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Rob's House

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Posts posted by Rob's House

  1. And you get this from how much better he made the offence last year? An offence that was actually worse with him then they were the year before?


    And whats the difference between Fitz and Edwards? Both of them had similar stats last year. They are both what they are, decent backups that aren't going to get much better


    He was easily the most productive receiver we had. And he drew more double teams than Evans. Sure he dropped a few. Home Run hitters tend to strike out their fair share.


    You can't blame him for the sorry line that gave routes no time to develop and QBs that either don't have the arm or the stones to go vertical.

  2. Dansby could have filled a need. And he's a good player. And he's relatively young. Parcells is no fool and he knew who was going to add value to the Dolphins. You'll get two chances to see him next year. That is one obvious player we should have gone for.


    Even if, the chances of landing him were slim and none.

  3. You know not what you do! I feel sorry for you. You have grown up in a world where it is ok to be cruel to people of color.


    I feel sorry for you. You've grown up in a world where you think everyone is out to get you and that all your personal failures can be chalked up to race. It's sad really.

  4. Even if he came cheap I don't think I'd bother. At this point in his career he's basically a slower smaller less physical version of what we already have in Lee Evans. If we're going to bring in a vet I'd want someone with some physicality who can go across the middle.

  5. Let's really get the facts straight. He broke the law once.



    I count 3.


    1. Hit and run

    2. Illegal gun possession (I personally believe in his right to carry, but that's not the issue here)

    3. Petty theft (stealing a $20 out of someone's hand is a crime even if it isn't prosecuted)


    Obviously you are not a math major.

  6. What exactly is it we have to lose? The dude's a free agent.


    At guard we have Levitre (who could be used at T if need be unless you guys are sold on Cornell Green)


    Wood is a ? and would better serve us at C which would leave an opening at G. I'm not putting too much stock in Simmons.


    How about we take a position of semi-strengh and make it a position of real strength w/ some depth (and by depth I mean Hangartner and Simmons)?

  7. The public perception is different between the races even with the posters here.

    I remember reading about the Lynch $20 incident and the common reaction was "he is a thug and we need to trade him"

    Ben has the sexual assault allegations and not one person has referred to him as a thug or anything negative. This was second offenses for both. Not to worry the reporters are mustering around for the kill... do people tend to pass judgement on minorities quicker?

    Athletes Black and White have the best get out of jail free card you can have ...money. People with money do get away with more within our legal system and people of all races have taken advantage.

    To address your point regarding the Bubba's with gun racks. The fact is that blacks will get stopped more because DWB. Whites don't. I have never heard a white person say he was stopped because he was driving though a nice neighborhood.... Bubba's may not be breaking gun laws but how would you know if they don't run the same risk of being stopped for random searches...as you said it ain't rocket science.

    The history of America is built on racism. Where racism is a unique hot bed subject. For any group that is victimized by racism or discrimination they tend to be more sensitive than groups that aren't.

    The question is when are the claims valid in a society that is trying to move beyond it without addressing it head on?



    There was no question about Lynch's innocence. He even returned the $20 when it came back on him.


    With Ben it's not so cut and dry. We just don't know.

  8. I have to disagree. If I'm a coach, I want players to go all-out to make plays. McK has good return talents, so I trust him. Too bad the fumble happened...but I can't see preaching aggressiveness all week long, then telling players to put the brakes on. I guess that's poor strategy, but I don't care.


    No offense, but if you're the coach you're chillin in the unemployment line w/ DJ right now.


    Aggressive is great, but when you have the game in the palm of your hand you don't take a chance like that in an attempt to grind out an extra yard or two.


    That deflated the team and they never rebounded from it. One of the worst losses in the history of the franchise.

  9. But, using the line "you are the racist one, because you think everything that happens is a result of race" might be one of the most deafeningly stupid points I've ever seen someone make.


    Perhaps you're too deafeningly stupid to understand the not so subtle point. I'd be happy to explain it to you but somehow I doubt you could comprehend it.

  10. In Mr. King's MMQB column he stated if Ben Roethlisberger is at fault he needs to grow up. This was of course on page four of his column. A two time SB winning QB is accused twice of sexual assault and he "needs to grow up". There is no other way to describe how the media is treating this story other than pure racism. I am white and I can see it. Marshawn Lynch is a "thug" because he had a gun is his car. How many Bubba's down South have a frickin gun rack in their truck. San Diego trades away Cromartie because he has 7 kids - all by consensual sex. Larry Johnson makes some anti-gay slurs and he is vilified/suspended. All black, all non-crimes or minor at worst. If you are white and a QB apparently 20 year old girls are pieces of meat. Peter King has a daughter for Christ sake. I loathe Michael Vick but as others have said before he would have been better off commiting rape than killing a dog. Unless of course it was a white girl. In which case in Atlanta he would have been lynched.


    Wipe your p.


    Stop whining about racism. You sound like a sniveling little btch.

  11. Between Levitre, Hangartner and Simmons we're respectable at the interior and that's not even counting on Wood. If he simply recovers on schedule it's one of only a few places on the team where we could actually be good. Instead of wasting limited resources on overstocking a solid shelf I'd rather see the Bills improve more important areas of the team to make them potentially "good" as well.



    If Simmons is up to form I can go along with that. Does anyone know his status? We could still use some depth in case the injuries start mounting again so we're not calling up guys on the couch.


    Hangartner has a great head for the game but I've seen him get plowed over and breezed by too many times to feel confident with him at C. When Wood comes back I'd like him to take over for him.

  12. In the last 12 months we've allocated more of our resources to the interior of the OLine than to any other area of the team. And now you guys want to spend a bunch of money on another guard?


    bad fans.....




    Can't focus on what you've put in the pot, you have to look at what's in your hand and right now we have 1 good interior lineman who we can count on for the season. Bringing on some help, especially if it can be had at a reasonable price and without having to spend a draft pick, makes good sense.

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