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Posts posted by stuvian

  1. moved to Ontario from British Columbia when I was 19. I grew up rooting for the Raiders and Seahawks (and still do). A friend brought me to a Bills game on a bus tour package. Saw the Bills in their glory years versus Elway in his prime. That same season I went to the final home game where they clinched the division against the Jets. I was hooked. I convinced a few drinking buddies we should go in a season ticket package and we're still at it 13 years later. Bad football, great memories.

  2. I don't see any evidence that the Bills are committed to a Moneyball approach like the Browns - trying to figure out why you raised the question (honestly, not in a snarky way)

    The Browns have bought in big to Moneyball and brought in some of the best minds in the business. The ownership looks committed to making the necessary investments for genuine organizational change. I read a few years back that OBD created a position just for stats based research but there was no word on whether the franchise as a whole was committed to this as a guiding ideology. I guess my question is we aren't committing to this,what game plan are we committing to?



    Yeah, it's hard to imagine how anyone could think Whaley should be fired.




    After all, the team's been so successful under his stewardship.




    Tom, if not having won world championships means you can't complain, I'll expect not to hear any more sourness from you or anyone else around here.


    If you can't complain as a fan of a team that's gone this many years without hitting the playoffs, with a GM with this level of success, you should pretty much never complain. And I say that as a person who has enjoyed your posts for years.


    Whaley deserves everything he gets and more.





    Clicks mean absolutely nothing to Sully. Plenty of sites out there it means a lot, but for the News, absolutely nothing.


    They use a subscription system. Their money comes from people subscribing to receive their stories. The News actually limits the number of stories you can read without subscribing. They clearly would't do this if they gave a crap about clicks.


    Pretty much all newspapers these days have switched to this system. The "it's only for clicks" argument simply is no longer relevant for most newspapers and certainly the Buffalo News. They make money when people like their writers enough to sign up for digital and newsprint subscriptions. Sully is still here because he's good at his job. Not that that means you have to like him, but he's good.

    I've been critical of Whaley but there's no way he's solely to blame for our failures. A GM can only be as competent as ownership adnour organization has been a trainwreck. No GM could overcome that. EJ was Buddy Nix' pick IMO.

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