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Posts posted by bouds

  1. 26 minutes ago, Marvlevydraftdaygenius said:

    There are analysts out there saying stars production dropped after his rookie year.  Well the reason I think that happend was the loss of Greg Hardy.   Hardy was a difference maker.  

    K.Short is the best 3 tech in football, so he had a stud next to him as well.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Royale with Cheese said:


    Okay Wayne.  PFF is gospel.


    So you think it was a mistake to trade Taylor then?  PFF graded him last year as a "High Quality " which is one level below elite.



    So Vince Wilfork wasn't a "space eater"?  


    That's what I find funny.  I agree with Wayne about Star, but it's amazing that PFFs love for Tyrod escaped Wayne when he would repeatedly dog the **** out of TT.

  3. Greg was also on with former Bills Guard Ross Tucker, good listen, they will be doing a bunch of these going into the draft.  I feel the same way about Mayfield that Cosell does.   You hear all this **** about the guy, and they all seem to be lazy comparisons to Manziel, but when you sit down and watch, Mayfield and Manziel are nothing alike.  Mayfield knows where to go with the rock, doesn't try to improvise every single play, plays within the offense, extremely accurate with the ball.  Look skittish at times against the blitz, that's my biggest issue, the way he reacts in the pocket.  His OL was insanely good at OU.  I'd love to land Bake Mayfield.  It's funny listening to Cosell talk about how surprised he was when watching Mayfield, his ears told him one thing, eyes another.  Bottom line, watch first and then listen to what others have to say.




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  4. 6 minutes ago, K-9 said:

    Alabama’s O schemes just aren’t attractive to 5 star QB prospects.

    Yeah, definitely.  They've landed some big time WRs, but QBs know it's a run first system, pound the rock and occasionally go deep off of playaction.  Don't blame QBs for going elsewhere, but you'd think at some point they'd land a big one, I'm sure they'd open it up a bit if they got a good QB.

  5. We still can't play consistent football with Mills starting at RT.  I'd love a healthy Glenn and good RT, not in a rush to make a move, but I'm sure this front office will move Glenn if they can.  No idea why Mills is on an NFL roster just not good enough.  Same for Vlad Ducasse, right side of our line are MTA turnstiles.

  6. It's more about watching Darby play in a scheme that's similar to ours, and thinking, wait wasn't Darby jettisoned because of scheme fit?  That and he had a really good year as a rookie, still young and cost controlled.  I look at the current roster and we need another CB after this season ends, and well that means spending the draft assets we've accumulated on a CB, but we had a CB so that leaves me scratching my head.  It's like we're going around in a circle.  We may able to find a better CB than Darby, but we might not, so what was the point of the entire trade?

  7. 25 minutes ago, Foreigner said:

    McDermott made his decision and tried for a spark. Nothing wrong with that part of it,

    but when he says after the game he does not regret his decision and how tough Peterman

    is, he is delusonal. He is also insulting the other 52 players on this football team, along with

    fandom and the media. And when he will not admit his defense the last three games has been

    the worst in Buffalo Bill HISTORY don't talk to me about over reaction. If anything, I expect

    some members of the media to go soft.


    We all deserve better, and that includes the people who pay their money to watch what has

    become unwatchable, and when the coach is not man enough to admit that he is responsible for

    this mess, then that is beyond whatever over reaction occurs. To have to listen to his after

    game press conferences, with his nonsense is really pitiful. The QB situation is what it is, but

    once the league figured out his defense, and he does not know how to fix it,  that is not the

    medias fault to over  react.



    The whole, "I don't regret the decision, I regret the result," is one of the dumbest things I've heard from a head coach.  I guess he feels the decision making process, always about the process with McDermott, was fine/correct and yet somehow it blew up in his face.  You'd think that a coach would go back and reevaluate the decision making process when something blows up in your face, and yet you didn't get that from McDermott's post game.  If the result was bad, then something in the decision making process was also bad, so go back and recheck it, because it clearly didn't work out and you can't afford to make these kinds of mistakes going forward.

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  8. I mean we're relying on hitting on a bunch of draft picks in order to rebuild.  How's that working out for the Browns?  No team amassed more draft ammunition than the Browns, and yet I'm pretty sure after watching Wentz tonight Browns fans are willing to give back some of those picks for Wentz.  


    Listen, I like building through the draft, but it seems as if we created holes for no reason at all, I just don't get it.  Will we find a CB in the 3rd round as good as Darby, maybe, it's possible, but nothing's a sure thing when you're going through the draft.


    Drives me nuts.

    • Like (+1) 1
  9. So we dumped a young cost controlled CB for a 3rd round pick and a WR that will be a free agent and barely plays due to injury.  We dumped him because he didn't fit our scheme, and yet all night long he clamped Dez in off man zone coverage.  I don't get it?  Gaines will be a free agent and might walk, so what did we actually gain from this trade beside a 3rd round pick?  Ironically we'll end up using that pick on a WR or CB.  It's unreal, I know Darby had a down year in 2016, but he looked excellent tonight and it amazes me how fast he was dumped by the current regime.  I have no faith in these bozos, they've created so many holes that we need to fill in the offseason.


    Scheme over talent will be our undoing.

  10. Looked competent?  Luckily for Peterman the entire team was incompetent so his subpar play, one of the worst in NFL History, isn't entirely on him (Tyrod faces similar constraints, but lets ignore that for a minute).  After all, his coaches are incompetent for thinking he could go out and win that game when he's surrounded by incompetence.  So I guess that's why coaches take so much ****, when their teams display incompetence they get called on it, and it's exactly what happened here.

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