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Everything posted by FlutieFlake

  1. I believe the answer to the question of why the Bills didn't aggresively pursue FA's in the offseason is simply that they didn't want to end up paying players big bucks when they knew that a "lockout" is most likely looming over the league next season. Alot of other teams did exactly the same thing. Can you say "collusion"? Another factor was that alot of possible FA's ended up being RFA's because of the current CBA. And then there was the "Mike Williams" factor. Remember how we were told at the time that he was such a fantastic pick coming from a background where his Dad was a strict no-nonsense military man. He was basically labled as a "can't miss" kind of pick, yet look how that turned out. And Bryant McKinnie the other Big name tackle that same year had the reputation for being lazy, and the subsequent "Love Boat" incident that he became involved in.
  2. Levi can only be considered as a developmental project at this point. Playing at Troy he wasn't exactly facing the best college players around. And you don't want to overwhelm the kid at this stage in his career. Especially behind the kind of porous OL the Bills have... And as others have pointed out he didn't look all that great the other night playing against Washington's 3rd stringers either... And it was only the 1st Preseason game...
  3. Amen to that... These are still relatively short term injuries... I'd rather have a capable LT...
  4. Hey, he can't be any worse that what we currently have. (which isn't much) At least he is a fresh face and has some familiarity with Gailey's system... Do we have anything to lose at this point?
  5. FINALLY. A thread with some semblance of intelligence being displayed! It seems like certain posters on this site choose to bury their heads in the sand and accept everything OBD does. Why is it so hard for people to accept reality? You need at least a halfway-decent QB and a solid OL if you want to be competitive in the NFL. The Bills front office has wasted high draft picks on RB's year after year. Just look at their #1 and #2 picks for the last decade. Did they really need Spiller? You mean to tell me that they couldn't find a good LT in this past draft? C'mon. They could have fixed the OL by selecting a pair of bookend OT's or at least taken one at #9 and then made a deal for a RT via trade or FA. Or was Buddy trying to rub S.Diego's nose in it by selecting Spiller before S.Diego made their pick? I repeat. Spiller was a luxury that the Bills couldn't afford at that pick...
  6. The REAL question is knowing that their OL s*cked so badly last season, how could the Bills "braintrust" ignore it by not picking a good OT with their 1st pick in this years draft? Or in round 2?? Or make a move to acquire one of the other OT's already mentioned in a zillion other posts via trade/free agency? Other teams make moves all the time - WHY don't the bills??? Granted there are too many problems on this team to fix in one offseason. But knowing that they had just hired a HC whose reputation is that of being a good OC, the Bills could have devoted the draft to fixing the offense at least. Get REAL. At least they might have been interesting to watch - not the same old boring, pathethic ineptness like we saw last night. This team doesn't deserve our support ($). Nothing will change until Wilson dies and the team is sold (hopefully, to someone who cares and hopefully, to someone who will keep it in Buffalo) That is the "reality" of the situation.
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