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Rob's House

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Posts posted by Rob's House

  1. Even when you're rebuilding bringing in one or two veteran free agents to fill some holes and allow the rookies to work their way into their roles. Especially short term deals that won't hamstring you for years to come.


    Guys don't tend to develop positively in a culture of perpetual suck, surrounded by other guys who've never known what it feels like to win.

  2. I can think of 3 current ones - Big Ben, Aaron Rodgers, and the Arizona Kurt Warner. Also, did you notice how bad the Colts OL looked after Peyton Manning stepped out of the last 2 regular season games?


    Thank you for bringing that up


    Big Ben - Not in the playoffs this year


    Aaron Rogers - Holds the ball longer than Rob Johnson, and GBs line isn't great but blows Blo's line out of the water.


    Kurt Warner - AZ's pass protection isn't exactly shabby.

  3. Um how about Drew brees this year? Elway, Marino and others never had 'great' OL's they just got rid of the ball fast which was due to great decision making.


    The Saints' line may not be at the pro bowl this year but they were certainly a strong cohesive unit that gave Brees time to throw the ball. As for Elway and Marino, they played behind above average lines most of their careers. If those are your best examples I think you just defeated your own point.

  4. Obviously, Reed is well qualified to make that statement and it's worth more than what the media or what the parrots on this site may say.




    There are a lot of feminine hygeine products on here that sit around trashing anything and everything. But then life becomes bitter for a virgin posting out of his parents house.

  5. Brohm was on a practice squad and could not beat out a 7th rounder for a roster spot.


    It's so annoying how often this mindless quip gets repeated ad nauseum by the faint of thought. Flynn had been playing in a pro style offense so was more familiar with the system, i.e. more prepared to step in now.


    Brohm was the guy with tons of upside in case Rogers didn't pan out. Rogers did pan out, they were pressed for roster spots, so they only carried 2 QBs knowing they could always call Brohm up if need be.


    They also offered to match the Bill's offer despite having Flynn and Rogers on the roster.

  6. So, we have replaced Kelsay with Maybin. Otherwise, it's the same personnel on defense. Something tells me the results will be similar.


    (and replacing Ellison with Johnson by moving Schobel to OLB isn't exactly a major upgrade either)



    The D wasn't that bad last year. Too loose against the run, but most of the big yards and pts came late in the game when they were worn out from having to continually hustle back onto the field after repeated 3 and outs by the anemic offense.

  7. That team of scrubs that you listed is not winning anything. Trent Edwards is not servicable, he's horrible. Brohm is not going to be anything more than a pipe dream. There is no 2nd or 3rd WR that is proven. We have no quality starting OT's. On defense, we took a very good one gap DT (where he's played his entire career and in college) and you think he can just switch to a 2 gap 5 technique end? Mitchell has failed more than once on the inside and makes more plays on twitter than he does on the field. Poz can't take on a block and now he has only 3 covered in front of him? Maybin is and will continue to be a bust. Schobel will struggle to play in space and he's not even sure if he wants to let the Bills torture him anymore. Our secondary is deep and pretty solid and Florence is better than McKelvin BTW. So how are the Bills supposed to compete again...health?



    I agree with most of what you just said. The situation is not ideal by any means. Ideally I'd want a legit 3-4 end and a veteran wr2 (rather have a wr1 and let evans be wr2, but I digress) and I don't like Mitchell as a long term solution to ILB either. I'm looking at how we could make the best out of a bad situation. I could flip a coin btwn Florence and McKelvin but the latter has more upside.


    Being so quick to judge Brohm seems a little premature.

  8. So why didn't you start a thread that said, "The Bills can win if they stay healthy!" Pure Genius my friend. :blush:


    Because we still need help at LT, we haven't resigned Incognito or his replacement, we need a NT, and w/o Porter or someone proven off the edge at olb to rush the QB I don't see the defense bringing enough pressure.

  9. why is everyone putting Wood at Center? Hangartner is still under contract and was signed to play Center so why make a hole at RG when you suggest moving Wood to Center? Hangartner was probably the Bills most steady lineman last year...that isnt saying much but why move him and not even suggest him in the starting 5?


    Hangartner gets pushed around, Wood doesn't.

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