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Everything posted by balln

  1. Pretty barf conservative scared offensive play calls by ten
  2. Agree with you.and can add Toney offside. Was it a penalty ? Yea!? Just critical play there bills finally benefited
  3. We need to have options at WR Diggs wr 1 - 11 targets . 4 rec for 24 yards. Gabe wr 2 - 2 targets. 0 for 0 that. Issss. Shocking to me
  4. But I don’t think he is. All the quick hitter screens we can’t cash in against hyper aggressive D he’s not sustaining or whiffing
  5. Back to Allen deer in headlights its over if he throws an INt relatively early in a game. it DEFINES him
  6. Decided on 12 personal instead of what worked
  7. Has nothing to do w that. Have to over come negative plays. Not let it unravel on both sides of the ball and coaching
  8. Bad situationally at football. Once again. Bad 2 min D. Bad TO. Bad 2 min O
  9. Can't run this d scheme when your d backs can't tackle
  10. Classic def TO! McD you moron. SAVE them for your OFF to score before the half ok fair if kc gonna run out clock a bit
  11. Goff threw a desperation softball up the middle directly to Edmund’s who looked very uncomfortable w catching it and then falling to the ground
  12. Has knox been activated off IR? Available to play? Isn’t there a deadline for PS elevations today ?
  13. This is quickly becoming sign OBJ thread. In both length and circular polarizing logic
  14. Again. It just shows McD is not intelligent . Or at least not sharp. You Just can’t have that in today’s nfl if you’re going to win a Super Bowl. I feel bad for him now. It’s obvious. It’s a behind the scenes confirmation of his game day blunders
  15. I love watching BB huffing and puffing. Throwing his arms down to his sides Pickett sucks. And WHAT bad time to be picking in the first round that year. Normally rely on prime non qb talent dropping due to multiple qb being drafted. NOT that year.
  16. These teams are in qb purgatory. And I LOVE it.
  17. Yea flag came out right away. Def good call they don’t call that on Kelce
  18. I usually try my computer and hit refresh and before it loads hit stop! And it works almost 100% of the time
  19. It’s def interesting timing. Makes me think Ty dunne is more bills fan / McD hater and less journalism def more editorial. But there’s def smoke here ppl lets not pretend it’s JUsT a hit piece. the ONLY thing I care about is that it portrays as McD as a bumbling fool and I worry it impacts critical thinking on the fly in big games
  20. Really looking forward to this garbage of a game to get away from the cesspool that is OBD
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