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Posts posted by Chandemonium

  1. 17 minutes ago, Magox said:

    Could South Carolina breakout? Sure


    But I don’t think it’s likely. 98% of the cases in the US have been in the urban areas.   There has been one breakout in Idaho that has been bad on a per Capita basis but it’s still a small number in the whole scheme of things and it’s showing signs of getting under control.


    Rural areas have huge advantages for breakout mitigation efforts.  The obvious advantage is that there is low population density not to mention contact tracing is infinitely easier in rural areas than high density population zones.


    Outside of Spartanburg, Greenville, Columbia and Charleston SC is largely rural.  And those aren’t that high density areas either.  

    And even though there is a large African American older population who have poor health which puts them at a higher risk level, I just don’t see there being a state wide outbreak.  There could be a community or two but even if that occurs it’s still going to be a minuscule number in comparison to the larger states.


    I could be way off but I just don’t see it


    Also, I want to say this.  There seems to be this perception which is propagated by the media that the states that don’t have these statewide shut downs that everyone There that people are just going about life like usual.  That’s nonsense.   This is the #1 Story on the planet, they are well aware of what is going on and people are largely practicing social distancing actions.  

    I just don’t see any really high numbers coming out of these 10 states.  

    In South Carolina the first case was in Kershaw county, which has a total population of about 60,000. It also happens to be the county I work in, and borders Richland county, which is the county I live in and where Columbia is. For a while Kershaw was leading the statewide case count by county  before being overtaken by Richland, Charleston, and Greenville. As of now total confirmed cases for the state are about 2300, about half of which are in the 4 counties I mentioned. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 58 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Less than 10. All with tiny populations. 


    (but don't let details get in the way of the fear spiral you're still mired in)

    Here in South Carolina our governor has been very reluctant to issue a “stay at home” order. He finally (sort of) issued one today, although he still is choosing to call it a “home or work” order. However, if you look at the actual measures that have been place already for days or weeks regarding social distancing, working from home, and closures of nonessential businesses they’re virtually the same as what’s in place in many states that chose to call it a stay at home order sooner. In some ways we’ve actually been under more restriction than the hardest hit states. For example, state parks were closed a couple weeks ago, but they’re still open in NY.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    President Trump has been tested twice for the coronavirus, and been negative both times. Since everyone who comes in close contact with Trump or Pence is now being tested for cornavirus beforehand, I think they want to keep it that way.

    The CDC mask recommendations are voluntary. That was emphasized yesterday if you watched the presser. 

    As I understand it, a mask is used so people with coronavirus (symptomatic or asymptomatic) do not cough or sneeze on other people possibly spreading the virus to others. If everyone coughed into their elbow or sneezed into a tissue and tossed the tissue away, masks would be superfluous.

    What I find interesting is recommending the masks to wear in grocery stores and pharmacies. Will that increase thefts? If I am intent on robbing a place, a bandit mask would not seem out of place at this time. Perfect way to disguise my face to rob a convenience store, gas station, pharmacy, etc.

    I was joking with my wife yesterday about how I’m excited that now it’s going to be socially acceptable to go out in public dressed like an Old West bank robber.

    • Haha (+1) 1
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  4. 3 hours ago, B-Man said:






    Bearing Arms’ Cam Edwards reports those crowds at gun dealers aren’t made up entirely of heat-packing GOPers.


    Of course. People who were already prepared had no reason to panic buy. 


    ...and this is why the second amendment is so important, particularly in times of crisis:


    Filipino president tells police and military to shoot civilians dead for violating coronavirus lockdown

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Buffalo Bills Fan said:


    Right. Just have bad feelings for USA pretty soon. Might be wrong but.... After been studying this coronavirus past couple months. Just getting to me. Every little thing on internet and news on tv. Haven't really had taken a break.  Maybe drinks couple times with friends but look at my phone internet to see whats going on.  Now close where I live. First case today here. But thinking might be many.


    Would be nice get away from this soon. Hoping goes away tomorrow. For everyone. 

    Take a break and disconnect from all coverage for a day or two. Staying too glued to this stuff is not good for your mental health, especially if you’re already recognizing that it’s getting to you.

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  6. 52 minutes ago, mannc said:

    The fact that Trump has been extensively investigated does not make him “transparent.”  He has stonewalled every investigation (largely successfully) and is going all the way to the Supreme Court to prevent us from seeing his tax returns.  What is he hiding?


    And yes, he seems unhealthy.  

    Specifically with regard to his tax returns from before he was president, I couldn’t care less what he is or isn’t hiding. It’s his prerogative to release them or not. The money he made as a private citizen is none of my damn business, and frankly it disgusts me that so many people feel he should be compelled to release them. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 52 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Too funny. The comments are the best:




    Enter this week’s dingaling: felon and self-proclaimed gangster Amador Carlos Martinez. Martinez was recently pulled over during a routine traffic stop, where he admitted to officers he was in possession of a firearm. We’re not sure what type of gun the officers were expecting to find, but they turned up a rather curious one.

    A Remington Model 1858 Black Powder Revolver, to be exact.


    Via FresoPD/Facebook

    According to Fresno PD’s Facebook page:

    “On Monday, March 11, 2019, at 5:00 P.M. Southeast Special Response Team Officer Dillon Biggs and Officer Sukhbir Chauhan were proactively patrolling the area of Third St and Madison Ave in an effort to reduce gang violence and shootings in the Southeast Policing District. They initiated a traffic stop for a vehicle code violation. They contacted the driver, 19-year-old Amador Carlos Martinez, a self-admitted Ruthless Thug Life Fresno Bulldog Criminal Street Gang Member.

    Martinez admitted to Officer Biggs he had a loaded 44 Magnum revolver under the driver seat. Martinez said he possessed the firearm for his protection against other gang members. Martinez was arrested and booked into the Fresno County Jail for being a felon in possession of a firearm. Please see the attached photograph of the handgun recovered and of suspect Amador Carlos Martinez.”

    We’re not sure what in the Oregon Trail possessed him to sport such a… unique gun, but we are certain that the internet came correct when they wanted to roast him for it. Check out the comment below.


    Via FresoPD/Facebook


    I’m not sure about CA law, but federally and in most states black powder muzzleloaders including cap and ball revolvers like this are not legally considered firearms, can be purchased by anyone over 18 without a background check, and are legal for convicted felons to own. He may have earned himself a night in jail by being honest about  something that isn’t actually a crime.

  8. 2 hours ago, TPS said:

    We would not experience a GD that lasted years.  We have the ability to reestablish the economy, just like China has.  In a crisis, everyone is a socialist....

    That said, the economy will never be the same after this.  

    I hope you’re right about the bolded. Sadly I think the wild card will be how long people will tolerate being unable to work or even leave their homes before it leads to massive social unrest which leads to full on armed revolt. I sincerely hope we don’t get to that point and don’t think we will, but I can’t say it would surprise me either. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. I was just thinking about this and was going to post this in the main COVID 19 thread, but then I saw this one and i think it fits better here. You don’t have to think this, or any other news story for that matter, is hoax for it to give you pause on how dependent we are on others for information, and how those others may or may not have our best interest at heart. I’ve been following the story enough for it to feel like I’m informed, but when I stop and think about it I realize I haven’t seen the virus under a microscope to know what it looks like or observe its behavior in human tissue, and I haven’t studied anyone sick to track how they got it or who they may have spread it to in their social circle. Not only that, I haven’t even read peer reviewed scientific journal articles on those subjects. I also haven’t seen any people who have died from it, and don’t even personally know anyone  who is sick or has tested positive. In that respect, I realize I don’t actually know anything about it, other than what media outlets and various national, state, and local governments want and allow me to know. The vast majority of people are in the same boat as what I just described, and to me that’s an unsettling realization, even if you don’t believe they’re making it all up or it part of some larger conspiracy. 

    • Awesome! (+1) 4
  10. 20 minutes ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    You’re likely arguing with someone who bought the “Trump is a Russian agent”” narrative spun and perpetuated by his political ruling class for 4 years.  While many here correctly identified the nature of that early on, for those that didn’t, the evidence that the game was over very early on is available for public consumption.  In essence, those that were fooled were duped by a modern day McCarthyesque plan, which goes to show you, there are no new ideas, just new simpletons that fall for them.


    I have most definitely considered that the Chinese intentionally created and released the virus, that they would willingly sacrifice their citizens to change the international narrative and hurt-or destroy their enemies.  I could certainly spend a few minutes googling and provide examples of such behavior from the last 100 years or so, but I trust we would all agree that it’s a thing. 


    I know his posting history. I don’t post that often, but read this forum daily. I’m just having a bit of fun to fight the boredom of being stuck at home, and was honestly more poking fun at myself with that comment. 

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  11. I know this putting me dangerously close to wild conspiracy theory territory if not firmly in that camp, but I’m starting to wonder if this was done intentionally by China to attack the US and other Western countries by spreading fear and destabilizing the economy. Yesterday when @GG was asking about why new cases in China have all but disappeared when it is projected longer elsewhere I came up with a few possibilities:


    1) it actually started in China longer ago than we’ve been led to believe, which is why it is on the downswing there.

    2) China is lying about the number of new cases.

    3) China already knew about a cure/vaccine and has started administering it to their population.


    1 seems reasonably plausible, although if that were the case it seems it would have spread to the rest of the globe faster than it did. 2 I think is the Occam’s razor answer, but 3 is where things get interesting. Especially in the context of China’s recent behavior like trying to blame the US by saying it was a bio weapon the we released on them and now expelling American journalists who might get too close to the truth, is it too far fetched that they would do something like release a bio weapon on their own people first, sacrificing a few thousand to deflect suspicion knowing they could save the rest, and then just sit back and let the thing spread? Yesterday during the response team update in addition to calling China out for spreading rumors that we started it, Trump seemed to be putting veiled pressure on China with his comments saying they had great incentive to cooperate, which may suggest the administration has reason to believe there’s more than meets the eye there. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Kevbeau said:

    Was at Academy Sports yesterday. All .223/5.56 and 9mm were completely out. Very little in other calibers. Lots of people purchasing guns.

    When I was in Sportsman’s warehouse on Saturday they looked pretty well stocked, but already had signs out saying they were rationing. Yesterday morning I stopped at my local Academy. I didn’t see any rationing signs like I saw at Sportsman’s. It was starting to get thin, but they still had at least some ammo available in the most popular rifle and pistol calibers, and seemed to be basically fully stocked for the less common calibers they carry on a regular basis. I was already pretty well stocked so I didn’t go crazy but I picked up a couple more boxes of 5.56, 7.62x51, .40 s&w, and a brick of bulk .22lr. I figure at this point prices are only going to go up for at least the near future. 

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