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Posts posted by Gugny

  1. I have nothing to add here except for the fact that I walked into a public bathroom Saturday and there were 5-6 completely free urinals and a grown-ass man was on the end pissing into the kid's urinal. Where do these people come from?

    I always piss in the kids' urinal. My theory ... if there's going to be any ricochet of other people's piss spraying back at me ... I'd rather have it hit my knees than my junk.

  2. gotta give at least one urinal buffer whenever possible..in our set up...3 urinals..i hate it when someone takes the middle one when all the others are available..that prohibits the one urinal buffer

    We have 2 urinals (with a wall; one low, one high) and 3 crappers. If I'm pissing and a guy comes in and grabs the middle stall, I just shake my head. Personally, I'm all about the handicap stall, for maximum room. However ... you gotta take the bad with the good ... handicap stall doors open outward. If some a-hole slams his stall door hard enough, it can make other stall doors open. Not much of a deal if the door opens inward. If it opens outward, you need to literally stand up, take two steps and grab the door to close it. And the wall of mirrors is directly across the crappers ....

  3. The crapper pisser annoys me, too. I don't get it.


    The other thing that I cannot figure out is why there are always boogers wiped on the wall in front/on the side of the urinals. This has been common in my workplace the entire time I've been here (going on 18 years) and I've had multiple suspects, but they've all left and the boogers keep reappearing.


    And the custodian closes off the bathroom about 5 times/day to clean it ... but never wipes the boogers off the wall.


    Grrrrr ....


    Is that all the cheaters in baseball did wrong? Just get caught? It's a sad day when people think cheating to win is ok and something to be overlooked. Too bad Lance Armstrong got caught. We wouldn't all know what a loser he turned out to be. And yes you are condoning it, despite what you just claimed. And yes an argument can be made that the cheating made them superbowl champs. Tell the opposing coaches that the other team knew what they were going to run and see how they feel about it. I doubt they yawn

    I don't like that any cheating occurred. I'm simply stating that it's my belief that the type of cheating the Pats* got caught doing is far from unique and far from isolated to New England.


    Bill Belichick never needed to cheat to win. He's a better coach that the guy on the opposite sideline 100% of the time.


    My assertion is that it's commonplace. Just like in bicycle racing.


    Baseball is a different story. No cheaters ever won anything other than individual awards and individual records. It frosts my ass, because those records are ruined forever.


    The Patriots* would have won every single one of those Super Bowls without the "cheating." They were always the best team when they won. And they were even the best team when they lost the first Giants Super Bowl.

  5. What about Belicheat? His record in Cleveland was mediocre. I think the Brady pick and the cheating made Belichick the "great" coach he is today. Is Belicheat mentioned in the discussion of greatest coaches ever if he doesn't win a superbowl? I doubt it. One could argue that all his superbowl wins were tainted. I know others in this board don't agree with me, but I don't think cheaters deserve recognition. I think he should have been tossed out of the league. They suspended Payton for bountygate because they were concerned about the integrity of the game. What Belicheat did hurt the integrity of the game more.

    Bill Belichick is likely the best head coach ever, in my opinion. The cheating crap ... yawn ... the only thing he did wrong was get caught. I don't condone it, but they still had to play the games. The cheating didn't make them Super Bowl champions.


    And it's not like he only won a Super Bowl or two. Does he win all those Super Bowls without Brady? Likely not. But how many would Bill Walsh have won without Montana? I know it's taboo to acknowledge greatness when it comes to the Patriots*, but as a fan of football (not just a fan of the Bills) I can appreciate how great of an organization they are.

  6. Anyone who thinks Parcells is overrated knows very little about either coaching or football. Parcells greatest talent was assembling staffs - one of the hardest things to get right. He's the guy who found Belichick and promoted him from within. Belichick would be nothing without him. He's also the guy who hired Tom Coughlin, who obviously went on to great success. There are a lot of other great hires he made over the years too. He's the guy who took over five sorry franchises and turned them all into contenders in short order: the Giants, the Pats, the Jets, the Cowboys, and the Dolphins. People forget that the teams he took over were horrible before he arrived. The Pats were 2-14 and the Dolphins and Jets were both 1-15.

    Parcells led Dallas to a cumulative 34–32 record and no playoff wins.

    The Dolphins have made the playoffs once since 2007, when he "worked his magic." And I think we can all agree that was a fluke season.


    In no way am I saying he wasn't a very good coach. I'm just saying he's not even in the "best ever" discussion and there are a lot of coaches, past and present, who are were/are far better.

  7. That would have depended on two things happening; first obviously is drafting Brady. Second is playing Brady. There's a very big question about whether Brady would have gotten a shot under Parcells. Parcells had a strong preferrence for veterans and he liked Bledsoe. And it stands to reason that with a different head coach, the stars would not have aligned to allow Mo Lewis to knock Bledsoe's lungs into the 3d row during that September 2001 game.


    Add all that up and you probably have a healthy Bledsoe continuing to get the Pats into the playoffs but highly questionable about them winning a SB, much less 3.

    Excellent point. Parcells loved him some Bledsoe. And he was too old-school to let a vet lose his job to injury.

  8. Well, we will have to respectfully agree to disagree then gug's.


    Can he fall forward for a yard or two for a first down? Yes. Is there anything that he can do in the backfield that couldn't be done equally as well by EJ Manuel (and he can throw too), CJ Spiller, or Fred Jackson? I would argue no. With regard to depth at WR, I would rather keep around guys like Brandon Kaufmann or Chris Hogan. If he is being kept around for his special teams prowess alone....it would be a tough sell for me (if I were Russ Brandon) to keep Smith around for that kind of coin.


    In any event, I don't want to turn this into yet another Brad Smith thread. I will say, however, that if he makes the 53 man roster, I wouldn't cry and stomp my feet. If he were to get released, I wouldn't cry and stomp my feet.

    I don't know why, but I just really like the guy. I won't be surprised, nor will I stomp my feet, if he's to be released. I think I like his selflessness and his attitude more than his actual on-field production. You're right ... not another Brad Smith thread!!!

  9. I hope so. This is the same way we hoped last season when Wanny was picked after firing Edwards. We all thought Wanny was the missing puzzle and he can turn this 'all-star' cast into a dominating defense...In the end, he was even more horrible. There was no Rhythm, no consistency or effort on that team. I hope Pettine brings on a different attitude to this team.

    I will admit, I was one of the "Wanny is our savior," people. I am super-optimistic about Pettine for this reason: He's led a very good NFL defense RECENTLY. Call me crazy, but I think he's working with more talent in Buffalo than he worked with in New Jersey.


    The only thing that makes me even a little nervous is I wonder how much of NYJ's defensive success was due to Rex Ryan and not Pettine.


    But I still think Pettine will be an immediate improvement.


    The Bills lost, maybe, two games due to crappy offense. Every other loss was squarely on the crappy defense.


    I don't think this is a tough schedule at all.


    I will be shocked if we are worse than (9-7).

  10. I might file suit against the local news for their irresponsible use of the word creek. Creeks are moving bodies of fresh water. What the young man drowned in was a ditch that collects urine, spilled beer, garbage and other parking lot run off. I don't know what you call that exactly, but its not a creek.

    If the water is moving, it's a creek, rhyming with leak.

    What the young man drowned in is a creek, rhyming with lick.

  11. The only reason I agree with you is because he hasn't been released yet. In no way did has he produced enough on the field over the past 2 seasons to justify his 3.7 million dollar salary. IMO...there are plenty of players who could aptly fill his role on kick coverage for a lot less money, and we have a wealth of riches at the KR and PR positions. Something tells me, however, that if he was going to be released for $ issues, he'd be gone by now.

    I respectfully disagree. Every time Smith touches the ball, it ends up in positive yardage and usually results in a first down.


    He's smart enough and prepared enough to be an emergency long-term WR back-up.

    He's been more durable than any other WR on the team.


    Having that depth, as well as ST help, is worth his salary. He's done nothing but good things whenever he takes the field.


    EDIT: Adding contract details ...


    7/28/2011: Signed a four-year, $15 million contract

    The deal included a $2 million signing bonus.

    2013: $2.75 million (+ $500,000 roster bonus)

    2014: $3 million (+ $500,000 roster bonus)

    2015: Free Agent

  12. I will have you know I am among the most manly men around...


    I get pedicures about once a year. I need one now. With hay season over, my feet drying out with the warm conditions and cracking from sweating/cooling it is good to have done.


    I am hoping you have already had a massage. A real one. I have a woman who gives a 75 minute massage - but ends up going 90 minutes for like $50. I found her asking around, avoiding that Twitter coupon deal stuff. If you've not got that, try that.


    If you have tried that, I urge you to try a gentlemans facial. (Now, for all the little kids here - take your time to make your gay jokes. I will help... "Yeah? A gentleman giving me a facial? No thanks")... Ok, still with me? Seriously, maybe once every blue moon year I get one. It's been a few years now, but when my body just feels worn out and my face feels like a sponge of goo and sweat and mess I get one. They peel all the junk off, pop your black heads - which is really cool, and leave your face just feeling better.


    I use this, Neutrogena Cleanser/Mask Clear Pore, http://tinyurl.com/lfx4arj It works very well.

    The place where I got my pedicure also does facials. They do not offer massages, so that'll be some research. There used to be a guy who would, as people sit at the foot-drying station, just walk up and give random shoulder massages. I guess the state came down on the establishment, saying they couldn't pay him to give the shoulder rubs unless he was a licensed masseuse. So I missed out on that.


    The leg massage felt incredible. She pushed the pressure points kinda hard, but in the end it felt great.


    I can see doing this a couple times/year, as I battle foot dryness year-round (cracked heels, etc.). I'll look into the facial next time.


    EDIT: As soon as I posted this, I checked my email and had a Groupon for a massage (exactly what you said to avoid). Just thought it was ironic. Don't cha think?

  13. Today wasn't about the Yankees winning or losing...it was about seeing yogi, whitey, bernie, gator, goose, reggie, bucky, willie, ricky, mickey etc....



    Oh and an incredible time with my boys!!

    As a lifelong Mets fan, I grew up in a Yankees household, so I've always followed the Yankees just about as closely as the Mets. The Oldtimers game is on my bucket list, for sure. I'm glad the weather cooperated for you and it's awesome that you got to spend such a special day with your boys.


    Now ... about those pics ...

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