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Everything posted by balln

  1. in the state of new york....like really DUMB / idiot thinking (which i believe) OR complete sociopath (i dont believe)
  2. It’s just too weird to be made up. 9/11 and some of the stuff w Chad hall. It’s just too weird to not be true.
  3. I don’t remember 86-96 being that significantly different than 99-11. But I just find it interesting how close their career passing stats are
  4. https://stathead.com/football/versus-finder.cgi?request=1&player_id1=KellJi00&player_id2=McNaDo00 prettttty darn similar. And mcnabb is crushing the rushing stats. Way lower INT. I know I know. It’s crazy. But I’m just saying. Jim also had Thurman Andre and Bruce and lofton…….
  5. Kelly is probably on par w Donovan mcnabb . Which is really weird to say. jim Kelly was my hero as a kid and was the best qb in my mind. but now w time and stats. He really wasn’t that all Time great.
  6. That’s on Josh to really Up his game attacking intermediate and deep middle. He really shies away from it
  7. Fucck of course he’s returning healthy for bills game
  8. I don’t agree. I’m saying espn media does. There’s some fox worthy podcast espn off shoot maybe 2 years ago that brought up his draft tweet stuff. Here’s one link. Not exactly what I’m saying but I’ll find it https://www.outkick.com/espns-domonique-foxworth-has-a-problem-with-josh-allen-supporters-who-like-dogs-american-flags/
  9. If he’s cleared of everything. No charges no nothing. Then you look bad as an organization for presuming guilt and paying him to sit on sideline when he’s “innocent.” it’s a no win position for bills honestly. It happens to all the teams.
  10. https://sports.yahoo.com/offensive-tweets-josh-allen-surface-hours-nfl-draft-024847843.html it’s bc of this. It’s always been bc of this. specifically the black espn media. Fair or unfair. I forgot the lebron hate too.
  11. Hard to interpret. EPA is too abstract for me. Eye test doesn’t match BUT this is the best evidence I’ve seen that Allen is mvp for his team. And that our coaches are the problem. Or injuries. Or penalties.
  12. Fans / hard working ppl would think so. But I think the coaches probably also encourage them. Especially the bunch of over thinkers we have (Allen). Disconnect. Get away from football. They all have some sort of iPad video access of film at their home they can check out
  13. They all fly home. Show me an nfl team that practices during bye like that
  14. You can’t practice on your bye week….. it’s part of nflpa / nfl Cba
  15. Hurts got it done . Allen didn’t. Can’t apologize or make excuses for Allen anymore
  16. Agreed. We needed everyone healthy and VON to become Von pre injury for us to win Super Bowl. we would get curb stomped vs SF anyway
  17. I hear that. will need their best execution against blitz and man to man. Josh scrambles. And then have something to combat a spy. For the love of god - it’s ok if Kincaid gets 10-12 catches on 14 targets for 100yds+. Do the bills coaches / Allen shy away from the obvious again? Hes supposed to be a matchup nightmare? Quicker against lb. Bigger against DB. How about he’s the focal point. Don’t overthink it !
  18. Chiefs D has been awesome this year. we have so many “miscommunications” at critical times. We don’t get the penalty calls on O. im certainly not counting on the O. so dunno - i felt horrible going into cincy. Felt good about Philly. Back to feeling like cincy.
  19. Bills D is going to get shredded all day long by KC. Will look a lot like unchallenged Cincy and late Philly drives against us. Bills don’t tackle well. Pacheco will have a big day. And we don’t have any immediate win pass rushers other than Floyd who gets 1-2 of those a game. mahommes will RUN all day
  20. Well. Josh Allen as awesome as he can be … just is too darn inconsistent. He doesn’t make the routine play ENOUGH. His ceiling is so high. But his floor can be so low. and the betting public agrees. He’s +6000. Around Goff , Trevor Lawrence , Cj stroud. And just above myles garret and Micah parsons. MVPs win a game in overtime. Dont have miscommunications
  21. I think it’s gonna be a carbon copy of us vs cincy. we will not get any stops I think kc D will feast on the bills predictable “miscommunication” offense / heavy pressure blitz and man to man D. Don’t have anyone as WR to uncover from their DBs bills will have to play a game similar to jets
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