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'64 Bills

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Posts posted by '64 Bills

  1. not sure why this distinction is not being more fully explored.


    Dick made it clear Alex will call the plays


    but they will have a running game guy and a passing game guy


    Alex will not be the "offensive coordinator"




    the last time the Bills tried this approach- one of the "guys"put the other's head through a wall


    can't wait until the fun starts

    oh so true - - this should be interesting!

  2. Not surprised. Schonert isn't a genius OC but Jauron made him the fall guy. Jauron is vanilla, conservative and just plain retarded. Jauron is an idiot who is a terrible coach, a terrible game manager and a terrible decision maker.


    I'm so friggin sick of Jauron. We have a young, talented roster that's just loaded with potential for great things. We need a real coach who can put it all together and utilize the immense talent we have.

    I would bet Ralph had something to do with it also - - DJ was scared - -the way they were running a 'no huddle' was dumb! It doesn't speak well for DJ's ability to hire qualified assistants!

  3. Hard to do in the NFL when you have zero threat of a real air attack. Teams will just continue to put 8 or even 9 in the box until the Bills prove they can throw a pass more than three yards downfield.

    that's what I see also. With a rather weak and inexperienced OL what else can they do?

  4. This team has more talent than last year. Last year we were 2 plays from being 9-7. We should've beat Miami at least once, and threw away both Jets games. We weren't that horrible, missing Schobel and others.


    I don't care about anything till Monday Night Football. I think Jauron is a pretty smart guy. Look for some surprises. I'm not a huge fan of Turk or Perry, but time will tell.


    Bring it.

    I guess you're right - - TIME did tell - - and itwasn't nice to the TURK!

  5. I think of Marty in the way I think of Chuck Knox. If you have a MISERABLE team (think Detroit), those guys can make you competitive. Maybe get you to the playoffs, after a few years. But that's pretty much their top-end.

    I have to agree. Knox couldn't get the RAMS to the SB - Seattle either. He can get the most out of his players but after that the tank is empty. Maybe we need that now - -

  6. I think he needs to concentrate on calling lots of play-action, and downfield passing plays, and get Trent away from the excessive check-downs. If I were AVP, I would tell Trent, "Let 'er rip!."

    I agree - -poor Trent's career is fading fast in whatever offense we're trying to run. Open it up.

  7. Is this just another example of how screwed up this whole organization is? So we fire an Offensive Coordinator who shouldn't have even been brought back this year after last years disaster. We let him stay the entire preseason and install his No Huddle offense, and only his No Huddle Offense, no huddles all training camp and preseason. Now he is gone, we bring in a nice guy, probably a smart guy who has what one or two years as a QB Coach, and give him the offense with 8 days to prepare to play maybe the best team in the NFL? Are they going to try to put in a new offense with a little over a week to do it, or stay with the No Huddle that hasn't worked once in preseason? Either way it is bad, bad news for Bills faithful. This season is destined to be one of our worst, without a doubt. What is wrong with this organization? Over the last decade, they have made very few moves that have made much sense. Is there any hope for us and the Bills, or should we just stop routing for them and watch games as if we are watching "Two and a Half Men", just for the entertainment value? Does anyone at OBD have a clue?

    I have a sick feeling no one is really in charge anymore - -too many layers of 'power' spread all over and getting a decision from Ralph is very difficult these days.

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