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  1. Hey let's not pile on bobDVA. He's absolutely right (although I have zero respect for anyone here). He (jack) was trying to be cute when the new uniforms were released by posting..well...uh..anything he could. So he starts a thread about the Jets. Way to go! Awesome job. Hey, btw...what qualifies one to be a super world class moderator on this site? Post count? Stupid topics started? Going against the grain to be different? Scenerio: Draft Day. Bills select #3 Marcell Dareus with #1 pick. Threads on Twobillsdrive.com abound about this. Jack starts thread titled "In non draft news, Matt Hasselbeck's wife roots for the Seattle Seahawks on Gameday." Post count now increases to an awe-inspiring 18,000+ posts. Super duper wow.. I'm friggin impressed. Good job...yay...
  2. wait..*sniff sniff*.. Yep, this thread not only sucks..but it stinks also. I would be very very embarrassed if I started this thread. 18,186 posts! Wow. Congrats. MAAHHHHH! I DON'T WANNA GET OFF THE INTERNET!!!
  3. You don't have to like these but you have no choice but to admit they are better than the old schizophrenic abominations.
  4. Where's all the Lee Evans homers? Gone? Good. Fred Jackson is Bills best player. Should he make top 100 IMO? Probably...
  5. 14 carries. #9 pick. A microcosm of this regime. One can only draw the following conclusion: Losing is profitable.
  6. Has there ever been a team in NFL history that has given a healthy #9 pick RB less touches than this team? 4 weeks in the books. How many times has CJ touched the ball? It's so puzzling it almost calls for an investigation into the real motives of this regime.
  7. Jackson is the best player on this team. Anyone that knows this game and watches with a rational, objective mindset will agree. He's capable of being a workhorse type back. Too many people here don't get this.
  8. You know when you say a thing like this you're supposed to use a real hot chick. I think 50% of this forum could get Sarah McLachlan.
  9. Well now, it looks like you view both the Bills and I in the same light. I've been to many of those places and I can certainly attest that Chicago is a great town. Lived there for a couple of years. I've even been to Green Bay a few times. Small town with a slight drinking problem but wonderful people. The only thing I think you could do without (ex watching the bad entertainment) is 'cranking classic rock.' Worst genre of music IMO. Other than that, solid plans. Me? The same old boring stuff. NYC.
  10. PJ can buy a plane ticket to Green Bay and visit some wonderful sites and meet interesting people any time of the year IMO... If he's willing to sit inside a stadium and watch bad football, then good for him. If it were me, I'd rather just see the wonderful sites and meet the interesting people and cut out the non-fun stuff. Who says you need a football game for that?
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