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Buffalo 66

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Everything posted by Buffalo 66

  1. If this organization was committed to winning we would have been to the playoffs in the last ten years,or at least not been the abortion that we have been, Buffalo is a great city, the Buffalo fans are the greatest in the world, the Sabres are looking real promising, but the bills are a JOKE from their owner to the waterboys! Get rid of them for all I care,Ralph Wilson you suck balls!
  2. Of course we will all be fine even if the bills go 0-16, which may happen, the sun will still rise tomorrow, the nfl players will stay rich, Ralph and Russ will stay rich,and the Bills will continue to be a joke, the laughing stock of the NFL, we cant even get a guy from Stanford? WTF, What a JOKE
  3. The bills will be lucky to win a game! 0-16, maybe we will get a #1 overall pick?
  4. Kelly is also ready to go with an ownership group should the unfortunate happen to Ralph. The unfortunate is going to happen to us all!
  5. Whatever dude, Its nice to be a wishful thinker though, your setting your self up for disappointment! Keep buying those tickets and filling Ralphs pockets with your hard earned money...........GO SABRES!!!!!!!!!!
  6. As soon as Minnesota loses, Frazier will be the next coach, he will come cheap, Brandon will get a raise, and Ralphie will save his cheap ass alot of money, The Bills are a f!@#$%G JOKE!!!!!!!!
  7. The Sabres are the only positive thing we have!
  8. Have we hit rock bottom? I blame ralph, hes not putting the money out there! He is a CHEAP ASS and will die with alot of money.Why do Bills fans continue to be the best fans in the NFL? As long as they continue to sell out games whats it matter to Wison and Brandon, they are getting richer and we are getting poorer! I believe nothing will change here, this organization is a joke, no disrespect to the fans who are the most loyal fans in the NFL . I just would love to see fans give up there season tickets and not support this train wreck of an organization, if we just settle for mediocre bull s@#$ ! The Bills are a Fu@#ing joke.Go Sabres!
  9. Maybe if we get a left tackle, a WR or two, a couple beefy D-lineman, and a stud outside linebacker, we could think about a playoff run with Mcnabb if he stays healthy, and the rest of our team stays healthy, Oh yeah! and if we can find someone who will be our head coach, that might help! Then 9-7 may be a possibility.
  10. Well, they may have to change there minds, dont ya think???
  11. OK, he has some flaws, but IMAO he is better than Dick, Mike, or Gregg if that says anything, actually he has accomplished more than any coach in the history of the Buffalo Bills, which is one of the original teams from the AFL and that is win a freaking SUPERBOWL which even Marv couldnt do! WTF!!!
  12. Damn! At least interview the guy, See what he has to offer, Im sure he would be able to put together a descent coaching staff.I think we need some one who knows what coaching in the NFL is about instead of another "three year experiment" I bet he would jump on the job!
  13. Grimm isnt coming here, niether is schotty SR or JR, or Cowher,or Billick, face it folks it will be Frazier,just hope he can get an OC who can put together a good line and strong running game or the playoffs may never again be an option for Bills as long as they are in Buffalo, War 10 more years of Dick Jauron style ball.
  14. Nobody wants to come here maybe we can get that coach from Lackawana high to interview.
  15. Brian is happy with the jets,which means no Marty which means it will be Frazier and he reminds me of this guy
  16. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-b...p&type=lgns
  17. Im sure Leslie is a " real good guy" kind of like Dick!
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