-ready players.

    starters get paid like starters even when they aren't starting quality

    Wasn't Glennon the banjo playing kid from Deliverance?

    the banjo guy is his Dad. Not only can Glennon pass over the middle, he also has a pretty mouth

  3. My uneducated guess at starting QB for Bills: Romo 5%, Alex Smith 10%, Simien 35%, Tyrod 50%. All depends on where Romo goes.

    my worst nightmare is we start Hoyer at QB. If this happens I will not attend another Bills game until he's gone. Still it is such a Bills-like turtleball move I fear that it may be realized.


    So my stab into the unknown goes Hoyer 20 %, Foles 15%, Simien 25%, Tyrod 0%, AJ Mccarron 10%, Romo 0%, Jay Cutler 10%, Glennon 10%, Garropolo 5%, Zach Mettenburger (your long shot fill in the blank) etc 5%


    I say zero for TT because our trying to talk him down will create too much bad will.

  4. Speaking for myself, I don't think you should be over it yet. None of us who had a sort of "home" there should be.


    Again speaking for myself, they acted as if I am of no consequence whatsoever. Like trash to be swept up and disposed of after a game.


    That's not very nice. But it doesn't reflect on me, or you. It is was trashy behavior from Bills management. A respectable individual does not treat other people like that. What amazes me is how many people will just accept being treated that way. Boggles my mind.


    Recall the three weeks they left Rex Ryan twisting while the reports swirled that he would be fired. Trashy. We have a trashy management team in place at One Bills drive..


    Anyway I am indeed glad Twobills is here! :)

    Great to hear from you BLM. You were on of the best of the BBMB. Great insights and good humour. Now if you bring back your old avatar (Yosemite Sam?) I will really feel like I've found my new home.

  5. every team moved to the social media platforms as their official "fan zone." They also all know there are already other message boards for the fans on sites unaffiliated with the team, which makes more sense anyway. Finheaven, gang green, pats nation, brownsboard, Steeler Fever, etc etc.


    I'm sure Boyko took a look at the site and realized how behind it really was to the rest of the league.

    still he has cut us off without notice. I feel like we've been put up for adoption by the team we've supported through so much bad football. As you cantell I'm definitely not over it. The BBMB was by far my favourite online activity. Not all change is progress. I like this site but don't feel that it has the critical mass of the BBMB.

  6. 1. List of user names and aliases used over the last 5 years; stuvian


    2. Dates active; since 2003 - 18+K posts


    3. City of residence;Ottawa


    4. How old were you when the Bills last made the playoffs.: I'm 51 and its too early for math


    5. List of your fears; living an unrealized life, not renewing my seasons and seeing the Bills go all the way, renewing my seasons and watching the Bills fail repeatedly and feeling like a sucker


    It's very reassuring seeing so many familiar avatars. I still feel like someone has stolen something from me since the BBMB shut down. I registered on here awhile back and did some occasional lurking but it looks like I'll be setting up shop here indefinitely.


    I'm going to pen an open letter to Mr and Mrs Pegs about the BBMB shutdown for publication and welcome your ideas as to what websites or periodicals to approach with it.They need to know what this meant to us.



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