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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Oh you arent going to be like the other oddballs here and decide that just because they arent who they want there totally against it
  2. Dont think Payton Manning would look like Payton Manning with the line in that game. I agree with you completely. All I am saying....Is give Brohm a chance
  3. I hope we take him and he becomes great so that you will be annoyed and talk about how you knew we should have taken him.
  4. Im with you as long as we dont draft this position. Brohm and fitz are the only two of the three here still. Edwards days as a Bills player are behind him. I thing the offensive minded coach drafts offence and the GM brings in those peices to get a better look at the QBs we have for next year. After that we will draft starter material if need be.
  5. So If he becomes the next Joe Montana it is ok with you but if he ends up lie trent edwards its not. Secondly if he is a football player he has no right voicing an oppinion. I dont care if he is a crack addict, he has the right to voice his oppinion. Thirdly, his mother was incouraged to abort him due to pregnacy issues by a professional doctor. So they in my oppinion have the right to take a stand and say look at us and see how things didnt turn out the way doctors said. I dont think your issue is the whole football thing. If they banned all beer comercials from the SB would you be upset. I would have to sugest that you turn the game off as soon as Focus on the family comes on because i wouldnt want you to be annoyed if he turns into a failure because he doesnt believe in abortion.
  6. Charlize Theron is African American. She is as white as this page.
  7. Oh, didnt think you were picking. This is a good test for him. Hope he isnt too preachy. There are times and places for that. That is not the time or place. But if Miller can advertise scantly women and viagra can advertise sex then the Focus on the Family should be able to advocate a babies right to live. Just saying
  8. I wouldnt consider it so. Just wondering why it is ok to parade around with all kind of beliefs but as soon as one says he is a Christian he is self righteous. When the case is made that just the opposite is true. The basis of Christianity is that there is nobody righteous in himself. In fact the Bible says that our own righteousness is as filthy rags (bible day term for menstral napkins) in God's eyes. It is to that fact that we turn our lives to Jesus and believe in the work He did on the cross. So to say that Christians walk this way is a mis-represtentation. And I do admit that some do, but not all of us. Like the devil guy by the way. Got a good sence of humor.
  9. you say that it is grandstanding and self-righteousness to take a stand on abortion. Love to have that dialogue with you sometime. Feel free to email me. Is there anyway I can give you my email other than on here?
  10. And they should have just kept him. And I'm a white guy
  11. We already have two second rate QBs. Can you tell me who they are?
  12. Russ Brandon works for Ralph Wilson; not the other way around. The owner is clueless and out of touch with today's NFL. That is why the franchise is where it is. The owner is clueless. period! I dont really think he has his right mind. Have you seen his pressers in the last two years?
  13. heard that he was going to wait on the bills situation. I still like him as coach. Let him hire his own staff. Bring in his personel. Liked his "this is the guy we can win with" mentality.
  14. Just read Billick's bio on wiki. Quiet the impressive resume. If Cower doesnt want to be here, fine. Lets get him in here and let him build a winner.
  15. He didnt drop it but he couldnt get throught their girly line.
  16. I was going to say his size and numbers look Benesque. Perfict if we get Cower
  17. Got is on DVR and can send you the DVD. Or is that illegal?
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