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Posts posted by jwolf02

  1. For what it's worth, on that 17-18 yard scramble against the Pats that Fitz eventually fumbled on, he was noticably limping and I even said something about it at the time. So, while I guarantee he could have played if this was a meaningful game, I'm also sure Gailey and Fitz aren't manipulating enough to fake a limp on a scramble 7 days before the next game to set up a start for his backup.

  2. You got any better ideas genius?


    Says the guy who calls out the dude who only says +1, not the one who called everyone clowns (which was, of course, accurate).


    Yeah, I have a million better ideas than freaking out over one bad game and reaching for Mallet with what is now a top 5 pick. They include, and specifically start with drafting to improve our front 7. Other options would be emulating the best team of my generation and trading down to a comfortable spot to get a guy like Castonzo, Carimi, or Nate Solder, and using the (gasp) extra picks on the front 7. Then I'd use the second rounder on the front 7 again unless Newton finds his way into the second round.


    We already had Drew Bledsoe. I don't want Mallet in the top 15 let alone the top 4.

  3. Both sides are overreacting as per usual. Fitz is NOT a franchise QB as many on here would have you believe. Nor is he a bad QB that others will have you believe. He's average to slightly above. But look at the games he's played against good teams and you'll see the truth. He makes bad mistakes at the worst possible moments. He doesn't have "it". He's not clutch.


    But he's not the biggest problem on this team by a long shot.


    I think we would just be arguing semantics but I would argue that he does have "it", he just doesn't have the physical tools to be a "franchise" qb. But how many "franchise" qbs are there? Brady, Manning, maybe Rivers, maybe Ryan, maybe Vick? And I think you could argue that his games against good teams - first NE game (picks and all), Baltimore, Pittsburgh - don't lend to the truth you're going for.


    I just think... Luck's the only QB worth drafting in the first two rounds. Otherwise, get this terrible defense up to speed.


    But, I agree. Slightly above average guy that isn't the biggest problem on the team. Even when he fumbles on that 16 yard scramble.

  4. I love how everyone is ganging up on Fitz. Yeah, those were two TERRIBLE ints. But he's also made some good throws that should have been caught. Still, a bad, bad day, and if he was like this all the time I'd agree.


    But he's playing against the number 1 gameplanning coach of our generation with no TEs and 3 Udfa wrs + a 7th rounder to throw to, on a day where everyone on the board seems to agree Chan is calling the worst game of his life.


    Yep, that should erase everything else he's done this year. Let's over react and reach for Mallett in the top 8 picks.

  5. That TD should have been intercepted by two players before it reached the Bronco. He did have another pass that was dropped in the endzone but that was a crappy pass, too. He looked like garbage to me, except when he ran, which everyone knows he can do. The TD run was great. The reason people don't think he can be a good NFL QB is because of his mechanics and his abilities as a passer in the NFL, and to me, he looked horrible.


    And safe to say, his "new" delivery was gone. Huge, winding motion today.

  6. Good post, and I'd add that I'm looking to see how the oddly emotional Whitner performs tomorrow after the news of his contract negotiations. I say oddly because while I really do respect, appreciate and admire his emotions being on display and believe that he truly wants to be a Bill- which is something this team needs more of- I can see it being like a breakup you didn't see coming, when you think the person is just as into you as you are them, and therefore you turn those positive emotions into negative, apathetic, near childish emotions. I could see him coming out half assed and laying a dud tomorrow.

  7. Obviously Fitz has all the intangibles and a lot of the attributes you've mentioned, but the thing that impresses me most about him is what a cool customer he is. You watch him before a first drive, during a time out, after a bad drive... he always looks the same. "Just tell me when I'm going back in." He never looks fazed or overly frustrated (at least after you give him about 30 seconds after an INT)... you can always see the football wheels turning. I think, when we do make the playoffs, or at least be in a big playoff altering situation, he'd be totally ready. Not overwhelmed, not nervous, not intimidated. I think that's a big deal for a QB.

  8. I am too lazy to find it but I must say it was not until I saw ESPN and they went over the success that coaches have had working with Ray Lewis. I was shocked, any coordinator or even position coach that has worked with Lewis has gone on to find success.

    I would like to find that coaching tree again, but have been unable to do so.

    I respect the player he is but think he is a murderer who got lucky.



  9. I think the argument is that when there is continuity for a QB within an offensive system and with a coach, it becomes easier for that QB to experience success.


    The quarterback can build additional layers of competency upon a foundation that's been laid in previous seasons.


    At some point a quarterback can probably "put it in autopilot" if they've been in a system long enough. Certain tasks become second nature.


    The stability and the constant repetition would seem to me to be a big advantage. Mastery and understanding is only achieved through repetition.


    The other reason I excerpted that quote was because while there are a few quarterbacks who've endured instability in their NFL careers (Alex Smith is another one), Trent has had to deal with instability during his college AND his professional career.


    That's something that hasn't been mentioned very much around here and in fairness to Trent, it's a significant bit of his history and it should be mentioned.


    It might be spin but you could actually say he's overcome a good deal to have started so many games in the NFL.


    And I'm not a big Trent believer. But IMO that's a bit of an uphill battle that he's had.


    I completely agree and I wasn't trying to argue against that.


    What I was saying is that I've heard that mentioned about Trent, or other QBs, as an argument regarding their success in the pending season. As if, "now that Chan is here for two months, Trent is sure to have a great year." Like I mentioned before, I'm not implying you're making that argument.


    My basic point is that for Trent to get to the point where he's on autopilot, he needs at least a season or so, right? And if he's anything but great this year, he won't get the chance.

  10. From the linked article:


    "There was a feeling in past seasons that three or four people were advising Edwards, with the young quarterback trying to satisfy the last coach he heard. That can happen when you have four offensive coordinators in four years, except Edwards is working on his eighth in nine seasons, dating back to his career at Stanford University.


    "It's almost not fair to judge a guy on that," said a sympathetic Gailey."


    That's eight offensive coordinators in nine years for Trent. Ouch.


    While that does suck for Trent, I never really understood this argument when talking about the performance of a QB this coming season (not that you were trying to make that argument). People always seem to use that excuse for guys as if the 9th coordinator is suddenly make a difference more than the first 8. This is a new system for him just as much as each of the other 8 systems over the last 9 years. On top of that, unless Chan can work some crazy magic, Edwards will probably be mediocre again this year, get benched, and then be on his 9th coordinator in 10 years somewhere else next year.



    But... I sure as hell hope Chan does turn him, or Brohm, into a legitmate QB.

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