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Posts posted by mabden

  1. 30 minutes ago, racketmaster said:

    Watching his Wyoming games you could immediately see he was a special talent. His arm talent, size and athleticism jumps off the screen. You saw (especially his 2017 year) that he had little to no supporting cast. He played alot of “hero” ball and he loved to push the ball down the field even though he had limited weapons on the outside. 


    What I really liked was the kids competitive fire and the fact he never threw his teammates under the bus for not helping him in any way. No bad facial expressions or complaining. One play caught my eye and it was one of the first games I saw of Allen. It was the Iowa game and there was a play where there was a jailbreak and Allen ended up running around the pocket breaking and dragging Iowa defenders. It may have been a no gain play but it literally took 7-8 Iowa defenders to bring him down to the ground. He fought so hard and would not give up. It’s something in his character and it shows in his play (often good like extending plays to Ivory last week) and other times throwing the ball up to a Jets defender a few weeks ago when he was trying to do to much. He is competitive and has a hard time giving up on a play. 


    I think most of his critics (speaking of Bills fans) had not watched a lot of his games if any.


    Sky’s the limit with this kid. 




    I watched as many Wyoming games I could get a hold of and agree.  This kid is special and a great fit for Buffalo.

    • Like (+1) 2
  2. 8 hours ago, PetermanThrew5Picks said:

    That's true and all. But I prefer that over late round younguns underperforming. We need to address this whole group feels like, and I'd prefer shoring up the interior first. He's below average but not horrible.


    Whatever. I know very little OL evaluation or about our OL. I'll chill with the hot takes and defer to y'all.. they seem so bad on paper but seem somewhat capable at times?? Or maybe it's JA balling out and Barkley throwing quickly. The run blocking ain't passing my eye test and I've been told Mills is okay at that.

    That's a hot take haha. I'll say the legs and reckless abandoness to run of Kaep or early Cam (which is better than Elway's I have to imagine), and basically everything else Favre.. reckless, powerful, confident but certainly not Marino perfect. I guess Favre guts and Kelly guts are the same around here. I don't think anybody will have Favre guts but Allen certainly seems up for it.. 


    Whatever announcer said he is Steve Young.. no way. He's Favre with wheels. Don't get me wrong. That is AWESOME. But he's going to be a frustrating and fun gunslinger. Not a constant league leader of passer rating, but a gutsy gunslinger that hits more home runs than he makes crippling mistakes (which I'll imagine he'll do a lot of both)


    I don't see Randall Cunningham though.. he was like a slippery water bug while Allen gallops tall like Kaep. He scrambles and doesn't read option, but it's completely vertical running like how Kaep gashed the Packers.


    As much as I like Marino (wanted the Bills to draft him) he could throw the ball anywhere on the field, but he was not perfect, what he did have to go with his arm was Duper, Claton and an All-Pro Line. 

  3. If we are picking in the Top 10, I would pick the best available TE/Center/Tackle, If that means trading out of the Top Ten and getting another 2nd rounder, so be it.  Next pick is Tackle/Center/TE, the 3rd pick is Tackle/Center/TE  After that, BPA.


    Foster was 7 of 8 and is playing really well for a UDFA and is not the problem.  Zay Jones took a step back today (maybe the headlines went to his head) and McKenzie is OK but too small/lightweight to last long in the NFL.  Clay caught 1 ball for 6 yds and dropped a potential 1st down catch. 


    WR position needs some help, but it is not our most pressing need.

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  4. 3 hours ago, mattynh said:

    I dont know if anyone else felt this way but this was an awful game to watch, constant penalties, a lot of them questionable.  I think penalties have been trending down but this game brought the average up a lot, it was horrendous to watch.  Any time something happened, there was a 75% chance of a flag.


    Add in the wrong calls for a fumbled punt putting the jags on the bills 16 when he was clearly dbc and the td call giving the jags 6 pts when the receiver was dbc at the 1.


    Both those calls gave the jags huge advantages,  luckily replay corrected those bad calls.  

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