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Everything posted by MarkKelso'sHelmet

  1. Big f'ning deal. Those of you who like this are looking too hard to find positive signs...
  2. I'm not sure why you are even responding to me. I basically agree with what Florio wrote about it on PFT. It is funny, but the journalist who wrote it is no better than a paparazzi -- as if the tattoo somehow affects his ability to coach. Rex is obviously an eccentric guy, but he always has a great defense. The whole Jets thing is a media circus at this point and I suppose I've been tired of it, since Favre... I think the tattoo is funny enough, but I also don't think it's a big deal. The journalist who wrote the story is questioning unsexy rexy's ability to coach vis a vis the tattoo. That is by far more ridiculous than the tattoo itself...
  3. quality journalism!!!! who cares that rex marches to the beat of his own drum? is it easy to mock? yes... much too easy... people love to laugh at things that seem a little weird. this is paparazzi BS andy reid on the other hand, whose one son commits suicide (and Reid doesn't miss a day of work) and his other son is in the news because he's a drug addict -- we can't pass any judgement on him, the media leaves him alone -- nobody is saying he's a bad father or a bad man. but on the other hand we'll think somebody is a weirdo because he has a tattoo and likes to jack off to feet. wow so bizarre!!! this says more about the stupidity of our culture than it does about [un]sexy rexy.
  4. Sure I wish him the best. I can't say the same about Dick Jauron, as I thought he was, well, kind of like a corpse. I also know from an extremely reliable source that he didn't tip well. For some reason, I will pull for Chan. I think he was sincere as a man and I appreciated the way he answered questions with the media. He's the kind of guy who will look you straight in the eye. Good luck to him. edit: also, Chan was in tears when he learned he was fired. Bills fans have to appreciate that kind of emotion. You want your head coach to care that much, don't you? He's an older guy, and he's behind the curve. But certainly, I think it's easy to cheer for him...
  5. bulldog is just pissed he has to work on new year's day. i hope he does jump into a wood chipper, lispy moron...
  6. We could do a lot worse than Lovie Smith. Everyone's first choice is Cowher or Gruden, but these are unrealistic. Out of all the fired coaches, who would be a better fit? I'd prefer Lovie to Reid, to Turner, and to Wisenhunt -- and certainly to Marrone or Grimm or Horton. . I think Lovie Smith is the best choice, given the realistic options... also, bringing in Smith might mean we get Devon Hester -- who said he would rather retire than play for anyone but Lovie... HIRE LOVIE SMITH
  7. Wade will always be not quite good enough. He only wears a headset because he got shamed into it -- c'mon man. I'm tired of people looking into the past -- How about Wade, how about Polian? bah. Why not re-re-hire Marv Levy while we're at it? we need NEW BLOOD
  8. nice try, chan. thanks for the effort! you're a good man! edit: kind of depressing, watching his goodbye speech. as i recall, Dick never gave one. he did his best, he was just in over his head. he is a professional, and deserves praise for his effort.
  9. all kidding aside. thanks for the effort Chan! you did your best. it's a tough game, for tough people.
  10. i hated the corpse. i don't hate chan. he tried. but it's a competitive business. he didn't do well enough. i really hope the next guy does better.
  11. I have it from a reliable source that Thurman Thomas's goat will be named the new owner of the Bills. Did people learn nothing from the Bill Cowher rumor circus? When will any of you learn that none of these morons with 86 followers on twitter have any sources. Also, your buddy texting you from Miami doesn't know anything either. The people who actually *do* have sources, aren't sure what is going to happen. My god, humans are stupid and can be made to believe almost anything... Far be it from me to make you any less excited. But Thurman Thomas is not buying the Bills... EDIT: MY BUDDY TEXTED ME -- HE KNOWS PEOPLE IN WEST VIRGINIA MEDIA -- THAT THE JIM KELLY AND THURMAN THOMAS CORPORATION WILL BE BUYING THE TEAM AND OFFERING ALL FANS AT TBD A STAKE IN OWNERSHIP, MUCH LIKE IS THE CASE IN GB. THAT MEANS WE ARE ALL THE NEW OWNERS OF THE TEAM. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! HOORAY TO THE THURMAN THOMAS AND JIM KELLY CORPORATION. JUST SO YOU ALL BELIEVE ME, I WILL UPLOAD A PICTURE OF MY IPHONE OF THE TEXT SO YOU ALL KNOW I'M NOT MAKING IT UP
  12. As bad as both of them are, Dick & Trentative were by far worse. The games during the Jauron era were unwatchable. Neither the offense or the defense ever featured anything exciting or inspiring. Even the wins during that regime were ugly. That Buffalo - Cleveland 6-3 loss was one of the worst games I have ever watched in the history of watching sporting events. "IT'S HARD TO WIN IN THIS LEAGUE..." -- over and over, week after week. That was worse. Gailey is a bumbling idiot but Jauron was the corpse. And Fitz is a solid NFL backup. Edwards is an NFL third stringer...
  13. Really? So humans can land on the moon, but they can't design a helmet to prevent head trauma? That somehow is against the laws of physics? How is it then that you never hear about nascar drivers or motorcycle racers having concussions? That's because of the helmet technology. Check out some of the best crashes in motorcycle racing -- the impact is exponentially greater in some of the crashes you'll see, and yet the drivers walk away without concussions. If they hadn't been wearing the helmet, they'd surely be dead. The point that there is no way to prevent injury in the NFL is of course true, but you're saying something different altogether. The fact of the matter is that technology can reduce head trauma. PERIOD, END OF DISCUSSION. Technology has a pretty high ceiling.
  14. spare me this sort of hero worship? how are they active in the community? by appearing in Dental Implant Seminar Ads, and Salen's Hot Dog commercials? being disrespectful? you act as if these guys are a religion. they were great players. now they are men. i invite everyone to mock them as much as they deserve. in this case, it's been clear for sometime that thurman thomas has taken too many hits to the head and is a bit looney tunes. i'm not joking -- the guy has a screw loose.
  15. i think it has more to do with thurman taking way too many hits to the head on that astro turf for all those years
  16. to the people bitching about the out clause in year seven. STFU. this is as secure as you could have hoped. there will be no 99 year lease...
  17. Chan is not the man for the job. He has a prolifically effective run game, and a solid offensive line built for running and mauling. Yet he's scared to run. I was done with him after Wade Phillips brought him to his knees. "oh we'd never seen that look before and they took our run game away." sure they did you, you freaking loser. Spread spread spread, run the spread with one of the least effective QBs in the league. Smart thinking. I wouldn't mind seeing only one receiver on the field for 75% of the snaps. And don't give me the BS that the I-formation doesn't work anymore in the NFL. I've seen squeeze formation work plenty of times this year. Chan is in love with the spread attack. Even if the Bills had a great QB, it should still be a primarily run-based offense. I understand why Chan went to the spread attack the first year he was here, but with a solid offensive line now, he refuses to leave his blueprint behind. The NFL is a game for cutthroats and innovators, Chan is neither. He's always going to be a few years behind the curve -- and when he does figure out what works, some other innovator will have come along and made him behind the curve again. Gailey sucks as a coach. Think about it this way, if Chan had OJ Simpson, or Jim Brown, or Adrian Peterson, or Barry Sanders, he would probably only give them 5 touches a game too. Because he loves the spread attack -- it's his offensive identity. Chan won't play to his strengths -- it's run the spread no matter what. Way to go, Chan "Shotgun" Gailey. Take Spiller off the field so you can run the wildcat, which is no longer effective -- again you're behind the curve -- IT WAS EFFECTIVE THREE YEARS AGO. But it takes you 30 games of not working before you realize it doesn't work. YOU'RE ALWAYS BEHIND THE CURVE, CHAN. ALWAYS. YOU'RE A LOSER.
  18. yeah sure and dick jaurson is a hall of famer edit: i spelled his name wrong on purpose, because i have so little respect for him.
  20. this is frustrating. i always though roosevelet could be a wes welker type player. but i guess CHAN THE MAN didn't see it that way. gotta save room for ruvel martin cuz he's soo good on teams...
  22. Why bring in an old man past his prime? He missed on a lot of draft picks recently -- Jerry Hughes anybody? and 99% of his success can be attributed to Peyton Manning's genius. Just look at what Manning has done to turn around Denver, suddenly the Broncos are superbowl contenders -- but I guess that is because of Polian, too??? Of course, Bills fans want Marv Levy as GM, Thurman Thomas as OC, and Jim Kelly as headcoach. All brilliant choices. Polian would hire his son as his assistant GM (nepotism), which shows a great leadership quality. I still laugh to remember how excited most Bills fans were when Ralph hired Marv as the GM -- back to the glory days. I'm sure Polian would produce a similar result. It's astounding how Bills fans can't think ahead, only back to the glory days of the early 90s. Sad. Whaley would be a progressive and bold choice for a GM, which is why the Bills will lever let it happen. Bring in some old guy instead!
  23. you're assuming that Ralph still possesses the ability to speak coherently. he will be 95 soon...
  24. he's too busy schilling out for his dentists. what is this "his dental team's implant seminar?" i never knew a man to be so interested in his dental team. seriously, why would anyone attend a dental implant seminar because of jim kelly. but what else should we expect. thurman thomas moved back to buffalo so he could be in salen's hog dog commercials... anyway, why not hire bruce as DC, jim as head coach, and Thurman Thomas as OC. Hey, we might not win a single game, but that seems like a cool idea today! he's never coached a game of football in his life, but he, it can't be that hard, anyone could do it. jim kelly lost four superbowls; his restaurant failed miserably, but i'm sure he'd be a terrific coach even though he has no experience. coaching doesn't require any experience. if you plan madden football you can be a coach in the nfl. the OP could probably be a better coach than most. i'm tired of this organization, its fans, its coaches, its ownership, even its former players. i'm tired of the hero worship of these guys from twenty years ago. they were good and the didn't win anything, now they are treated as royalty -- and they really are princely, what with their dental implant seminars and their salen's hotdogs. i worship thurman and jimbo. 13 years of losing has a way of turning everything sour and sarcastic to me. but hell yeah, bring in jimbo as head coach. that's even a more brilliant idea than brining in marv levy as GM, who had ZERO front office experience. that only set us back about five years...
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