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Everything posted by Bills(70)

  1. Oh joy, just what I want to see here in Buffalo, a QB thats past his prime.................
  2. The list, in order: Bruce Smith (greatest impact player the Bills ever had) C. Bennet D. Talley J. Kelly (#1 offensive weapon for the Bills ever, I mean, the guy called his own plays at the line) A. Reed T. Thomas S. Conlan S. Tasker (perhaps the greates special teams player ever to play the game) K. Hull W. Wolford K. Ballard F. Reich (currently holds the records of greatest comebacks in both college and NFL) K. Davis (the greatest backup running back the Bills have ever had) B. Paup N. Clemens There are more, but that 90 to 94 squad was just purely magical, and by the way young fans, a portion of that team was built by two seasons at 2 - 14.
  3. With the 9th pick in the first round of the 2010 NFL Miller Lite Sponsored Draft Day 1 Events, the Buffalo Bills Select.......................Some obscure guy from a c rated college in the middle of Montana. This draft selection is a second cousin, twice removed of that great former Bills QB.....................J.P. Losman And the nightmare continues................................................
  4. What? I thought after you die you get a guest appearance as an almost seen shadow on Ghost Hunters.......
  5. I thought I paid this guy 20 bucks to perform on the playing field, not at an autograph signing
  6. Corp000085, You win the prize. You are dead on correct. Ralph started this team. Without Ralph Wilson, Buffalo does not have an NFL franchise. I wish fans would stop bashing him, there is absolutely zero reasons to do so. I deeply respect Ralph Wilson and what he did for Buffalo by starting the Bills. If anything, fans say thank you by supporting the team, even in its most trying times, and Ralph sees this loyalty. Thank you Ralph Wilson, thank you for creating this franchise, and thank you for keeping it here as long as you have.
  7. Well, you are a Bills fan, fans my age and older have dealt with this for 4 decades or more, whats one more year. I'd rather get it right than take a high risk and put the team just out of reach for that franchise QB. But I hear ya, I am tired of this teams record as well. I just don't want another season that is wasted. 2-14 is the same as 8-8 (you don't make the playoffs). But at 2-14 you can look seriously at a real shot at that future QB.
  8. I still remember that day. Man, the memories.
  9. McNabb or Vick? Really Buffalo fans? That is what we need here? No thanks. I'd stick with the cheap Fitzpatrick or Brohm. Let next season tank and get the 3rd to 5th pick the following draft. Get a Franchise QB then. Draft defense this time around with an OT. This team doesn't need to do another far reach for a QB in a weak draft class this season.
  10. Tipster, You know the saying, When life hands you lemons...................... Hang in there bud. You want a job you like, stop and think about this, follow your passion. Do the unexpected, don't keep going to jobs that drag you down, go after what it is thats tickles your fancy. As for your wife being slow..............well, I keep wondering why mine keeps on buying decaf.........WTF?
  11. jonramz, this was just the post I was looking for. As I sat down to read this, I came across your post and low and behold, I looked up and there was my little dynamite package of a ladie, outside the window, shoveling the drive-way .
  12. What? Western NY will die? You really believe that an NFL sports franchise makes this area what it is? Man o Man, this area is in trouble. This area also has a professional hockey team. In my humble opinion, this city is a hockeytown, not as strong as a football town. I would not like the Bills to leave either, but I cannot subscribe to the fact the Bills have a significant impact on the local economy. If companies made a decision to come to an area and used the Bills as a significant entertainment reason I certainly don't see the economic facts supporting this.
  13. This statement is so much horse $%^&. Tony, you pick your team to root for, don't let people who have been blinded by some misguided city loyalty issue stop you. I choose to be a Bills fan and would never step on another individuals reasoning for not being one.
  14. That is about the dumbest analogy I've ever heard. Lets be realistic here people. There isn't a solid franchise QB in this draft. It would be absolute utter nonsense to even consider wasting a 1st rd pick on 1. Remember Losman anyone? You take McClain at #9. You trade up into the the 20 to 25 pick and grab Cody. You start by rebuilding the D. You trade again to get to the very early rd 2 picks and grab Campbell from Maryland as your OL pick. If Levefour is still available at 41 pick him, if not, then Tebow. If neither are available you grab another OL or LB, which ever is available with better talent. What to trade you ask? You trade certain talent and if necessary, a couple of draft positions.
  15. Relax everyone. Vanek will be fine once Kovalchuck signs that 9 mil a yr for 7 years extension and Vanek gets traded in a package for him
  16. WOW, he actually scored 10 goals? Thats got to be a typo. I bet its 1 goal
  17. Really, the nerve of some people. GERBEL POWER!
  18. The highlighted statement is the key. As far as how to rebuild, you rebuild the Defense first. Should be trades this draft. Grab an LB and a DT without question. Hit the O-line for 1 starting tackle and some depth later in the draft. Next Draft class (2011) Grab your franchise QB with the other O-lineman. If you grab your QB this draft, your looking at only 2 players and both are high risk, Lefevour (CMU) or Tebow (FL). Niether I would choose.
  19. I have no idea why anyone would think there isn't going to be a salary cap in place by the beginning of next season. According to the current structure of the NFL CBA, shared revenues on marketable merchandise is a portion of every teams revenue stream. If they reverted to a non salary cap situation 8 teams right off the bat would go into the red, and according to the bean counters at NFL HQ, 4 of those teams would go bankrupt, including the Bills. The league is not going to allow this to happen. You can find all of the numbers at NFL.com. It is utter non-sense to believe a salary cap will not be in place.
  20. BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FROM 1 BILLS DRIVE, WORD HAS LEAKED THAT A NEW COACH WILL INK A DEAL TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who will it be? WORD IS NIX HAS HIRED RICHARD SIMMONS AS THE BILLS NEW HC All of this crap on who will be the coach. People had better start looking seriously at the talent on this team and what needs we have. This Team has sucked @$$ for 10 years. Its going to need an overhaul the likes of which we have not seen since the mid to late 80's. Coach.......Pfftt........
  21. Its the only way I'll go on a date, afterall, I can't very well have her on the handlebars all night, especially if I want some action down under the bridge later in the eveneing
  22. Number 3, that one hits the mark. Number 1? Come on man, I'm new to the boards, doesn't mean I'm full of crap, course, my daily constitutional is always relieveing . As for Number 2, well, my second cousins (on me momma's side, of course) sister-in-laws father's best friends OB/GYN receptionist lives by the Cowhers, and he/she (ya never know, its the neck, that lump leaves me with suspicions, plus it is the south yo) says that there was some visitors at the Cowhers yesterday. Them news media folks didn't see them go into Cowhers house cause they sneaked in through the backyard. The only reason they saws em was cause the hounds were barkin and howlin. So's this Saporano fella has to be rights.
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