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Just Joshin'

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Posts posted by Just Joshin'

  1. 54 minutes ago, QLBillsFan said:

    Sorry don’t agree. It would be rather simple to prove negligence with this injury being rushed. Reid as much as said in the past he likely would have gone back in. This nerve issue potentially could be worse than a concussion. I for one hope he plays. But no as money hungry and arrogant at times the NFL is, I can’t buy it. 

    Foget the NFL.  If you as a medical professional clear someone who should not be what is their personal legal liability?  Could they lose theor license to practice?


    Would youbtake the risk if your decision?

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  2. 10 minutes ago, scribo said:

    Mahomes will play. We all know that. We all knew that as soon as he couldn't stand on his own two feet. We knew that when we saw him go into the blue tent the first time for what I think is turf toe. But I seriously think the Chiefs should be thinking about sitting him.


    KC just gave this guy a 1/2 billion dollars, committing to him for a full decade. Whatever it was that caused him to be so dizzy that he couldn't stand, it is dangerous. And it certainly increases the chances of sustaining a more serious injury this coming Sunday. To be clear, I hope he is OK and never gets injured again. But the truth of the matter is KC could be putting him in serious jeopardy of a career-shortening injury by playing him so soon after that. KC needs to realize they have to pay him all that money even if he goes out, gets his clock rung and cannot play anymore.


    Protect your investment, Andy Reid!

    I guess I was mistaken - I thought an independent medical professional had to clear him to play and it was not Reid's decision. 


    I believe he will play but also believe the Chiefs will not make the medical decision.

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  3. 8 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    Brees officially retiring post June 1st will save them 25 million.   I think what you'll see is a lot of teams adding years to current players contracts and moving a lot of the money to the later years where the cap is higher.    I fully expect the Bills to reup Diggs, Hughes, and Hyde this offseason.  Resigning Feliciano, Williams, and Milano but then paying less of their contracts in the 1st year.  Williams should be somewhere around 4/40million, but expect him to only get 5 the first year with a higher roster bonus.


    The Saints have some work to do, but they will get there, teams always do.   Look at KC.

    But they will also need to carry his full contract until he does so they will need to meet the cap with his contract.  So rip the bandage off otherwise you need to make a cut to cover a salary that will go away.

  4. 1 hour ago, entropyrules said:

    I want them to play the Chiefs with Mahomes at the helm..unless of course he risks a permanent debilitating injury..beating them with Henne would leave an asterisk on the win..of course then losing to Henne would be worse

    Just to understand - the NFL will do this to the AFC champion?  What if they win the SB - same?

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  5. 1 hour ago, PrimeTime101 said:

    Here's the question that needs to be answered... The same question the first and second year of Josh Allen. IF you put Lamar Jackson behind our offensive line with our weapons how would he do?


    Lamar earned MVP last year.. I respect his talents. Is it sustainable through the playoffs with better targets and better O'line. That book has not been written yet and Until it is.. I would not write Lamar off yet. 

    Jackson had a very good year last year - no doubt.


    Why did he win the MVP?  The usual candidates had off years and he was the shiny new toy.  He was the the best of the options but maybe Mahomes should have won.


    How many extra games does Jackson win for his team.  An average QB with that D and RBs would win about the same.  A MVP should lift his team, not maintain.

  6. 25 minutes ago, TheFunPolice said:


    and you've got a fanbase in Detroit starting petitions for them to hire the guy. 


    If you're Saleh, Detroit is a MUCH better job for tons of reasons, not the least of which is a QB who can play. 

    The fact that politicians are pressuring the Lions to hire Saleh is a negative.  I would take him off the list if I was in charge.  If you let them think they can run your team it will never stop.

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