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'64 Bills

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Posts posted by '64 Bills

  1. I told you so, after the season opener. I am so sick of the g*ddamn negativity on this board, in the media, etc. because of a few pre-season games. Have they looked bad? Of course. But I've been watching football long enough to know that the pre-season is not always a perfect indicator as to how a team is going to show up and play in Week 1. If they march down the field and score a TD in their first drive, then all of this time you people have spent whining and complaining will have been for naught. I live in Denver- do you have any idea how bad the Broncos are going to suck this year? Everyone says on here, "we'll lucky to win five games this year." Then how many are the Broncos going to win? Our talent level is so ridiculously superior to theirs. But I digress. I'm not predicting a victory in Week 1, but I am predicting that the offense will look a lot better than it has in the stupid pre-season and we will put up a hell of a fight on national TV. Now all I wanna know is, who's comin with me...

    i do disagree with the statement about the Bills talent level - I think compared to play-off teams we are pretty weak. BUT - I've followed the team for all 50 years and of course I'm coming with you!

  2. I can't imagine the mood here and for Bills fans in general. I guess it depends on how long are starters play. If its all our backups then it doesn't matter I suppose. I would think that they would want our first team offense out there for as long as possible just to get some positive attitude going.

    I just can't imagine that happening. It's almost like the Bills scheduled this game for the final pre-season game at home so things would look good! If it does I can't imagine DJ not being on a tight, tight rope by who ever is in charge these days!

  3. My Dad and I always had to watch the Cleveland Browns games on Sunday's - - that's all there was on TV. Then, the Bills came to town - my town in East Aurora - and we went to see them practice at the Knox Polo fields. When I saw great big guys sweating, knocking people around and fighting in practice I was hooked. It was a rough, tough mans game and these guys were actually getting paid to play football. I've been hooked ever since - - it's an addiction and I love it!

  4. I am not saying anything 1 way or the other, but I find it interesting that our Starting Offense after tomorrow's game may have gone the entire Preseason without playing 1 series together.


    Sure, most were there in the Hall of Fame Game, but Butler was still missing from the lineup. T.O. hasn't been there every game since and after tomorrow, it looks like the entire offense would not have played 1 series together the entire Preseason. Based on what Jauron has been saying, it looks like many, if not all starters will not be playing much, if at all.


    It may be nothing in the grand scheme of things, but for this team with all the new parts, especially on offense, not having 1 series together, it is definitely worth noting.

    I would bet there were very few regular season games last year where the 'first team offense' was together. Peters hold-out, Peters injury at the end of the year, Lynch injured, Trent injured, Preston for Fowler etc. Some teams can make it through that stuff - - maybe a lot do - - but - the Bills really have a weak overall starting roster and getting to the 2nd string is a disaster!

  5. I tried to deal with WGR last year regarding some promotional items they wanted to "purchase". It turned out by "purchase" they really meant trading. If the got 10,000 license plate holders with WGR 55 Sports imprinted on them they'd give my company X amount of free commercials. The station really has no legitimate sponsors during the 3-7 PM period. Everything is a trade - back doctors, physical fitness equipment etc. The 'personalities' can make extra money by setting up live, remote broadcasts. We're talking $200 bucks or so at best. It's a very cheap operation. If they didn't have the Sabre games they might just revert to a music or political talk station!


    Not only the show but just check the content.

    I agree. We had it made not knowing the Empire Sports network would crash and burn with Adelphia. We also had another radio station that did all sports to compete with WGR. It was actually during an Adelphia press conference that was carried on radio locally in which the whole question of unsecured loans became public. That started the fall.


    Thanks for sharing this!

  7. Lou Saban was a unique (eccentric) individual. To say that he was peripatetic is an understatement. He was not able to control the volcanic eruptions of his emotions. In hindsight, it was not so much that he quit on the Bills, so much as his querky personality compelled him to move on when he got frustrated. He must have had at least 25 different jobs and 25 different moves in his career. I could understand why Ralph Wilson at first resented Lou Saban walking away from the Bills, but taking a long term view it is obvious that Lou Saban was just DIFFERENT.


    Lou Saban and Cookie Gilchrist were instrumental in the Bills winning a couple of championships in the AFL. The right thing to do is to honor their service to this losing organization, even if it included some controversies. But Ralph Wilson is the type of person to hold grudges. He is very petty and doesn't tolerate anyone challenging him, especially if there is an issue over money. No one who has followed the team should be surprised at how Ralph has behaved toward his former employeees. :flirt:

    Jim Kelly was of course a former employee. I often wonder why he seems to feel he has an inside track in regards to buying the Bills and keeping them in Buffalo. Maybe Ralph made him a promise?

  8. It's about time that we saw another Jauron thread, it's been at least what? 4 hours?

    Well - when you think about it he is the TOPIC! They're not going to fire all the players or Modrak or Brandon - - so - - -

    DJ seems to be a good organizer but with less than NFL quality players all over the roster and a weak coaching staff - - that's not enough. GO BILLS!

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