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Posts posted by Gugny

  1. I don't start too many TSW threads and if this one is merged or deleted, so be it.


    Rookie coach. Three active QBs with a cumulative NFL history of less than 10 games through 9 weeks.


    Rookie OC.


    And this team has been IN every game they've played.


    I like the direction. And that includes the entire coaching staff and front office.


    Call me a homer. I don't care. This team is better than its record.


    Go Bills!

  2. Yep. It still is. My wife is the director of a medium size (about 60 employees) suburban library? They staff a reference librarian @ the desk all the time. I am not sure now, but @ one time I think they would lose their accreditation (ILA/ALA??) if they didn't keep it staffed AND with a acredited MLS/MLIS reference librarian. I haven't asked her about all the changes in years... Shop is shop.


    You sound surprised that your wife has that job.

  3. ok, here's one for you....in our work gym we have 3 showers...2 are the stall showers with a shower curtain, one is a shower room with a small 3 foot wide bench, a sink and a shower, all with a lockable door, you can shower, shave and get dressed all in that room. I am amazed how many people opt for the stall showers when all the showers are available to them. Me? I head right for the lockable, luxurious one...that always baffles me...

    In reading many of the posts in this thread, there is definitely an obsession with public nudity for many men across the country. I think it's crazy. And sick.


    In the Navy, there were also individual shower stalls that had curtains (not see through). There was enough room to dry off and wrap your towel around your waist. It was amazing to me how many people chose not to. And there were definite "rooster watchers." They were called right out on it and usually just either played it off or walked away. But then there were the well-endowed guys who would literally point and laugh at the less-fortunate.


    Just an uncomfortable situation all around. I don't get it.

  4. When my daughter was young, we did parent-tot swim classes on Saturday mornings at the local middle school. I'd shower in the locker room after. Well one day I head from the showers to the locker area only to find the back door propped open and the youth football team's cheerleaders out in the hall waiting to go practice. Talk about shrieks laughter!


    There you go.

  5. This one probably bugs me more than it would most, but it really is a head scratcher. On my floor here at work, there are two sets of bathrooms. One is at one end of the building and the other on the opposite end. My office is pretty much right in between so I have a 50/50 choice.


    As you face the doors, one end has the men's room on the left and the women's room on the right. The other end (which I don't use very often) has the men's room on the right. When I first started working here, the first time I went to that second option, I almost walked into the women's room. I don't know if there is any set standard for which room is on which side, but it there should be a standard within a building.


    We have one upstairs set of restrooms and one downstairs. They are both Women-Left; Men-Right.

  6. Naybe he is tired and they are working him too hard! :D


    Why is there a "high" urinal and a "low' urinal? This is @ work right? Is that really ADA necessary or do they intend on hiring midgets and children? I always thought the low ones were for children.


    Not to get off topic, but this place follows every ADA rule out there for fear of lawsuits/workman's comp. There are 400 employees. Each chair at cubicles/desks cost $1,200 because of ergonomic considerations. It's insane the money they spend just to save themselves from having to spend more money on some frivolous lawsuit. Ridiculous.

  7. And he's proven that he's capable, how? In which of his two career starts in meaningless games did he sell himself to you? Was it the one in 2010 where he led the Packers to a loss against New England? Or the meaningless final week game of 2011, when the Packers had already clinched homefield advantage?

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