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'64 Bills

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Posts posted by '64 Bills

  1. Thats right I said it! Schoebel is gone and so is kelsay. Denney stays due to Special Teams. Ok everyone blast me now. In a few weeks I will say I told you so. And in week 5 jauron will be gone too.


    Kelsay, Denny, Schobel etc. will remain as long as DJ does. I actually think that after an embarrassing loss at New England and any type of loss in the home opener there will be a change - just a hunch!

  2. how long until they field a competitive team?


    for a real NFL organization, it would be about 3 weeks after they replaced the clown show in the front office and hired an NFL caliber coaching staff - all of which shared the same basic philosophy of dominating the line of scrimmage.


    the team has enough talent to compete - but not when they are not prepared to play in the NFL.


    not hitting in training camp,

    not practicing outside


    these kids deserve better than the bottom of the barrel coaching the are now getting which results in them getting embarassed


    gee- another 3-4 defense and Trent still does not have foggiest idea have to attack it.


    maybe if they practiced during training camp, they could devote a few plays exclusively to the 3-4 :huh:


    you are so correct about being UNPREPARED. After all the OTA's, camps and pre-season games this team is unprepared game after game.

  3. while i wont deny that i'll find some personal joy if he fails, my overall satisfaction would be from the justification for the Bills FO to trade him away.


    its true that no one could or can really know what he's going to do in Philly, or even if it will accurately reflect how he would have played in Buffalo. But given his "effort" ever since signing the big deal, I think the Bills got the most out of a bad situation.


    ive always argued that i doubt the Bills ever WANTED to trade away their LT, but for everyone who bags on the FO about it, they didnt have much of a choice. THANKS TO that player and his agent.


    without a doubt, i would have LOVED Peters to have stayed in Buffalo, gotten paid, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY play well through a long career. but the FO had more than enough reason to question if that last part was possible. they were confronted with a tough choice, and in the end decided to not risk handcuffing the entire franchise over 1 player who hasnt proven anything yet. and really, all he had to prove in order to get paid was that he was (not only) willing, but EAGER, to show up and work hard.


    i ask you, who in there right mind would throw that much coin at an employee who even failed at that simple criteria?


    as a Bills fan(atic), here's to hoping that Peters absolutely tanks it.


    He and Dockery are so similar - -both love the money more than the game. That's sad.

  4. could poz could have a year like Bryce Paup did that year he won AFC Defensive Player of the Year?



    we haven't really had a dominant force in the middle since Paup. Fletcher was amazing and i think we let him go too early, but i understand we're trying to get younger and establish leadership. but the bills do have history of letting good players go too early...........Flutie for Johnson is a good example.


    Paup was allowed to rush in a different scheme altogether. I can't see the Bills vacating the middle like that. Don't forget they had Bruce too!

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