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Buffalo 66

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Everything posted by Buffalo 66

  1. Yeah but this d-line is pretty damn good "ON PAPER"
  2. Cant blame Fitz and Mario for making all that money! Nix and Chan need to go tomorrow!!!! We need to CLEAN HOUSE!
  3. We may be the worst team in the NFL! For sure the worst coaching and defense! Well maybe not on "paper"!
  4. This is the best thing that could happen to this team, they will probably end up 3-13 and have a new GM, COACH,QB and OWNER NEXT YEAR!
  5. This team will not beat anyone else this year! 2-14
  6. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  7. Wish I were still in my teens, been twenty one years since those days!
  8. Been crying for 13 years! (long years)
  9. Is Fitzpatrick a number one quarterback? The answer is NO! Is Chan Gailey a number one coach? The answer is NO! My prediction is the Bills will win 3 more games and end the season 5-11, at least dick went 7-9?
  10. Is it just me or is Collinsworth awful as a commentator??
  11. A shoulder dislocation is an injury that occurs when the top of the arm bone loses contact with the shoulder blade. This injury is often confused with a shoulder separation, but these are two very different injuries! A shoulder separation is an injury to ligament between the shoulder blade and collar bone. It is important to distinguish between these two problems because the issues with management and treatment are different
  12. I doubt it was a collar bone injury, looks like a seperated shoulder the way he fell and was holding it, very painful injury until they reset it, if that is the case he may be back in 2 or 3 weeks!
  13. And we don't have to pay him $100 million to do so!
  14. Buddy has to be at least thinking about it? http://sports.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474981630246
  15. He will probably end up in Philly for a late second round pick, but would love to see him in a Bills uniform! No way he is worth more than a third round pick, I believe he is 32 years old?
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