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'64 Bills

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Posts posted by '64 Bills

  1. The reason I ask is because this seems to be a topic that comes up all of the time with my friends. He is as polarizing as JP and Flutie were but he is a SAFETY! So I am looking for my fellow TBD'ers to settle this for my friends and I. And please, save the, "Why does it have to be pro or anti?" Because, everyone I talk to and read on these message boards seems to have a very strong opinion on him either way.


    Me personally, I wish I saw what other Pro D's see but I think he is limited. I think Anti D crowd has to get over the fact that we passed on Ngata (When Ngata scored yesterday I got about 4 phone calls saying, "HE SHOULD BE OURS!") But I think you call a spade a spade, he is small, limited in coverage and is simply just not an impact player at all. He is an average safety.

    I applaud your sense of reality - -it is what it is!

  2. This preseason game is going to tell us a lot more about the Bills than any other.


    Hopefully we have seen the worse. Can the starters get much worse than what we have seen? It has been pretty bad so far this preseason. I can not wait till the Bills are at full strength with T.O. , Maybin and Byrd all starting ... Maybe the losing will stop.


    I am tired of all the excuses by the coaches. So far they have been totally out coached...

    The team lacks aggressiveness ... They are in no way cohesive on offense of defense...They seem to be to laid back like their head coach.


    The coaches have to remember... this could be their last year ....


    This Sunday we should find out if the most important player on the team can step up.... if not, we are in for one very long losing season again......Go Bills ...

    I think this could be the MOST important game of the season. IF we don't show toughness and an ability to compete it's done - over. The player's will get that and realize it's not going to happen this season. A very bad message and very bad feeling!

  3. Here is what the Bills need and seriously lack....my opinion.


    #1 The Bills lack the ability to be feared on the field as a tough physical football team that takes real pride in punishing the opposing team. Headhunters, smash mouth football, stick um, punish them, take pride in hurting them.


    #2 If you love the coach then you need to play hard for him, show him you want him around, help him keep his job. Why, because you like him! Practice hard, play hard :lol:


    #3 A head coach that will not accept mistakes, poor play, dropped footballs, off sides, fumbles etc.

    No player should be named the starter for more then 1 week, if you screw up, the 2nd string guy gets his shot! No exceptions! Robert Royal is a good example of a player that should have lost his job to Dereck Schouman or Derek Fine!

    If you want that big fat new contract, then you will start all 16 games!



    #4 The ability to develop a feeling of invincibility, the confidence that no team can really beat you. All great teams have it and without it you will be no more then average! The game is never really over, you will somehow find a way to win!!


    I believe the above are the key, and so far, I don't see it! :lol:


    You guys that have ever played football or been a head coach know exactly what I am talking about!


    -DIE HARD 1967

    good post - you've said what so many of us think!

  4. thank you for the positive responses. thought i would get flamed for posting this on here, but i was quite happy about it.


    mine looks a little different than the one in the link, but it is in mint condition. it will be hung in my office, along with my old piece of astro turf from rich stadium, signed by polian, levy and wilson.

    I've got a piece of that turf too - - - at the time it seemed a little silly - but - who would know that would be the peak for the entire franchise. Sad but true.

  5. By "OK", is/will he be wearing a cast? Is the wrist broken? Will catching the ball be impeded? Any linky thing?


    I'm having haunting memories of Rob Riddick @ Tampa Bay in '87...

    wow - you might be as old as me - - - -Rob Riddick was a guy similar to Fred - - same type of talent but really never given a shot to be the 'guy' at RB!

  6. Everyone jumps to conclusions in the first 3 weeks of the season. SB contenders are declared. -And as usual 70% of the teams looking good the first 3-6 games of the season look like hell by game 9. And vice versa.

    There are a few sure bets..NE and uhmmmm....hmmm..I really meant a few. The baltimores and the Jacksonvilles and even now the Colts and the Cowboys.You don't know if these teams are going to be 12-4 or 7-9. Even PITT could end up 8-8 this year.

    well - if the Bills finish like they have the past few seasons - -badly - we'll be looking for a new coach and staff.

  7. Who says it won't be long term if it is successful? AND what exactly is "lowest of the low" about it?!


    The no-huddle has been a "gimmick" that has been run (yielding both success and failure) since is inception by the Sam Wyche and the Bengals in 1988.


    "Currently the Indianapolis Colts with Peyton Manning ,New England Patriots with Tom Brady, Cincinnati Bengals with Carson Palmer, and more recently, Atlanta Falcons with Matt Ryan employ their own variations of this approach."


    Offensive and Defensive strategies are constantly being reused and recycled (see the recent re-emergence of the 3-4 as a more popular scheme.)

    very true - I just hope they pick-up the pace.

  8. There has been a lot of skepticism about TE's ability to stretch the field and that he is "Captain Checkdown". IMO, these arguments are valid. However, I think a lot of these issues stem from lack of confidence in his receivers. He doesn't seem to like to force the issue, as often he has gotten burned, which in turn has gotten him gun shy. In reality there is some truth to this. Last year, Lee Evans was double teamed often as other teams knew Parrish and Reed are #3's at best. Throw in the fact we had Mr Fumble at Tight End who was a drive killer, Trent's options were limited. As teams have recognized that the team throws short, they play tight coverage, exacerbating the need to check down.


    Insert TO. In the past 2 games, TE has been effectively using the same offense as last year, albeit we have an improvement at tight end. When you add TO to the equation, all of a sudden you are going to open up Evans dramatically, meaning TE will be more comfortable in throwing the intermediate routes. This will also make Parrish/Reed more effective as they will play better in the slot. Once TE gets more comfortable throwing the intermediate routes, his confidence will improve and he will be willing to take more riskier passes, which will in turn spread the defense, meaning the receivers will have looser coverage. In essence, you have a domino effect.


    His talent is there. If TO stays healthy, TE will go from Pop-gun to cannon relatively quickly. But QB is a confidence game and any doubt will kill him (case in point Rob Johnson).

    I am hoping you are right. We certainly need something to pick things up - new line or not!

  9. Lets be fair already, looking at the organization, the talent, especially on the OL, and the defensive side of the ball (excluding Jauron's obsession with corners) this Buffalo Bills team is a 5-7 win team, tops. Sure T.O will bring us some interesting moments, but I have zero, and I mean ZERO confidence in Jauron and for that matter, Ralph's Circle Of Trust.


    Having said that, pass on the 'I am done with the Buffalo Bills forever' posts. I did that and it was moronic. Of course we will be back, the Bills will never, EVER leave our system (unless THEY leave Buffalo themselves, that is a different topic altogether)


    I for one have made some good friends and acquaintances over the years because of my allegiance to the Buffalo Bills, and for that I am grateful. I enjoy the anticipation of watching a game at a Buffalo Bills bar, or going to a game, the tailgate, the times you enjoy with friends or other Bills friends who become friends for a day, or you even become friends after that.


    Enjoy the beer.

    Enjoy the food.

    Enjoy sporting that JP Losman jersey if all of the others are in the laundry (You know who you are)

    Enjoy the tailgates.

    Enjoy singing Lets Go Buffalo after a touchdown, win or lose.


    Will I get pissed off at the Bills this year? Oh yeah, but now I will take a step back and realize: We are damn lucky to sit back and enjoy a day of NFL football. And even though things might look bleak for the Bills, I will still hope that every offseason, they get it right somehow, like buying a scratch off and hoping to win $1000.


    Till the bitter end, Let's Go Buffalo!


    I'm a very old, long-time fan and unfortunately I'm feeling the same. But, maybe instead of hoping so much for a good, respectable year the team will surprise me by thinking they will stink in '09????

  10. Lots of talk recently about the Bills vs the 3-4. Here is an interesting stat:


    All 6 division games this year are against 3-4 defenses

    All 10 non-division games are against 4-3 defenses


    Has any team ever made the playoffs at 10-6, yet been swept by their division?


    Wow - great question. I remember the Bills took the AFC East in '89 with a 9-7 record but I know they won 6 games in the division ( 5 teams back then in the AFC East). So, they won just 3 games otherwise.

  11. Isn't everyone just tired of hearing that we cannot get a REAL coach and/or football mind in hear cause Ralphie will never pony up the money.


    If the disaster that all of us think is going to unfold this year does happen and the old fool decides to go the CHEAP ROUTE as usual, why just take this totally pathetic franchise out of town. Go to another city, but you lose the Buffalo Bills label and the NFL stands up and do what they did for the city of Cleveland.


    Bring in an expansion franchise (the new Buffalo Bills) with much much more competent ownership.


    I know that this is won't sit well with WNY, cause it could take a long time to get a team back in Buffalo, but aren't we all just completely tired of the HOF owner (yeah right) being on the cheap for quality front office personnel.


    The only 'expensive' coach Ralph ever hired was Chuck Knox. Basically quit on him because of the way player personnel was handled and the lack of a training facility. $2 mil less for a HC means $2 mil more for the owner!

  12. Im pretty sure we already know what kind of a team the Bills are going to be....a sub .500 team


    Jauron will not be fired during the season and will most likely be back in 2010 unless something drastic happens like a 3-13 or 4-12 season so get used to him being around


    I really think he'll be gone after a NE blow-out loss and a loss in the home opener - - -Brandon will threaten to quit.

  13. I share the blame. I've lost the faith.


    me too. It's sad but I don't see hope to be competitive. The fans at the games are different too. More interested in the 'party' than watching football. So many of the season tickets sold here go to Travel Agents and ticket sellers across the US. It's a cheap ticket and great for fans who can't get in to see the PATS, STEELER'S, JETS etc. Walk through the parking lot for a 'sold-out' game and you can buy tickets at face or less.

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