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Posts posted by Chandemonium

  1. 4 hours ago, whatdrought said:

    The last woman dropping out of the race (for all intents and purposes) has made me sit back and dream of how much the Dems are going to lose their ***** when Nicki Haley is the first Female president... 

    I really think this will happen and it’s going to be great pointing out that if Hilary lost because of sexism and Warren dropped out of the primary because of sexism, but Haley won, then the only logical conclusion is that democrats are the more sexist party. 

  2. 2 hours ago, SoCal Deek said:

    I’m not sure that translation fits. How many death threats do you get? Probably none. Expecting high profile people to live low profile lives is not realistic. 

    No one is expecting high profile people to live low profile lives. Bloomberg should absolutely have the right to protect and defend himself with whatever means he can afford and sees fit, but so should everyone else. Bloomberg has consistently advocated otherwise. 

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  3. 9 hours ago, B-Man said:


    Guy points out that Bloomberg goes everywhere with armed security but wants to restrict civilian access to guns, asks if Bloomberg’s life is more important than his and his family’s. 

    Bloombergs response: I get 50 death threats a day, and some of them are real. That happens when you’re a mayor of a major city, a billionaire, or running for president.


    translation: yes, my life is more important than yours and your family’s. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Deranged Rhino said:




    In addition to the fakeness, I wonder if there’s some bias against her among dem primary voters, conscious or otherwise, because of her voice and her slim build. I know this stuff shouldn’t matter in a perfect world, but when I see her and hear her talk I think of a frail old lady. It’s not like it is with Biden’s constant mental errors where I would have concerns about her capability to do the job because of it, but it isn’t the image you want the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth to project either. It’s not just a man vs woman thing because I don’t get the same vibe from Klobuchar. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  5. 30 minutes ago, Joe in Winslow said:


    Three WORST possible words combined in a phrase maybe ever.


    Hope I DIE before I live to see that happen.



    Shows you the caliber of the average NYC voter.


    Hey, us millennials aren’t all leftist dumbasses. Although I will admit my status as a millennial public school employee who leans conservative on most issues makes me somewhat of a political unicorn.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 9 minutes ago, 3rdnlng said:

    Seriously, AOC thinks it's wise to take on Ted Cruz?

    Sadly it works on the dumbasses who agree with her. Several liberal acquaintances of mine are sharing this on Facebook under the impression it’s evidence of her “owning” Cruz or something, I guess. Of course, they’re only showing her first tweet about Pence, Cruz’s first tweet of the Y chromosome question, and then her first ad hominem response. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Not the right thread for this comment -- but that picture is extra freaky at the moment because our neighbors in my building got a visit from two kids just like that (only w black eyes) at 11:30pm a few nights ago. I made the mistake of giving them material on black eyed children -- that didn't help them sleep any better. :lol: 

    My wife likes to listen to podcasts while she falls asleep. Sometimes she’ll go on a horror podcast kick and I usually don’t mind, but one night she was listening to one about black eyed children showing up on the doorstep in the middle of the night and I was so creeped out I made her turn it off.

    • Like (+1) 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Buffalo_Gal said:

    Since it is an open primary I've seen a lot of chatter on which way registered Republicans should vote. Chaos or more chaos appears to be the choice.

    I live in South Carolina and I won’t be voting in the primary. Although I expect Trump to win the general, playing the primary chaos game makes me too nervous when there’s not a dem candidate I could stomach voting for in the general. Write ins aren’t allowed in primaries here or I’d write in Trump. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 10 hours ago, IDBillzFan said:


    The one with Obama is hysterical. You have to be Q-tibs-level stupid to watch that ad and determine anything other than one time, a long time ago, Barack Obama introduced Bloomberg at a public event. 


    Bloomberg turned that into a virtual Obama endorsement.





    To be fair, I’ve seen the same “here’s Obama saying nice things about me” style ad for at least Warren and Biden and I think a couple of the other dem candidates, though I can’t remember which ones. I think every candidate Obama’s ever made public comments about is making one. 

  10. 17 hours ago, B-Man said:








    Lost in all the racism of the Bloomberg audio clip is this gem “you gotta get the guns out of the hands of the people that are getting killed.” Notice he didn’t say the killers, he  said  the people getting killed. Think about that for a moment. In case anyone needed any more evidence that his gun control agenda is about  having an easily coerced populace to rule, here his literally coming out and saying we need to take away the means of self defense from would be murder victims. This is the guy the left is trying to sell as a supposed moderate. 

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  11. On 2/6/2020 at 3:39 PM, IDBillzFan said:

    This dingbat is quite possibly my favorite dingbat of them all.


    She's not wrong. You literally can not pull yourself up by your bootstrap. So it stands to reason that trying to do it figuratively by doing what you must to make your best life is just a joke as well.



    I’m not convinced it is physically impossible. I think someone with enough core strength could do it. 

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