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Posts posted by Chandemonium

  1. Injuries and eventually stinking so bad he was permanently benched. If I am not mistaken he was the starting QB opening day without a camp "competition" correct?


    Any idea how I can change a thread title???? Apparently the moderators don't think it is descriptive enough. I was more going for the ya...I'm the guy that said it out loud kind of impact.

    But that's not how the other poster was defining contested. If he was so bad he got benched at any point in the season, it was contested. If he was named the starter for game one before, during or after training camp is irrelevant.

  2. I know it's not what you were saying exactly. I was being facetious as that statement was embedded in your facts/statement. Edwards was the uncontested starter in 2008 and 2009 that is not even debatable. 2010 he won a sham of a contest in camp and was named the starter to be benched/injured again. I also say he was uncontested as his challengers were left overs Ryan Fitzpatrick and Brian Brohm. JP had the organization go out and spend a highish 3rd round draft pick on a QB blessed by Bill Walsh. As expected that QB was eventually given the job in 2007.


    There are many similarities in their careers but more differences. Level of support as the uncontested starting QB is one of them. All I'm saying is that to get a true comparison and assessment of how bad JP really did or didn't suck we would have needed to give JP the same support and time to develop. It is 110% possible that JP would have still stunk.


    We were wasting our time the last few years with Edwards waiting for him to arrive why watching some of the most painful and boring football ever. I guess I would have just rather wasted those years watching JP instead with some excitement and perhaps seeing what he could have become if nurtured during the "formative" years of his career.

    How was he the uncontested starter in 2009 when he got less than half the starts?

  3. I usually tip around 20% at restaurants unless the service is bad just because that is what is considered socially acceptable, but I never really understood why the tip is based on the total bill. To me it seems like it would make more sense to tip by the number of plates. If I go out with my girlfriend and we both order $20 steaks, the waitress isn't doing any more work than she would be if we both ordered a $7 cheeseburger, so why should the tip be more than twice as much?

  4. Athletic simply means that you are all of these things fast, strong, quick, hand eye coordination, and dexterity its a combination of all of those traits. Golf you only really exercise one maybe 2 of them tops, there is no speed, dexterity, quickness required (Even strength is in question). In real sports you need to be able to exercise all 5 or have a limitation to your game if you don't.


    If a QB is fast it helps him play if he isn't fast it limits his game BUT because of the nature of the position you can still be damm good without being fast just that speed would help you obviously a QB needs strength, hand eye-coordination, and dexterity. Offensive lineman get helped by being fast (Getting to the second level pass blocking speed rushers), strong, dexterity, and handeye coordination (hand techniques and other small things that go on in the trenches).


    You can be fat and athletic its just harder but not impossible to have quick movement when carrying extra weight.


    Isn't there? PGA tour professionals' club speed on a swing is well over 100 mph. I'd say that requires some pretty quick/fast hands. A good golf swing requires coordination of the entire body, so I'd say dexterity is important too. I don't even like golf, watching it is like watching paint dry to me and I'd rather watch it than play it. But to say golf isn't a sport or doesn't require athletic ability is ridiculous IMO.

  5. When the Bills make their triumphant return to the playoffs under coach Gailey, a new era of fandemonium will return to the Ralph, and Van Miller will make a guest appearance in the broadcast booth to declare a state of CHAN-demonium in Bills Nation.

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